Fine quality lin en, al hand envbroidered, wit*h band rolled edges. Men's linen handkerchiefs with whipped edges and hand drawn threads. N 1 New Fai ,GLOVES Fine quality capes5kin gloves for youùr fait costumes! Black and brow*n. Sizes 6 to 7'/2. FABRIC GLO VIS 55Sc New fait colors. 6 to 7W2. Sizes Ascots, triangles, andi oblong scarfs effects and acetates. in novelty knit Also new collar and cuf sets. WOMENS BLOUSES Beautifuil Panne satin, crepe, and acetateS. Sizes 34 to 40,-8 8 c I I eather sokog, bellows Sizes I knif e pocket. 1936: iscoized j gue, and 23 QCTOBBR 15,