.;À,, &V Dmuner Plates Cups and Saucera Soupae pie Plates Fruits VegetaebeDithes Platter Gravy Dish, Sugar aild Creamer .88 lnclading 12 Peeces of Cuit Crystal'Sternu'are Fine imiported china-Royal Bayrenth, Baranuýan, and other famous makes of dinnerware, together with 12 IoveW crytI iuni'eon goblets or wine glasses.$2 8 V ELV ET$19 Soft, lustrons velvet-a quality that selis elsewhere at a much higher price! Black, and many smart new colors. Limited quantity -50 shop early Smart oxford sb#pe with border type decoration. 32-Pc. Set (Service for. 6).....5 for 8) .Iii....f 55-Pc. ... i (Service for 12) .... Set (Service 94-Pc. Set A Complèe.Lino of HUNTERS' SUPPLIES j CALE Splendid n grounds, si 36" wide, and .n both yard id dark nts. Al Buiy On~ Our" Easy' Payment Plan Imagine can be - diapered, and- put to Bleep just like a real a doll that fed, bathed, baby! 10 inchea blgh. Layettes, 79c to $495. 1 25 0 CTO0B ER 15. 1936