The advance sale of tickets for the series .is iuch greater than.the com-, inittec had antiéipated, according, to Miss Baker, and many of the reservations are being made for smllparty groups. Mrs., Bernard Fallon of. livanston. is 'Planning a children's theater- party iii honor of, ber son i)avid's tenth birthday, and Mrs. W. V,ýanderpoort, Gathany of 'E vanston, b-as also'reserved a bloc of seats . for a iiînber of. you ng guests. Mrs. Harold W. INormaîî of Bani'îockburn (Deerfield). has arranged for the. entire Bannockburn village school to see "Mrs. Wiggs of, the Cabbage1 Patch." Other children's 1arties are being given ýby -Mrs. Howard Kruni of Kenilworth, Mrs.,Keninecth Fox of Glencoe, Mrs. Robert aratof Wilmette, and Mrs. Elmier Rieh of Chicago. Benefit Recreation Fuad Ileavy Acivanced baae Pontiac automobiles is tne voley ma-nv makes their owners have Motor Sales with handsomne. andseîftttae ron otasan spacious showroomfs on the corner ýBuicks. The Foley M&otor Sales alsoof Sheridan Roiad.and, Spanish Court. maintain a complete. service departIn selectinig the Spanish. Court loca- ment' with. convenient. free pick-up tion the.Foley. Motor Sales sought a and delivery service ail over the north showroom whiich would ýbring traffic. shore. A complete stnck' of authorfromu both the north'and the south ized *Bickandý Pontiacparts art Toloif Photo Thev Noith; Shore Congregation Israel ýof Glencoe wpill have as gi est. specaker. at the'Suiday, 1msorning serv'ices oai October '25, "Me Rev. Charles ilI. Heimsath, (aboz'e) mnliskr of ithe Firi. aptisI 1r4li of Jit'(EflstOfl. This season of children's plays proDr. Hleinsath is one of the uutstandfessionally produced by the Clare ig Baptist ministers ini the United Tree Major players who were at the 'tates, and through his frequent conStudebaker theater last year, is plan- Sr ibutions to such leading periodicals as ned te benefit the college's recrealarpers :and Christian Century he has tion fund. The series will be coinchieved distinction as a writer on p4eted by "Pinoccbio" on Noveinber I a(nportantwide subjects. 20 and "Toby Tyler" on March 5. The services at the N~orth Shore A view of the e.rterior of t/he spacious PoIeyj Motor Sales localcd, enipl.e start at 11 o'clock. Road in Spanish C'ourt. They aiso have a 'ised carlo She ridas bc host, to an inter-school student couincil assemibly to be held Nôveniber 21. Alice Hanson and John Frankel, co-chairmian of the interschool relations committee of the scliool's student council, will be ini chiarge of arrangements. Representatives of ail the highi sclhools in Chicago area plus the nortli shore high schools from Evanston to Waukegan will be hivited Superintendents of the four village grade schools and of New Trier Mjgh school met this Thursday noon at Skokie school, Winnetka, in one of a series of monthly meetings t6. discuss mutual .tional Those who att Matthew Ga Misner, Winn C3onfer on Problems Sheridan Road Location asnluciec in their garage for storagle purposes. At Corner of S>auish Court For three years the Foley Motor Located directly on Sheridan Road, Sales has found .that their location hundreds of motorists daily pass it in Spanish Court, and its accompanyand are attracted by the display of inýg advantages of ample parking beautiful Buicks and Pontiacs which space and the main arterial .highway occupy the showroom floor. lof Sheridan Road, a. conrtibuting That.their. location. alone has con-1 factor to their growing business.. Mr. and Mrs. James Chambers, 408 hoîiv uest,; the pait week-end Mr. Mrs. Percii hadi as her h( Pa. 'I. *East RaiIroad avenue, had as tlieir stock avenue, alid Mris. William Mirphv anîd Rav IMiss Eleaiior Sargenit of Waterloo, Towa.