Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1936, p. 28

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Ralph E. WVitsiepe and is comprisc:d of about 200 ex-service nien, a largce number being niembers of Post 555. Veterans of Foreign Vars. ,whIichi las sponsored plays for. the past e years. Mr,. Witsiecpe is commander of thatpost. Th e àassociationi, which isleopenti aIlexservice men, is constructiiig a menoralbuilinig on McCormnick bôulevard. the play Ir,beîfg given,. is neadeu 1», wno are ýthe co-chiriIVI111toi ii. west of .Northl)rook, it was aniilotlimed this week. Mr. Schelter has operated i'r4oili Curtis airport for a number of, vea:7s an& bas developed; a large olowi où, the north shore. It is ýexpected hY :suchi a mnove that lie will bte able to increase b is activitiesin the way of. .eleMeitarv and advanice traiinig a nd in conjunction with. future plans, a C.C,. SNYDERPIC 1743 Sherman- Avenue, Evanion GrRE.nleaf 7141 business m an who pilots hiýs own sbip), has also mnoved to Sky Harb)or., H., Aý. Kunatb. of the. Sky Harbor airport announcêed this wcek the cillargement of tlle hangar. the renova-: t'ion of the runiways,,. ad*the esé-tab-, lisbment of a luncth room in the club bouse for patrons. guests. and employees, as part. of. the.ý prograni for. the near future. DEmICER* Preparation :for winter flvinlg bias' l)een start ed this week by Transconltinental& Western Airy at the coiniany's maintenance base ini Kansas. City, Mo., wbere de-icer equipment nlow is being installed ýon aitl TWA skyliners. *While the mid-west' was lhaving After the gaine there w'ilI bce a baniquet at the Orriington hiotel. wv Hal Tottenl, nationally kiiown so)okr t ainoun.icer and commeintator. will 'qct as toastmnaster. Lt will, be Mr. 'I'otteni's (lutv to *11 troduce arnong other personiali t*v>. Mr. Elmer Albrightoni, president -if the1 Northwesterit aluin.i asso-ciation., who will address the gradsand iii1 d(-r grad.s. Uri Georgte P. E1lis, chairnmnl of the Alumnii Dad's dycmî~L will also be 'à,oîîig those at ýl1t i \Vadorf spe akers' table. 'Coach ,vnn anlnembers of- the footballv.1: l)anqueteers. Campus enitertaijînîctîit. featini i1)g the stars of last seasoni's\a show. will l)e on- band to itrpra- bit of the sotg- aid (lance. .. lifi will -furnî4i Aspergren's oceta u nmusic through the (limier perioid. Dads dav silver cups wMili he given,, at this, timie, onie to the fraterniitv an(l onie to the sorority baving 0-, largest inmber of dads iliiatnî at the baniquet. Thiere will also be a p)ep ,sessj'o-- aii<1 dance at the EdIge\vater Becach. iAt 011 Fridav nigbt. -M' COMPL9TE. HOME FURNISIIINGS ur Home Decoration Service., Dur men are Your neihbors, your friands, use o our succeàss is this service (withouf charge). and experience of years have trained, Noyer have we assemblej a more wonderfüaI showing of Drapery Materials. Popular mohair Material Exquisite sun-proof 50inch prints Exclusive chintz Casernent clofh Glass curtaihi Alupinum Venetian blihds Orne Year f'o Pay Consoidate your purchases to UPHOLSTERING Perfect Slip Covers W. excel in bothi Finleit Workmanship). Al .furniture is stripped to the framne. Besf& of, findings are used. oui, upholsterers ar>e thei most experienced. When returuîed to you your furniture is bette"' than when you bont.zt 4alilhiînd btîlt. it. It W onie of its. warmest, summners, TWA $50 or more. Pay on our iberal payment plan. Broadloom cipts Living roorri chairs Maffresses, box springs Our Slip Covers Have No E quai inechanics were, experiencing a psychological comfort in installing the rubber "ov'ershc6es" wbichi prevent the formation of ice on the 85-foot wvings of the giant sky-liners. Tbe. rernoval of this equipnient carI' ini the spring folloNed a wintcr of bighiy successful operations 011 this liue ini the niatter of controlling the formation of ice. on planes. TWA -wilI repeat it,ýpreýcaultion AGAIN IN KENILWORTH .\r. aiid Mrs. Lorenizo C. Dîlks of this winter ini the installation of the 227 Sberidani road recetntly ruttnînic1. perteto ' i'.I n Loper.au., to try VALVOLINE T/e, Original Pennsylvania MOTrOR OIL * Ribber Overahoes In adIditioni to the rubber 'overs!hoes" whichi are iivstalled on the leading edge of the wings and tait surfaces of TWA planes, a propel-, ler de-icer unit wili be installed on al enzines of .the transport planes tîsed 1w) this company. STUDI ES AT DETROIT This device was .developed by, TWA Andrew Russo, son of 'Mr. and base . in Kansas its So eadquarters at. successful was the nerforin- NIrs. C. Russo, 526 Sixth street, XVilCity. Fia., wbere they rernodeled their home this sunimer. They canic back to Kenilworth on Labor dav and nimaiiièd here for less than a ve before taking a trip to the. west coasi by' wav of the Cattadian Rocki]es, and)d home by wvay -of Los Angeles andl thtu Grand Canyon.l 54 911 Linden Avenue, Winnetka 5S6 installation of de-icer eaiuinmenit 0o Milo, Burcham, expert stunt flyer, al its skyliners, is 1anlother of TWA's ,irecautions te reneat its bigh tper- .s. staying at Sky, Harbor until, the formance recordthis coming seasoný. Miami air races in December. Y r

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