NEW TRIER SUNDAY IVEN1NG CLUB 1936-'37 Seasois .New Trier High School Sundays et i7:». . October 25 AMELIA EAXHAkT, on "The Latest in Aviation.", Nov.mbeii MARGUERITE kIA ,RIUSO0N, showing "Grass," unique movie *of a primitive Persian tribe in, actual migration. Novembe 8 HOWARD VINCENT. O'BRIEN, on "AIl Things Considered." JULEN.BkLANwith movingý pictures of -New japan-the Island Empire." November .15 MRS. THEOD)URE ROOSENovember 29 Decomuber S VELT, j X., with mbving pictures. of "Tiger-J.-unting in Asia." DR. GEORGE E. VINCENT, on "The Pain of Thinkîng." VILHJALMUR STEFANSSON, witli pictures on -The N~orthward Course of Empire." leadoer in tne a&vertis ing f iel1d , and who for many yeëar s. was outstanding ini the Iyceum bureau has etiterprise, been president of the Sunday Evening club- sinice its i#cepfion. w. F. MeOure .M ir. McClurie and other north shore leaders bave been instrumental in bringing to this coninnt famous statesmen, preachcers,=lcuers, travelers, explorers, auhrpoetsand dramnatists. He bas pikwie resented mnany of the foremost singers, -choral, and instrumiental g roups on the Sunday Evening club programs. In recent years -motQin pictires have appeared frequently on the programs, and the advent of the sound films several years ago resulted in a great variety of presentations i which the audiences could "hear" as well as "see" the fascinating depic.tiens of famed travelers' experiences in far away lands. This season Mr. McClure bas assembled the. most , imoressive arrav MvWILLIAMS, on "Alaska, ar Last Frontier.". Jamuary 3 CAPT. JOHN 1). CRAIG, with moving pictures of "Along Jungie Traîls" *WILL DURANT, on "Is Progress Real.?'"> *~jauary 10 December 27' DAý I on c Qt -"TheJ peniber 1