Please Display Your Ghest Poster! Noétable inicrease in the mount subscribed by the prospects* sôlicited -by Edwa rd A. Zimmermnan an'd t he AdDedication .of New Chapel W11l vance Gif t comùmittee for thé' ComFeature Week of Spebial Ob- munity Chest has set, thie pace for contributionis to the Chest this year. More than' haîf of the subscribers have increased. the size of their conBeginninjz Sunday morning, Octia- tributionsand màanyý who during the, ber 18, the Feirst Presbyterian churrh. years of the:depression have been of Wilmette willI celebrate the Silver unable to give lare giving this year. Aniniversary of its organization %-,ith A. generous subscription f rom a a program extending ýthroughoiît tli'." Chicago buin ess man who' is soon to take up his home. in Wihmette, with This church w>as organized after -a the .assurance that when he does careful- survey of the. -commun:ty, move, tothe: village he. expects to. which disclosed that there were forts - do, more, gave impetus to the movefour families; of- Presbyterian back"' ment to increased giving by those ground ready. to join: such- a churcth. who already, reside here, according to The church was organized il thie Mr. Zimmerman. The Advance Gifts Congregational church of W.ilnieLe, cQmm ' ttcee is expec ting to close i' s on Sunidav. October 22, 1911. F~or a work this eveninig with a record 'subtime services were hield ini the WVil-. scriptioni from thls special ist of mette Woman's club. Later aý churcli citizens. was built. This church building wvas destroyed by ire December 19, 1929. Dr, Lane to Give Course Will Dedicate Cliapel A new church building is now Ini for Wilmette Teachers process of completion, the first story Dr. Howard Larie, . professor of being in use, and some other parý.S 'educatin at Xorthiwestern uiversity of the building being. in temporarv anid child study director of the Wil- Ail homes and places of business that. doeflot have displayed the poster issued by the Community -Chest. indicatinig .they .have: .Woôrkerg to Comb Entire Vilalready sabscribed are 't be can-r lage to Secure> Fuîmdo Noces. vassed today. by the 400 workers wbo #are :soliciting. ,Thé :entire, sary to Reach Goal village, has- been divided into districts .aiid workërs have been ineEnthlusiasm -and anxietjy mixed at structed to caîl at, every home the Community, Chest workers' meetwhereno subscription is recéorded. ing, Wednesday night at. the Wom-. ChairMan .Henry Fowler says: ."If an's club. The campaign passed the you want to see.- Who's Whlo in three-quarter mile post ini the race. Wilmette, *who the people are for $25,300 to finance the ten1 social that carry their fair share of" cîvic and 'welfare .organizations of Wilrespon.sibility, look for the posters mette. The more than 150 workers ini the windows." present1 were elated -over the en-. couraging reports that had corne f rom those who solicited. Many -in-. creases in subscriptions, ia.i addition Polie Are Ordered to to others who in previous years o~f Stop HaIIoween Pruiks the depression «were -imahle to eôiiBecause depradations have ah-eady tribute, but who have given this begun in the an'nuual Hallowe'en carn- year, helped to swell the total., ival of property destruction, the poNeed $7,5WS t. ft..*iGoal lice department was instructed by The anxiety was due to the possithe village board at its"meeting Tues- biiity of the abandonment of day night to strictly enforce the or- Chest due to the agreement of the dinances against malicious mischief. board of directors, that unless the a Chief Cloyd McGuire reported that minimum of $25,300 was subscribed, he has already organized the re- the Chest would be disbanded. Unserves and is prepared to handle the less the $7.500 vet needed is raiseul situation. In. the discussion a eall pYse -. t..Prsb.. ... voJ. y and university credit is to be given, cago,. atnD.t.henPrv s.byryofn Cho- a 'as explained. Dr. Lane was head will. maketr.he dreS. Bon wo of the experimental 'summer school Condition of E. C. Cazel l ae te adek f ctvijin the village this year. Is Reported as Improved Other services of the week include RETURN TO VILLAGE a World Service Night on Wednesday Ernest C. Cazel, 723 Tenth street, evening, with motion pictures ini color Mr. and Mrs. W. H. B. Stepherns prominent Wilmette dru ' t and forof a recent world tour and an address and their son, Brice, are 110w residmng by Dr. James E. Detweiler; a Home ln their home at 619 Central avenue Coming banquet on Friday evening after an absence of two and one-baîf at 6:30 o'clock. which will be attend- years. .Chest drive, told the workets last. night: "Our results thus far indicate that victory is entirely possible, if those who agreed to make the canvass will complete the work assigneid by tomorrow night. We bave fouid that people will give but they have te bc asked. I wish we could convince our citizens wbat a: help it would be if they sent ln their contributions voluntarilv and did flot await the tcsd1 serious traffie hazard, and, might lead to major accidents. The police department w- s instructed to enforce the ordinances. Jewel Food Stores'.. 12, 13 Lakeview Quality 'Market ............ 9 Mellody Faems Dairy. .10 Schulze, Van Deusein's ..... 4 cfore thie end of The future of vv AUUmLLV e.uA11Aunit Wilson&GCo.,.........19 Witor, Geo. B.: lne..14, 15 Y,Chest hangs in~ the balance today..