7 40 * avery:hiing f e hPire dace, Chleago. Phone ordera promptly cared for. Amuirons. 11remets, soreens, baskets, Vlult our show rooms - largent ln gratep and sierod mantels. lghest qua!lly materlala at iowest prime. P'lreplace furbiabluga of pollithed or antiqlue brans,, wrought 'Iron and blaek. Ato complot. lUne of electrie lfireplaces. Dlapiay room open 8 to> i. dally. 9 to 4 R?furnIv. Pr.. parking. becoming one of the nost attractive home sections in Glencoe. Richard, C. Evans. of, Evanston ex-, pects to move witbin a few weeks, into bis ne w seven room, tbree batb res.idence, at the-soutbeast.corner of Skokie lane and Woodlawn. Benjamin H. Larrabee, also Iof Evanston, expects to break ground sbortly for an early American brick :and f rame residence of eight rooms and tbree batbs. *Mrs. F. . Reynolds, formerly of 1020: Bluff strèet, Glencoe, recently purcbased two lots witb a frontage of 126 feet and plans the con struction of a large borne for Spring. Modern Home Designed to Jiliminate Dructgery Modern conveniences eliminating rnucb of the çrudgery in daily bousework is incorporated in the New American Home at Michigan avenue as and Roosevelt road. Tbe borne built by tbe New American Home committee uider-tbe auspices of the Federal Housing Administration. tbe borne "~The task of is a minor > 14AMP e, Radiator Enclosures our personal atte'ntion. buyers ini that type of real estate. The pick-up in residence property and niew building activity bas been evident for the past 'two years. The L. C. 0db Realty company, 933 Linden avenue, Hubbard, Woods, has sold for A. J, Pullom, the business block at the south east corner of Linden, avenue and Gage street. Itwas purcbased, for, an undisclosed consideration, by:U. J. Dii, of Dini Brothers' Sweet Sbop,,934, Linden avenue. Tbe building comprises two store rooms and two* apartments, al under lease., Mr. Dilni said hie purcbased the property. as an investment. His business will be continued at its present. location, wbere it bas beeni for the past five years. . Tbe Dini Sweet Sbop, bowever, was first opencd fifteen years1 ago, in tbe building whicb Mr. Dini recently purcba.sed. Evaii»toniant uy B.uilding. Mr. 0db also reports th at bis company sold to Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Grahain, of 540 She¶ridan road, Evanston, the business property at 907-09 Linden avenue, Hubbard Woods, and the garage and apartment building at 658ý60 Center street, Winnetka, both sales being made for tbe Winùetka Trust & Savings Bank, trustees. He tben leased tbe latter property for a period of ten years to the Northwood Cleaners, Inc., now located at 584 Lincoln avenue, .Winnetkà, who are making extensive. alterations in the ANDERSON A stomaiic Jlumidiflers - & FOV AL Air Conditioning Units 64Deerpath Ave. tepresented ln Wtimelt-e Phone Lake Forest -508 rdware Co., In Whinetka by Vie' leneo. by Wlenecke Hardlware.' and impuirites." The miodern residence bas an ailelectric kitchen witb appliances arranged so that the- bousewife canl work witb a minimum of effort. The refrigerator, rantge and cupboards a re built into the walls, elirinating dust pockets. three-story' brick building, comprising two store rooms, one public garage and four aparttnents, ail of which are under lease. Large Residence Sales In addition to the foregoing, the Odh Realty com pany reports a large. number of sales of residences.'and residence vacant during the past feëv mon ths. Mr. 0db, witb Chris Christensen-, of Higbwood,. under tbe firm nine of Orfh & .Crensen, are bhildinzr resi- EATING SERVItCE CO. 819 Oak Street WinntI. before the Realtor broleers on preParing a sales plan for a single-, famnily residence. M'r. Matthewswill lead a roundtable on new seiling -plans. duriing the past month. The gain over August is 22.5 per cent and over -September, 1935, 'is 50 per cent. The First Federal Loan of Wilmette is an affiliate unit.'