*F. 7E andi above the dollar volume for the inonth of September, 1935. 'The large percentage increase in nutmber of parcels sold bas been due especially to, the in-» c rease iii the sale of vacant property.. Details of some *north shore sales. recenitly closed by Baird & anr are given below: *A., * * * ibaston Sale% 11.,Brown sold the 6 rooni bungalow* at 2232, Lincoëlnwood dive to .mr. and Mrs. Williami G. Cl.ark. Baird & Warner, irepresented by R. D. Cunninghain of the Evýanston office, 'were the brokers. Legal details were handled by Mir. Scott,. 69 West Washington -Street, acting on beba fthe seller,- and Mr. CloyesPr 0il buildiîng,,acting on behaif of thé purchaser.> G. Talbot sold, thé 2% story stucco. house at 2410 Pioneer road to M.and ýMrs..Cliails L. Floyd. Baird & Warne r, represented -by W. R.' Pietsch of the Wîinetka office, were the only brokers. Legal details ere handled by $hanesy &Hobbs, State Bank, building, Evanston, actig on bel1alf of the seller. .Mrs. Bertha »egener sold the 8 rooni résidence at 721 Central street to NIrs. Helen Corley. Baird Warner, ieprs;ented by A. K. Sinith of the Evanston, office, were the only brokers. Legal details were handled by Mlr. Alger, 5612 W. North avenue, acting. on behaîf of the seller, and, Edward M. Herman, 134 N. LaSalle :stireet, acting on behaif of the purchaser. L\r. and Mrs. Raipli B. Bagley purchased the 10 room residence at 1047 Forest avenue. Baird & Wamner, represented by Raymond H. Johnson of the Evanston office, were the only brokers. Légal détails were handled by Edward Walsh acting on behaif of the seller, and J. E. Beech, 512 Lakte street, Evanston, acting on bebalf of the purchasers. Wlnette Sales Mrs. Clara F. -Erler sold the résidence at 1118 Forest avenue to Robert H. McElroy. Baird & Warner, represented .by Mrs. Vesta M. Didriksen of the Evanston office, weÉe the only brokers. Légal details were hamdled by C. M. George, 33 North Clark street, acting on behal f of the seller. Mms. Helen H. Schuyler of Seattle, Washington, sold Lot. 13, Blockt 4 Indian Hill Estates to Herbert C. Johnson. Baird & Warner, represented by ýW. McLaughlin of the Winnetka office, were the only brokers. Erwin A. Blietz sold the 8 roomn residenrce.at 2003 Ppechwood gvenué. tn THIS HOWYOD .CAN-CD ANDSEE -YOUR FUEL BILLS CRANE BOULER HELPS PAY FORIISELI Why Jet your money go up in smoke any longer? A Cranie Economy Boiler can end that needless waste for .you. Here's why. Light a match and hold y our hand beaide it. It just feels warm. But if you place your hand over the flame ... it's hot! In both cases, you were burning the That's what usually happens with an old-fashiorxed or an inefficient boiler. You may put enough money into fuel, but much of it can be wasted before the heat gets to the rooms of your home. You may shovel dollars into the furnace door and only, get pennies back in heat value~. Why waste money like that?' You don't have to. A Crane Boiler can Save ýà big part of it for you.. enough water over the hottest part of the boiler.. That's .50%7, more surface that absorba heai and flot just warmnth. You're paying for hat ... why not get it? "Our new Crane Boiler holds the fire longer, gives more heat-quicker, when we want it. We're flot burning as-much cool as last year.'- brick ýpt to Name .......... 1 . . . .. . ..... .... co'.. Branches and Soles Offices in One Hundred and Sixty Cildes$ VALVis. FITTINGS. FA.SRICATED PIPE, PUMPS, HEATING AND PLUMSINO MATERIALi representea by [B. G. rIetruuIoI m Highland Park offIce, Wè!re the only brokers. James E. Allen gold a vacant parcel on Ridge road te Arnold M. Thorsen. Baird & Warner, represented by Byron Adres....................... .. . ...... Sae Seit HE LATES? TCRANE PLiuMEINs AND lHEaTiNe IN THE NV1W AMElRICAN HOME, iCHligAN AVENUE AN OEETOAD0