874 Center Street, Wimwutka 225 GENERAL SHEET ME TA iWORK A IR ,CONDITIONÎNG JODRING 8&REPAJR S Siate- and Tile ROOFING w jSHOULDJIBUY oe ciples are kept in mind, a meeting of tninds at a place fair to both buyer and seller should be easier and more homnes owned witbout anxiety. Building contractors should avail themselve8 of the "Service" 9ffered the 7 car 'round'hw Buiera' Service. uiiathe R. P. Travelietti is the architect fo r the above rcsidcnce to Iue buit in Silitet Ridge, for Blo This house of simple Gcorgian design is a white brick veneer residence with tule roof. uice-president of Skilsazw, Ic. ost ht ifl nsui.aeioni. Ii con tains ten rooniis,.thr-ce alid one-haIf< baths, zcbs fer t*-c4fdiItfin, gâs 1zat, anîd ilth Drvevway Mateial Garubu Rocks, Flagatun. isybox Sand, L&wu Limne AN OLD HO)USE OR A NEW ONE? be about $150 example above. vill a year more than the old, or, say, $12, s are a monthi more. Depreciation is another item of rshave DuIIders' Service UNC. By Clarence E. Drayer .(North Shsore Realty) Proihablv nMost niiwhniuseý Pro per Surrouadings for Children Factor in "A merican Home" Nearly everybo<ly wants a new house. That is natural, but flot al*ways wise. As Scott discovered, rnost of us buy tbrough emiotion and then rationalize our choice. Take a iiew and au old house of the same volume, the new bouse will cost about twice what t he old bouse ,will appraise. Cost of good new orIdina'ry construction today is 40 cents a icubic foot. Thle old house will ap- month more -than the 01<1 house. So. $20 X $12 +$20 =$52 more to carry the new house than the old. Is it worth it? Ves, if you can afford it and are satisfied with the location. Caveat Eanptor New speculatively built liouseshotises built for sale-are not alwNavs %vellbuilt. New and untried builders have corne into the~ market and some accordand Roosevelt ing to Stuyvesant Peabody, chairnian of the New American Home committee, whicb sponsored the building of the home in cooperation with the Federal Housing Administration. Taking heed of statistics that 34,500 person were killed due to accidents in the nation's homes during 1935, the New American Home conimittee decided to make. its bouse as safe as It will cost the owner of the new bouse about .$20 a month to pay off this $2,500 ini 15 years, whicb would not be very mucb if that were aIl. But taxes on. the new homse like the L;arryi»g L.UUts Thbe- new holuses are ahead of the old 'in plan, facilities and appearance. But if buyers are inclined to disçount tbe old bouses too much, owners are inclined to hold tbern too high. If the, above thoughts and prin-J ficient natural, ligltit nto thei thro% illumination Artificial c6ntinuous path of lighit on tbe waysand halls. The garage, at ous source of accidents, fias li1 eacb corner to give even illimi ition without shadows.