UNI. 6886 WIL. 1660 HOL. 6886 iowing ouys, are ealled to your 1112 ELMWOOD AVE., WILMETTE.. speclal attenUjon A lovely home, cftnvassed walls, enol. rad. French winidows, copper gutters, tUle bathsi 'lot 60x1.5 bdrms., 3 bas., $15,200. 2430 LINCOLNWOOD) DRIVE - MÉODERN 9 mi. French Provuola 795 VERNeON AVE., GLENCOE. ATEAST WILMETTE. 4 B3EDROOMS, 1 brick:* 4 Ige. mnaster bedroon; tractive English home, 4, bdnms., bath$, oillheat; being relandscaped wooded ya&rd, 80X233. Rg-r. valand redecorated. Probitbly $75iwilli take 3 bas., pà,neled solarium, open Pcb., ue. we. R. Johnson, HoLi 185, ait least to May lot and $85,after that. ou ht.; 1.50 Gre. 1855. Not ,for sale. Ready November lst or HIIGELdAN» PARK. A SMALL HOME 2229 CENTRAL PARK AVEWU-ý sooner. Architectural gemn. Beau. Eg beautifully situiated on over ,an acre' lish brk.; 7 levely rnis.;,wood of yard >and gardens. 4 bdrms., 2 lot 701160; unusual lUdme.,, bas.., open' porch snd terrace. LoWant* offer. Mrs. Didriksen, 5231-Winnetka Ave. -Winn. 81-Wil. 819 1571 Shermnan-Ave. cation is excellent,' near sehools Evanston, Illinois and transp. Price $19i606. lins. Ho]-. 18556re 85. 47VTXZ3-jtec Rog. PIc.,2616 Uni. 2600 WiI. 2602. Mead. NOW READY TrO BE SOL7 roorn brick, 2 ýbaths on- 2nd floor, $85 Sec> this beautiful, elmoat oni6 rôoon brick, 3 glassed Porches, 2 tule EVFEN -TIME WILL FIND IT HARD pleted Cape Cod home cf O ah' 29Davis Street, Evanston to erase the fascinatIon-the air of .bathe, $90., conditioned roonis on popular EXCLUSIVE AGENTS,. 8 room framie, modern,3. baths, $100 distinction which surrounds this lovely Gqreenileaf,1166 Beechwood Ave,~ No. 2212. East Wilinette , Kenilworth 3740 6 rooni trame, nicely fumrnished, $90, home. Plenty of $11500 B.Sm.teh, Wnn. 70 111LýN,23-ltc 7 room trame, excellent location, Weil rooma., pienty of baths, servants' Bni. 1855. kiuarters, every modemn convenience.* Large fumnished, $100. 7 RM. MODEUL PRAME, CAPE COI) COLONIAL 1 BATHI, LARGE CORgrounds more. that you'd expeet for near completion: 5 ris ., 1% 1 nier' lot. Near Eim St.' station. $5.500 $40, 000. or will rent at $50 nionth. tule batha; air eonditioned; at340 Lidefl Ave. Wilmete44 Ilere's a hidden taehtd. garage, Mes roi*, treasure in East, Kenil- Mo der Colonial. 6 rnis., 3 bdnnis., 2 97LTN2 3-lte Winn. 2700, Brn. 1855. worth. It neede, like. a diamnond In baths. Very convenient. $13,500 or the rough,. a littie attention to its ex- $90 ruonth rent. terior, wiiich ls flot in keeplng with its MOST ALL 0F OUR HOUSES IIAVE lovely interior, 1240 ASH- ST.--6 ROOMS, to transfo.rm It Into a 8 rm. Colonial - S. E. Winnetka. been cut for quick rentai. Gct a bar- house of outstanding 5 3 bedrms.,ý 1 bath; 75x187. beauty sud value. *bdrms., 2 baths, 2 htd. porches, library, gain now wlth a "Fuller" list. $11,000 - easy ternis. Wlun. An eight rooni trame, 3 bath. Large, att. gar. corner lot 59x149. A real, bar-. 2700, Bni. 1855. grounds-goin--going-and soon gone 351 LINDEN AVE.-9 RN. BRICK dma for only $15.000. 407 LINDEPN AVE. ii t*rbn WILMETTE 437 Engllsh brick, 4 bdnnig., 2 baths, 10 t. 97LTN2-1tc lot. Excellent Hubbard Woods loaSEE US FOR A FEW REMAINING 421 Richmond Rd. Keniiworth 5288 tion. $22,500. 744 1 desirable rentais. $65 and Up. :RK. il 1LTN23-ltc TCT-FV'c D1V, 725 Elm St., Wlnnetka Winnetka 3500. ýRIPARIAN NO, SALES CLAUSE, 7 Room Modern Brick 97LTN23-ltc "Rent Investmeint Home" Modern Englishb bick honie on fine corner lot* in Winnetka. 7 rn., 31,1 baths, terraced porch, breakfaat rn, 2-car gar. Only 02,200 cash required. Balance to b. * paid. over . a- terni of 139 nMonté~s. Cail for, appointment to see tii or any of our other 'Rent Invëstnient,Honies." Evanston NORTH SHORE REALTY DESIRABLE HOMES Inc. Wilmette. THE BILLS REALTY, mc.. R. M. JO}fNSTON & CO. RENTALS REDUCED *Winnetka FULLER & PICKARD SEARS REAL ÈS'rATE Mrs. Fuller & Wmr. Pickarcl E. SAWYER SMITH vu. beautiful p jiiiuoer,, hte "w. oil neat; 100 fot wndateohhe,2cayrogaragetcea jroonand bth, lay rom, utsd, aetc. 3 baths, out ht., -&. recrea. --rm., fe io sandy beach.a-car Oinly gar. $60.000 grounds. Excellent value-$115 month. -the iowest priced riparian residence opppitunity Winnetka and available November lst. 269. 97LTN23-ltP on tfie entire North Shore! Call Mr. Buckmaster. IF YOU WISH TO RENT IN E. WINN. H~\~~ sec this 7 mri. hse. for $65. HEIN EN R AL-YCO. 1 EAD CO (ENTER ST. 140 Center Street encoe 206F R.W iae 'taer660 C R B.W Comnpany WVinnetka rT YC Sci __ __ ___ 3250 WINNETKA 254 69 W. WASHINGTON ME D ST., CHICAGO 111LTN23-ltc.RANDOLPH __ __ 0450 11LTN23-ltc EATWINTK.$6.697LTN23-lte, CENTRAL 1-car gar. Nr. schis. Oil heat. Newly east location. Stiperb setting. 4 tamdecorated. Plossesslon now. '%rs. Vernon, hiy bedrooms, slpg. pch., 2 maids' ne., 07 Warwick Rd, Winnetka 3893. bookI rm.. 3 fireplaces. ec. rm.ý, oi ht., WNNTKA $5.6 EAS M. HOUSE. Exceptionally Attractive WINNETKA PUROHIASE, AN AN WH WH M M SIX met ROOM BRICK COLONIAL, completed, nttached arzp BUY HS]I ind Park ln Al -1 BLK. SOUTI-I0O -8 rnis., 5 bed.; 135-foot front-' avation. $25,000r. Sce today. Mr. n. 2700, Bni. 1855.> 663 Vernon Ave. -'.ANN M 000. 303 S 2 156 Center St, JL,-4. &Co. Ih 13 011 Wil. 71IRg wcea lu 4TN2-lt 'ne :a;1194. . ucat, -car ' B.X Wh Lang, *Win- 140 Center Street 11ILTN23-tpi Winnetka 3250 i1lllTN23-ltp Conpany