TWENTY AC~RES, IDEALLY LOcatecl a few mniles West of WIlBARGAIN - $7.000 dandy 6 rm., 2 b. house. Inside Is nicelY déecrated FOR SALE 4tnd ln fine cond. 011 ht. 2 àun rnis. anÙd bath on lot floor. 11,000. Mortgage FORELOSUE holder'wlloeil af icost. 7 rns., 2 N bath bouse -in BE. Wil. Somie frsh CONTAINING AIBOliT THREE one-haîf -acres ln one of the miost paint *will-make à.perfect home. Near active building districts,.on the North eRICJK COLONIAL. - 410,,000. cond. lL"Hu n perfect laite and Shoïre. Would particuiarly. intereet one obathe. Lavw who -wante a w'hole block to himsel! for 3 bdrins., 2 beau:, tue a home ln a veryý fine district at the on lot floor. 011 heat. price o! a choice hundred foot lot on t he east side or to a builder to eut, up WILMETTE 437 into about' 8 building sites of 100 ýfeet -407 'LIND)EN AVE. 111lLTN23-Ite each. Owner refused $25.000 cash A-. 1928. Price nowý for quick sale .$15.000. ESTATES LARGE 0F SE CTION one-haIf and two on snetting A perfect acres surrounded by and EXCLUSIVE AGENTS permfanently estabbished.1 Thise.leaa St., EvanÊ. Gré. 1080, WiL. 228' Davis 30 5 better a secure to splendid opportunity 114LTN23-ItC baths, three bedrooyùs, type home of six library. and excellent' heatina.equipof ment. * If interested, in%-this type to Inproperty'cî for appointinent .. $65.000 OWNER 0P ONE O0 FTHÉ FIN...... spect. Prie est homesites il Skokie Heights, CUSACK REALTY COMP-ANY ~t4n'ough f1ia-nWinneta,715 G1êftôe, là ôoed' 795 -Elm Street cial difhiculties to seli hie lot at l 1LTN23-ltC once ln order to *atiefy creditors. Unusual chance for a bargaili. Brokers' cooperation invited. MARKETJUST PLACED ON THE Very attractive 7 room, brick 4home, bedIocated ln Northeast Wibmette. 530 Davis St., Evans. Gre. 1080, Wil. 228 roonis, 2% baths, sleeping porch. 2-car Glencoe 13 Park Ave., Glencoe 328 to garage. Out of town owner.anxious 114LTN23-ltc 'make quick deal. RAVINE -$ ASOLID BLOCK OF LAND FULLER & PICKARD. McGUIRE &'ORR,' mc. FORCED TOI SELL CHOICEST CORNER IN GLENCOE. N. 'E. cor. Grove St.1 and Jefferson Ave. 112x159 ft. Many fine old tr1ees, beautiful'view acrois Skokie golf course. Wili trade for a home from Wilmette to Glencoe, or will divide and sacrifice 1603 Chicago Ave., Evanston Wil.'608 for 'quick :cash sale. Today's priée Gre. 2700 ýRog. Pk. U636 124LTN23-ltc' $2 1,000. 177 Glencoe LakèeSt. B. B. Clover, 165 ACREEAGE 114LTN23-ltP' NEAR NORTHB1ROOK 1 mile, from station). 100-ft.. frontage wlth each tract. $375 anid up. Terme. FGRECLOSED MORTGAGE HOLDER says sei at onâce, well. located lots, 134 N. La Salle St. Wheeling, 111. -ainple for three bouses. State 0237 54 Phone -PRIME:$7,500 124LTN23-4tp mette. Wagner Road, north of Lake Ave. Partly wooded, high and dry. $1,000 .peracre Shore-Towns'Realty Corporation RJEAL BARGAIN LB.B. Andersen & Co.-, m. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Over 40 Years of Dependable Service 530 Davis St., Evans. Gre., 1080; Wil. 228 114LTN23-ltc WAv-,NTCD -To SUY-VACANT McGUIRE & ORR, Inc. WE ARE IN TIEE MARKET FOR DEsirable bulid1ng bians on well-located: North Shore property. Construction Loans, $5,000 AND UP $18,500 ,PRIN-TE PARTY WILL PAY CASH '50I1trest If securitV warrants. We have s1.eclal funds available for also bargain. a be Muet at least 50x170. comrnitment on new or reimmediate Sunday. or eves. Call Greenleaf 2578 115LTN23-lte financing lbans. McGUIRE & ORR, Inc., ,-.v $2,000 to $20,000 4'h TO 51/2% INTEREST Uni. 0283 Smart & Golee, Inc. Wil. Evanston ~ -RIfAUTITWL 2486 IREAL ES¶TATE Over 40 Yeare of bependable Service 530 Davis St., Evaneton Greenleaf 1080 127A-LTN23-1tc McGUIRE & ORR, Inc. Federal Home Loans ]End Wibtnetti .AN EXCELLENT ESTATE OF 40 acres, half in virgin qak and ory trees. Rolling, picturesque, a ,cluded in section o! great aM Orchard, fine buildings, quaint England bouse, and guest bouse. modern in every detail. Wifl Terms. Trade. Box 26, Barriflgtc 1ILTN Dundee 811-J-4. - Barringtofl District .3.- Overlooking and adjacent to the Golf Club grounds. ..... $2900 and $3,000 62x14o ........... $6000 ........... 71xI85.............. $7000 ........... 82x175 ............. $8500 160x175.......... ............. CHOICE HOMESITES Skokie UIN VA]LUE [ART 283 Evans Now earning better than I11% on invested capital se-, joseph C. Cormack & Co. University 3353 cured by outstanding Chi- 1569 Sherman Avenue 127A-1,TN26-tfc WIE HAVE FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR conservative boans on residenves and Income property. 4 'k % to 6%- interest 5 to 10 years. Prompt service and moderate charges. FIRST MORTGAGES' . offer U50 SL ~ I ES S URO Pnéar E R T depot at WAL. CABINE feet or 100 We benl o n backed chair, one-haîf former price. A splendid ln-. ;n room table, ltýc vestment. R. B. -Whil 10Center Street, Winne 111L' Iln of Iligi5 Iew 'ST 530 UiI ai locaion of Lake count3 Winneëtka 2594 ice one R ,able. UR & OhYIIC. Mc U R c Davis St., Efvans, Gre. .1080, WiI. 228 Brokere' Cooperation Invited 122LTN231ltc Wimette DRESSING TA tress, odd ti reas.1 for gah. *tp