Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1936, p. 6

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ICoome C.umMe kuufy Culture in now, for jour nsw fail permanent, facial, ed boh rfW*oinf. for ýàpp.in$wn.nt with on* of Mur .xçmienced operators. Mr. and Mrs>. Ray C. Siggens:of 829 Park avenue became the Parents ëf their second son, Jamnes, Alfred, on ,September 24. Mrs.. Siggens 'and tbe baby- bave returned -from the hospitaL NqEW SWÀGGB <6mw's tm&h. IEAUTY WILMETTE 1137 CenmialAvenue *7 f«r MiIk Shakos Made frein your old fur oante UAiBA. AND FILE AVKETS OAT» 'PhnateRa teol, I Mrs. Andreze MacLeish of Glencoe, princéipal of the college, from.' 1884 to 1888, received the honorary degree of Doctor -of Lotus Sunday, flfnhpr 11. niRnrbfnrd cnollxi.ub- SHO>P We ore Fanms aSr ISaturdayend Suaday on ithe occasion of the observance of the beginning -of the 901h year of the fanous school. Mrs. Mac410e"_. m. othuee-who ýreceiwd ho morary d*grees last Sunday have bei!enco>nected zvith the college in soi ýme capacity'or other for ian>y yeiors. Ir MacLeish. bas been a strong innce in religious and educational af;and bas been an active xen*:r te Chicago Woman's club for almost a century. [-,4ýLST WF5T 0 r BAN M WiLMETTE S3S"ý completed, it was announcea iast Saturday by Navy officiais. Early editions. of Chicago newspapers reported that. the deail. involved the sale of the airport to the* Navy, but thi swas emphatically de-, nied both1 at tbe Curtiss-Reynolds field, located on Shermer> road between Lake aven .ue and Willlow road,. West of Gleniview, and-àatlIiè headquarters of the ,Ninth. Naval district, at, Great Lakes:,Nýaval, Training statbon. SAs sooni as necessary changes are made in the,-6edd, it was added,; the: presentNaval Reservè-aviation base will be transferred from Great Lakes to Curtiss. Fs*eId To. S$q"l The reason for the change, it was explained, is that the present air field at Great Lakes 1; too sall U o accommodate the ne.w high-powered equipment whicb the Navy department is expected shôrtly to transfer to the base. In addition, night flying. -'t the-base is hazardous. There wil 6e no seaplanes at the base, it was added, although there wilI be one amphibian ship maintained. Similar Naval Reserve aviation bases are maintained in the mniddle west 0 pGreen a Orcbid 0 Blue 0 Borne a GoId 0 PFeaeh 0 Rust Phorne Yilmette Y9 Y4 Thursday evening of last week at theThNvy tsepetdwilae township offices in the. Village hall, about 16 ships at tihe base. In adWinsietka, to discuss various phases' dition, the North West airlines mainof the work and particularly the tains a, stop for some of its Twinwork relief program. Cities planes at the airport. Seymur Omstd, {. elie diec-SuL-Leane Facilities Seymur . Omstd, rlie diecOwners of the field, thre Curtisstor,. subnitted bis report for the Wright corporation, are-not directly months of August and September, involved in the deal, it was added. Inipointing out that the number of, stèad, the Navy is sub-leasing thre use eligible workérs on relief varies frQm of the airport facilities from the fime tn tinw. OUR AD VERTISERS, over. - I and Mrs. 1 'ra:nl Simmons of Asblaiïd avenue departed on ay for a fortnight's motor trip' ,h Wisconsin and. Minnesota.

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