gfo VALVOLUNE aet Ae mtors, lut. Vie 101198 sarvlce Station iiesmotor seril--o Garage Kfferbon Garage Ilndiaàn MOI1Servire statton Jop Lymami'. Servie Station The 011 WeI Servicestation Ilm Evanston A. C. F. Auto, lepair Gostaf sos'. Auto Nptad 's Auto* S;rvire is.' He will flli your crankease, ani from then on you decide for yourseif. If VALVOLINE does tiot give: vou better service, mlore mnileage, and a the lime you usually change is hot iii e better conditiolnthan any oul you. ha% cent ever used. we, wiII refund every the deision up yqu palid. We lae to. bu. (la y.* R.ody, for, Winter? CôId weather will soon be here. You shouhi call us now and arrange for a steady'supply of the. type -of fuel oil for your oul burner whièh will give you greatest satisfaction anti eëConomy. Cail TODAY! a e Multi-motored ail-metal airplae with a payload capacity of 3,500 pounds, were used to start this ininovation Iii transportation. At' first, operations -will be con-, ducted on the TWA , lie between New York and Chicago with inter-, mediate *.stops 1at Philadelphia .andý Pittsburgh. It is expec ted'that the service will be extended froin*Chicago to the West coast. in the. near fuiture, President jack Frye ýsaîd.' Midnight to dawn servic*e will, bc offered in. each direction with departureg from New York and ýChicago laie at, night a1id arrive at the other terminal before the Opening of. business. OM Lef VAiVOLINU Dêmonte he NbaO1* 1s Distributed by PEASTER'QIL CO. 911 Linden Avenue, Winnetka WinnetkaSM6 icernis thi The assiguimelit. of special1 cquipment to.1 the transportation. of -air freight will iniino way conflict with the -o'peratî6fn of the TWA regular air express service. The latter, operated under the naine of Géneral Air Express will be continued and will, of course, commanld a higher rate than the air freighit, as the express consignments are carried from coast to coast on the regular TWA Skyliners. A recent survey conducted by TWA in which more thanl 50,(00 conwere inîterviewed. concerning ndfr .flgl a ir freighit service. is High speed truéks will be used for ground handling. Ail risk insurance may be obtained to cover air freighit sbipmnents at the rate of 10 cents pur $100) valuation,-the low"est rate ev'er qIuotedl for this class ofcoea. .General acceptanice of Oie, "fiyinig li>ox cars." is anticipated by TWA officiais. Shipperisand receivers Ioc ated at l)oiiltS îot served by, airlines alsio wil1 l)eiiefit by the newsevcitc it wil 1 he' possible to effect marked tinie and rate ýsavin gs to hunldrecis of cities thioughi a combination 'of air freighî .and regular air' express. or rail express from junction points. Fftight Planes Vor sOmie lime TWA _officiais have. l)eefl studying the possibility of eniteIring. the air freiglit field anid developnîg19 spécial. air freight planes. EXperimental flights have been coinfor 1 ltCd and niow alis ini rea.diniess the openilg of the regular service. liinreased poujîdage carr'ed bv (;eneral Air Express, the TWA independcnit sy*stei, lhas helped convitice its oicials that shippers now arc ready for air freight service. lui the first eighî nionths of 1930 au ilicrease of 36.3 per cent in expsspouind miles flown was ,,howii ovrthe saine period in 1935. The express p1ound miles figure juniped iroin 214,808,639 to 292,925,286 (an express ponîîid mile is equivalent t0oone »Z~ite * merchandise by air. Rates for the new air freiglit service have been reduced as much as 57 per cent' fromn the regular tariffs charged for air express. The rate between New York or Philadelphia aind Chicago wil 1 be $12 pet hundred ebeee raof ds$s 8 pert heir raeof asaganpet hde airexpress Pitsburgh and New York, $6 per litndi-i qidhgfetwen lines coast 10 coast route, report that new commodities are taking to the air almost daily. The express compartnments of TWA planes now carry regularly electrotypes,- motion pictur<± films, printed matter, floivers. jwly merchandise, style furs, drugs, cotton goods, silks and fab- rics, cosinetics, ready to wear, securities and news photographis. Chicazgn andi up iransportat.10ý,fl IJACK D. STINSPN le 1 tkm out 'Ibis vear's first-issue, whichi wil probably have a circulation of over copies. MO00 WALTER IR. HUSTING Kenilworth on Sunday f rom the east. forînerly of Chicago, and joirjed Mr. Mrs. Powers spent two 'weeks in Ne York and in Summit, N. J., as the Powers, who had gone down carlier, guest of Mrs. Hirold. B. R ei. for their trip borne.