Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Oct 1936, p. 34

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usmem ily for publication, but for cour îie.,-Soch uterial fer medi h.editor by -tîidao nooà go b. lin t. mua *a, curnt lsue. SUJNDAY EvENINO CLUB Nekt Sunday. Octuber 25 the New Trier Sun-dav for a journey througli the variuus buildings which mnake up this modern high school plant. Thev wiIl find tiai the mnercury of their priile ini their cummtinity, wlll ise, perceptibl3'. a"d they will acquire abette'r: tindér.stanldiing of mne, of .bth niagnets which draw honieseekers to'New Trier villages. Our favorite grand opera soprano (favorite bccause she is the' only one to whom we listen), refuses to niake a picture., witb another opera star because, she says, _"one opera star, is eeznuff in one pîcture." We tbink Lily. is "ee-n'uff" in 'am opera, let alone a picture. ýpolitical1 comfmentators are going to A bunich of l>e itui thé am boat, corne.Novemnber 3, in which, -ports writers found thexuselves, whent Mr. Schrnelîig put M r. Louis to sleep. "Gosh, Speck! Do you linow it's almnost Hallowe'en? I.heard soute, of the fellers from Chuck's crowd talking ab)out it after school- today., and they said thcy had been doing tricks for 'two or three nights, and were goitig to keep it up uintil 'Hallowe'ex is oter. One of 'em- aske(l Chuick what they did, and he told ab>out carryiig off garbage -ctns, gates and anything. they could fin(] that wvas loose. Chuck said they %vere just practicing 1p1) for the real inighit, and then they would pull the big stuif, like throwing, stones througli windows; 'pelting people with eggs; ringing door belis and then, when soineone openis the door .smea.ring the iin5ide of the bouse with rotten vegetables; waxing automobiles so that the owners will have to get thein repain.ted. and a lot of other funny things. Chutck askcd tme to go along with, themn, but I1 wo.uldn't do it. 1 (Ion't think that kind of stuif is ftintiv. <do.vouiTell von what let's do, Spcck. Iet's ask, yotir 1011<5 and mine to get up a party for uis. anld let*, ask a lot, of the fellers tu come - soute girl,, toc. Mother's good at telling ghost stories, ait(<l ei she dresses tup vot sure think she is one. And, your dad's a w hiz at tricks, and ni%-(la( liows ;k *lot.of gaies tbat are a world of fuit. Sav. wýe coul(l have a peach of a time. and liot do any hbarfil *at ail. Dad wa, saving at dinner vonighit that the police are watcliing for boys doing the tliings Cliuck w'a: talkiîtg about, and will arrest themi if they are caught. Sav, Si>eck. 1 wotuldii't .want Evening club will' inau gurate its secontd season atr PRTET ROPERTY: its and. auditoriuit. school H!igh Trier the- New Depradations incident to yoiutbful celebratioit 22nd Oithte iortit shore. For tweîttv tecars it was of heHalowenfestival have already bégun. conlducted under bhe naine of V.lutiette. Sunida% causîing mnîy citizenîs to wi(lrWhIat.is On Eveninig club>. Thé programns as outliited will cut- to happen before the. affair is over., Minor itinue tltrougb, March, affordiîig a: weekly treat for deineaitors wili occur up to "liket nigrht.'* whiclî -New Tier citizens duning the entire winter. T!îiis Friday. October 30, whei thev will 1w cousiderî)rogram, as presenbedjut part ini last week s i1ssîî ably increased, the. grand inele and, assault upon of this paper, includes some of America's outstandàproperty to corne on S.-aturday,, Octol>er 31. If iing. stars of the lecture platfortn, musical worlid past years are to serve as4 a criterioti. tbere wil! and entertaifnnent stage., he plentv of activit-v for ie police if tltey are 1p, We wonder lxow nany of oui- people realize thé adequatelv guard antd protect the property anid great priyilege thixs affQrded< themn to enjoy tlieso' persois of rte viIktge!Ts. Truc, tasi ,ear 4towed ai artists. and travelers with a minimum of effort and ntarked decrease in damiage, partly due, no doubf, inconvenience? Here., righit at their own dloor to the downpour of ramn which.sent the youngm.ithout the necessity of going inttu the citv. tlwcý sters scurrving tu cuv er. But aside froin this. înay meet and bear people wlio have achïeve<l sl)écial precalitioils taken l>y the police to nieet greatness iu the air, in foreign lands, in literattîre. Coi tingency, anîd publicity that depredations aînv art, science, éducation and religioit. a veritable resuit iin arrest and( puniîsinueut. had a Woiild festival of spiritual and cultural offerings tltat wvi'l salutar\- effect. If the police again pruceed on the i themselves constitute a liberal education inIi,(h theorv %-tliat-ant oince of prevention is wvorth aý fluer and better tbings of life. pound of cuire," no (letail of preparation looking With a citizenship attuned to thuîtgs above tlit to suppression. of individital and group> assault> LfnUranis as< rovidèd shotil* rnmmannla e. tetd. lîpôn thte rights and properties of citizens vill be ovrlÔoked. Parents should lie iuiiy warned that arrest and puishrnent wiIl be: the lot of.bheir citil*dren caughit in acts of 'inalicious 'tuisch.ief, and, :etliste-d in preventing the need hefî ettirte their cooperation it ,a perniatiet icu iuno for such drastic action. It cati easily lie dune by nlorth. shore inay well be proud. providing :entertainient for chikiren that wil.l ·keep theui off the streets, which is a lot less iniconvenient than a trip to the police station and AID FOR LIBRnRIES the court. The financial aid which bias corne to the freté public libraries of. New Trier township village.s THEDOG, SITUATIONý from the state fund. created for this purpose, il If lodo uwers vho thirtk that, because incleed. a welcome windfal. 0f the fund of $3,ooler weather, their pt . 1~ The pool, which measures 75 by 60 feet, is a *peeded adjtinct to the physical plant of the schuool. With an enrolîmnt which bas growît steadilv through tice years until it now itumbers more than 2,400, lt became imperative that additional facilities, for the health fui exercise of swinmiigj, lence of management ana u'.s utuiii qîlCI dang.-er it order to give liberty to dogs. iTe respoilsil>ility is tuo great. way. Why cundemiu him be condcmîtatioit isJustified-? thiat h is -NOW, if, ever, conte perfect days.' But bet oùly on thc une you have. Tomorrow mnay be different. Vute Aitenrican! -THÉ: PHANTrOM RPORtziR.

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