Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Oct 1936, p. 39

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lE-vatistori and Mrs. Harold E. Waller ofVW.inetka will be the asýsisting bos1tesses. The talk will be nionpartisani and, will emphasize the yearround importance of the voter's job. I)apghter of the editor of a leadi.ngPeinisylvania newspaper, .from bler lias lhad earliest (lays Mrs. Ran. a keen intcrcst il' public affairs. Active for many years in the League of Wiomn Voters, she, bas l,d impor,tant offices iii the, national, state, and couINy leagues. Her exceptional a>ility as a speaker,, berthorough kol edge ýof govertimental affairs and party politics, and bier gift, for pIresenting soi .netimes complex and *"dras-dtîst" subiects in. simple andd lutvresting ternis has brought about a great déniand for lier sercS a conductor of cîtizenshJil schools and speaker tbrougbout >the state. M rs. Ramsey's miost out-standing9 acconiffli'shiflelit iii lringinIg about' i*mcd im, was t1h provedCr2II passage of tbe Pernatneli Registrafor Illinois. This 'occurred tioni law%ý last .spIrinig as the culmination .of a five-year canipaigii carried on unider bier leadership by, the lfinIoiý, I.eagtl( Of *Xoen Voters. ,-Il Smith College alùimniac of Evlthe tnortli siiorc arce auans,ýton aud Mathew Francis Photo lhe chairmanship of Mrs. George. À. Walk, the philanthropy departenent of the Woman,'s-Cltib of 1 'ilnaette carries on ote, of ts Most in ttresting * <itvities.. bi-motîthly SCwilig ncetanys opeen 10 any zwomait o)f Wilia ette, whetherý a club Premtber or not. At these aill-dayý meetings zvgrk. s doi.w jor Mthe>any philanthropies to which the club yiv<'s suipport. For this u'ork the amimai beiefit dessert bridge party wiIl be given at the clubhouse Wedpu'sdar. Octobrr 28, at 1:36 o'clock. 'nder< Whéther you sprnd- $5. or $500 you know your gift wili beç different. wil givepleâstire for years to ýcore..My .we sh-ow. you. our newly arrived, old Sheffield, chine and Sterling silver. Delightfui. solutions for, weddyng. present problems.. TATMAIN 707 Church St. Evanston Greenleaf 2450 Augment Patrons, BoxHolders for Benefit The Skokie VTalley chapter oi t1ie club, for ns sctioiarsflip rund M~onD.* A. R. announces the followiuigî day çvening, November 9, at OrchetsD. A. R. radio programns for Noveixi- tra hall, are MNrs. joseph Vallentine., ber and December over WEBBM 0on Mr. and, Mrs. R. Arthur WVood, '.\r. alternate Wednesdays at 9:30 o'clock: and Mrs. 'Williamn S. Warfield, Ill., November 4, Herma Clark, "Doll\ Mr. and MIrs. H. H. Riddle, MNr. and Nadison," a monologue. Mrs. johin Louis, and Mrs. Franci> November 18, Mrs. John R. Fornof. Kniighit. The Kedroif Vocal quartet "Obligations of Citizenship." and Ruth Page and Bentley Stone, December 2, Major Gen. Charles dancers, will provide the ecutertainF. Kilbourne, '"Army Cooperation ilu ment. "Oh, what a convenience and coinfort a Home Eievator would be for me! Stair-climbing is so tirin4'. 1 often think 1 can't reach the top." to wear yourself out climbing stairs. Either of these new type Home Elevators cari be easily installed in IT ISN'T NECESSARY Civil Affairs." existing homes or ini new buildings. Elizabeth Co Mary *Miss dagherof Mr. and Mrs. F *Peter Collyer of 730 Ninth s' was hostess to a grouP Of Y peopl*e for cocktails after the N western University and Ohio University football gamne 1ast urday.> ] at will Sewing October ail, 1026 26., Lindefl avenue, on start ±vjonoay, I rigi«san d Maniup mre<rs of Siw.li)led Passesger Lsitis foe .Homue

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