*Musicale Oct. 30 Mrs,. Walter A. Strong is opening ber lovely home at 1377 Ttower rôad,. Htbbard: Woods, for a benefit .miusicale at 8:30 o'clIock.Frida,% eve ning, October 30. A -group of Wietka-,an(1 Glencoe women. ac 1sponsoring the.I)enefit toé Ielp further the musical educationl of Margaret jean: Cree, y ou n g Winnetka' 'cellist who bas shownii. such tal-. ent and promise. The artists on the program. will be the 'cellist berself, Margaret Farr -of Lake Forest, pianist, and assistilîg artist, and Qîgaý Sandor of Highland Pak -iss. Cree's acconpanst. Margaret jean Cree, the daughter of Dr. and Ms.. Charles Cree of 779 Foxdale avenue, Winnetka. since graduating from New Trier H4igb scliool a littie . more than a year ago, bias %%on uinusual honors and distinction'. Last spring she placed first ini the animal cottest sponsored by thet Musical Guild, Inc., to encourage young Underwood man nerýwood musicans, and as a reward for nenit was given a debut recital in Chicago by the guild. Later she went to New .liarji.orie Rahnaimî's en,to Malcoini Jamieson Ode/I. of Winietka was ainnouniiced iit a Sunday tea given by Mr. apid .l!rs. !rniîu, Ode/I of <669 I/Vaidiu rou)id. .1!iss Rahimnîm is the. daiy!hteri ipf .1.. <md Airs. A rthujtr H. I<ulm<non nof Sumif, N. J. f/aye>Pliet Mliss of the LUnversity of ,Wisconsin Alumnae club of Chicago on1 Saturdav,Noebr. 'Miss Alice Výan:Pat.on, Kinig, ead of the Student FEmploymntbureau at the University of Wsosin for. 'the past ten 3years, is to be the guest ,ýpeakelr -rmth malll',n.effectual depart-, m.eut it"was wben sbe took it, over,. Miss King bas- developed a well or-, ganized, -efficient., gcientific unit working %with the ,faculty, tbe townspeople, and the legisiature, to aid thc .students. Thousaxds of students have,>re-teilv d a"staÙce tbrough ber office. Many s .ucb 'students are entirely selfsustaining. Requests for*ail1 sorts of hielp. lotb skilled andj unskilled, corne into lier. office-requests for girls to (Io~ iousemork, -to c~are for to act as stenographers, andl to read to the elderly or sick and for mnl to do carpentry, to act as chauffeurs. anid to care for laivns, furnaces, and older childreil. Tbe varied facets of bier. experience %vilI provide many a story full of the unexpected, the huminorous. the toucl-. ing, the human interest in %vwbat înighit 1wv some bc considered a routine PO-chbildheln, T'he chairrnan of prizes for thec bridge party-style-shou'-tea given <ider auspices of thte North Shore allurnnae of .Kappa Alpha T/ta at fte Keniluworth club oit Wedkiesday, afternoon, Oc/aber 28, at 2 o'cloek, is M1rs. Frank Suit/e of Wb<u' Miss Curee as a pupil, althouglh he is lies enjodyinlg the '"boiled .dtiti-r' giv-. niot now teacbing. The beîîeft at: Mrs. ci] a., part of the Countrv Fair sponM.aî r.Raymiond J. Wiese Strong's home will asssit in sending sore(l hy Vilnette. chapter, Ordcr of of 523 Abbotsford road, Kenilwortb, the youtig musician to New York for the Eastern Star Wedncsdav of last liad as their bouse guests last iveek,study. week, Nvas ant indication, the suicCess end Mr. and Mrs. AlfredT-Howard Tickets for the musicale are in the hands of a committee and may be ob- of the Fair wvas assured. lit the largu ,Rmt tained from Mrs. Ralph Horween, auditoriumii on the first floor of the 530 Willow road, Winnetka, Mrs. temple the event took place. Dinnier Norman Parker, 126 Hazel avenue, tables were arranged ail arôutid the.ln Musicale Glencoe, or from Mrs. Dwight C. Or- rooin. Down the center thme booths tion of tbe Wilmette Garden club on its regular meeting day Friday, N1ovemiber 6, at 1:30 o'clock ini theý afternoon~ Mrs. T. E. McElroy, prograîn chairmani, urges every member to save the, date .and suirely go on this tour with the club to the Benson nursery. Many have gone several times to sec this wonderful display and. art arranging to go again. Reservations cutt, 786 Greenleaf avenue~, Glencoe. .Unceoii Hosi.ss irry W. Mons, 157 WNoodnue, Kenilworth, entertain:heo, and bridge at Skokie. AUl meetings,' tnlessc :lub 'on Tuesday, October dicated, are held in 1g ,were fo~ tables. North Wabash avenue,1 non there. wili be aThe n social committee. comniittee will meet afternoon, October 28,.ai C-1',. e i- ;, 185 bard Lazke "0.rest, fiam the pro gram., Parr 01 assist on . i Juau rei- the 'place where sier will be held. nette avenue, is bazaar and diih'-