A branch of the government usually taken for granted is the post office. Yet i "Postal Inspector,» Universal bas succeeded in making a grand and dramatic story out of the careers of those who guard the mails against.tbeft and fraude Well directed and acted, the play is a fast-moving, piece _of entertain-. ment.. Leading rotes, are *taken by ]Ricardo Cortez,I Patricia' Ellis, ýBela Lugosii Michael- Loring. "Postal Inspector"! will be shown> at the Wilmette.theater this Friday -and Saturday. ."Two A gainst the World"'ý with Humphrey Bogart and Beverly, Rob, ert S will'be the feature attraction at the Wilmette theater this Sunlday and Monday. Gr-een Pastures *Witil many of -the members of the originTl stage cast- also in the screen 1ve rsion,' Marc Connelly's "Thé Green Pastures" wil be played at the Wilmette theater next Tuesday, Wed* nesday, and Thursday. Genuine simplicity and devotion are marked in this interpretation of the * Negro conception of the scriptures and of religion. Rex Ingram, Oscar *Polk, Eddie Anderson, and the Hall Johnson choir take prominent parts in "The Green Pastures , which was,, directed by the playwright himesîf in cooperation with William Keigh- Dart in. the Bing. Crosby musical, "Rhythnm on the Range," scheduled to play this Friday and Saturdav at the Community theater.. Bun.cast as a> cowboy pal of Crosby's, forms a çomedyteam,.with a new niovie "find." Martha Raye, 'aý "Give me a woman with a ýperand fairly regular features vouing lady who has defied-even Joe sonality and I-can m'ake.ber'beautiful. E.. Brown to match the contortions 4If a woman of 'today, is ugly it's she does witb her niouth and face. Throuzhout the picture. heý is ac- her own fauit." This is Wally Westmore, one- of coinpanied ,by his' faithful 'bazooka, the instrument be constructed. from the fanious Westmore brothers, hid two sections of gzas iiipe and an.old of the Paramount inakeup departmenit. speaking.. Westmore, alàter Whiskey .funnel. Bazooka tunes, however, are not years.of experience making up such ietrich, the sole melodic .ôfferings of ".Rbytbm famous> stars asMane on the ýRanlge." The picture bas given Carole Lombard and Claudette Colthe country. six song bits, and in- bert. who is now in "Maàid of Salem,"cludes music of the. old West aswell has, come to the -conclusion that the' as bot "'swing"> numbers bv- Louis art of maklng oneself beautiful sbonld l>e taugbit in bigh scbools. Prima's world-famed band. Can Develop Beauty SasStudio Artis Saturday, Ocit. 24,.One Daày Only. ubi.game maJane« Robert BenchIey -Howto TraIn a Dog"' Feature Starts 2 :35,' 5 :05, 7,40, S$Unday, October 25, One Day Only Jeametto MaçDouad Nelson Eddy.' . Peature Starts 2ý:30, 4 :15, 6:10, 8:,00, 9:55 monday, Oct. 26, One Day OuIy AIre.. Norma Shearar - Fr" WImpoI. Stneel" bMardi ORIGINAL STOOGE l)ave. Chasen, wbo cornes to tbe screen %witb Joe Cook in "Arizona Maboney," dlaims to be original as been a foul for Baseci on actual bistorical records, ',stooge." He years. Cook for rnany "The Texas Raniger," portraying the activities of that great frontier organization, will he shown at the Varsitv theater on Fridav and Saturday of this week. 'Texas Rangers" Will Be Feature Picture at Varsit-v Tiieater London, becornes involved in war time intrigue. The tbrilling. plot is matcbed by the nusic, the unusual but intensely thrilling scenes of air raids, planes in combat, and tbe splendid photography. Players Miss Death During Film -Making Shirley Ross and Robert Beautiful are the settings of the picturesque mouintains and plaitns; while the musical score bas. been well selected ini barniony ivitb the picture and the fic-hting and riding are vigorotisliv realistic. Leadinc, Picture A highlv .entertaining hlm ,.vhich will probably take its place as a leading picture in its class of enterýCum- tainiment. "Mv Man Godire-v" will be UNI. 3444« MATINEl DAILY Mnto Sat. 1:30t, 6:30 Sc conclusion of Bing's vacation. BUY UG.WOMAN"> TALE "The Crime Woman," a story by Norman Burnstine, recently was purchased by Pa,ramoil:ntfor early production. BIng Crosby-Frantis Farmer