Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1936, p. 10

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5H1RIPAUR 5!RVICI 1148CENTRAL: AVE. Wut 0o1 Wiuter's Qroel7 WFr Cali and Deliver Phoneo Wimette 3535. cani match any patterni W, altvorwx'e .Old or 'ew. paeri In case you happen to have old pattern we 'cati match It w at no extra COSt. Silverware rpaired, replated a reftnlshed Just lUke new. Reagc able prices. D. PA4LIARUI 144 Wlmette Ave. WIluetl W. are Famous foIir M.iIk Shakes u15C ÎSafurday ________________ can be liandled. with due regard tb W.. O'Brieln of 1144 Chestnut as - famnous and welI-knowei as ic efficiency and the car.e of the needy, characters tbemselves.' C.b pry ofte iembe aeue-s Ibarthe to cost reduced at-a greatly b jde SeetTailnted Cast assedtaxpyersof or comon-of 85 men wbo were Electric ta make ofour> ciýtm.oi-7Rice of the Western .ased axpyer The leading. feriitiei- role, Maidl trial trip frorn Chicago- to l)enlver welt.the daugbter of Lord..Fitzwaiter, Marioun, ehrrinwich spca th The presenit governior> of. ,Illinois o o'., ,Rutd6lph .by- Helen played n be will prto eua i itb lias had 90 ilflion dollars imore *towl stirrinig The spPrano. Wlle Jir»number Cliispeiid tbis yéar, than bis predëcessors til Novemb6er. The train left is idelntiiied .withl Fridax-rnorning, last O'clock at-8 axy n yar.cago OIC had f Robin.1 6:12 m-otun- tbis role. The i e'o On jantnary 1, 1937, thc 3pr cent and arrived ini Denver'at emnL h sung bel will Hood ,ales tax reverts to -4 per *v1nt.' Th11re tain tirne, reaking the .orldsrcr Preslby, First the' tenon soloist of sou>1, is no .dOubt that if a0trop)iatipos for susý-tained spLeed bv avéraging cburch of F.vaiiston.1 Dr. \Viltenian miles. 1.018 for. 1 hotir Per are careftilly stitdied and mloiieys ex- 83.6 tmiles Rusch,' basso, 1wici lia, 1w EL. liam peieefcenl.the 3 1per .cenIt The train which mnade the trip iit'hfavorite of '1akc outstading an corne of Speed a sales tax 1wmill lot 1w necessa.r%. This out a'stop. inainitaitied auidienices. wiii Play-ers' Shore-Opera the onl 'hour per Cal be doue %without netglecting 1thiose more than, 100 miles Testv.' Tristrail Sir f play -tlîe part-of The grauu. areentitleil to inaianial. triht stretcheits. hvo meed an imd Notiglam.'hadyhues, of mii -%as entertainîed- ilnDenver Il%-sbeniff hcelp froiin their fte1ov itzes. DT)ever Chaniher of Comminerce baritonle, inithe 'pat of Little 1,0111. the VâanderVries s. Nir dtinll. 1 4 "Bro-wîî ()ctetlr of thec revN-iuej and rnany pfarties and side trips were- wiIl simug the. famious favIrswI rsol -'rniirr\ stirring The returned sonig. They Aie" tbemn. for law> a, will resit ini the con.o1idatioti arranged to Chicago Su-nday on what w içb __________________ regular scbedule of the train, Lawrence Chaffee, basbo. the NEW SWÂQGER COATS The part of the faious uld rascaI. to Chicago. in 15 hours anxd AND, FUR JACKETS Tuck, will be played by Cliah1e, Friar an miles 77 of aunia-erage N%ýas .peed RePairto Time U1Now's the. E. Lutton, 'hanitone. Thoina- 1luI. îîour. tenor, will play thec coniedy rnoIe w'&, SHAW1411E FURIERS I)amue 1)trdcii. Guy of Gisbornc. RETURN FROM SOUTHI keeper of aui inni on thic bordur> (4 Mr. and.\Mrs. James NIerrilil ouils- Sberwood forest, wvil.he plaSved b\ bery of 427 G-'recenlcaf avenue re- Eunice Bonniwel1, soprano, witli (rland Sunday turned to Wilmette la:t, wucekfrom. a trude Dolke, soprano, playing tUic part quart Brick of Ice Cre.m35 of Anmiiabel,. lier daugliter. jDenver f the autumn m ~ - OIL BURNER ditioonal with DeKoven's opera that this part bc played by a woipan. ;i11#11 ioi comrs. HERE FROM MINNEAPOLIS withi Mlai-A-Dal, MIrs. D)avid Luick, and lier' son, closelv identified the wl-konand, avid, jr., of MIinneapolis, arrived in populair vocal number, -0 lromkr',( ýeni1wurtli on \IoidaNy for a -week'sý Me." Trbe role of Allati->-l)alc vil-1 isit with bler father and motlher, le llayed by Katharine' Storv Uîmirrw t r. and Mrs. Walter L. Cherry. 517 atid Margery Milamn. ;heridan road, \Ir. Luick will cone .The six tinkers will lbc~ lct< m plans fromn the chorus. A chorus of mnorc ane-e'd [own for the %N-111 o attend the Northiweste-rin-\infle-, tlîan. fifty maie and' fetnale .oies ota football gaine on~ Satîtrdav.. tolage. eIf settin;. complet. Fing.r Wave -. id with Shêmpoo and ùç .$250 ý93 CINTER -StREET, A 3346 end 3756 426 indon.Ave., WiImtte Phone Wimette 4454 tesday evenwng at 8 0'cïock. orcier the Nith public ln the acquaint better to actdvities of the Lake Shoreý Opera Players. theserehearsals ýare. open to the public.

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