e L 'j 14 Loud Cheers for lazelhurst Photo The laite Iranik Whitnley.of Wiltnetka, who oriyinated the' azard given each .year .10 the Boy Scout -Wan wlzo, in, at Camjp Ma-Ka-Ja bct exfellows the opiion of his empIlifies the slogan "Énergy and aVmbifijn con frolled by reason." Thte local hieadqutairter-s recently sent to cadi of this year's cam pers a ballot on îï,ich to mark lis choicc. Named Cadet Captain in University Corps On approval this week by President Arthur Cutts Willard of nominations by Col. Fred R. Brown, iV Mildred Batz, home2ý With economist of the Nationial Live Stock and Meat board, conducting the school from ai) all-electric kitchieii, houseNvives Nvill, be iiformned. of newprepar .e and and originial.,ways,to -serve evéryday and Party foods. Miss Batz is considered 'one of the. leading cooking school experts in the counitry. The technique wbhich she, bas de-veloped- makes it possible for everyofle iii the auience to clearly understand'eacb step in the preparaeconomnical tion of ber ,l)ractical, many give also, %vill, She recipes. household and cookinghints thiat are, real time and money, savers., Hold Morniàg. Sessions Each session of the school, to be held ini the Woman' s club building, will sta rt at 9 :30 a. m. and close, promptly at il :30. a. m. A sniall admission' charge 1.ill be ~made for cadi school with a special rate for ail three. The proceeds mwill go to the club's building fund. Tickets may l>e obtained from menibürý, of the club. The committee ini charge of the school is headed .ly Mrs. Charles Fý'. Kremer. Wii Omit Frilis The scbool wil1 be a real cookingý school, devoted entirely to inistruic-' tion and helpful suggestions. It willI ships are iade by the colonel, Mwho holds the title of professor of military- science and tactics, and then go to the president of the university for approval. The 112 captains named today are in direct commnand of the, student companies. Enrolîmnent ini the University of Illinois- R. O. T. C. this year totaled 4,208, which is the largest in the bis-. tory of the institution. Military in-1 struction is given by a staff of 2 Invite, Suburbanites to Sunday Art Ciass Aspecial Sunday art class coin.lining free-hand' drawing fromi life. painting, and commercial art under the artist Raymond Craig, is ini session at the Chicago Academy O'f Finle. Arts, 18 South %,ichigati avenue. This professional course is especially suitable for suburban residents who) arecnlovedd cli'iiçrthe week. and 709 CHIIKCH STREET - ........ ~........J - I erty crew for the homecoming1 '4Kind pointa 8sLOani L aI i.nL "îp .PA TRONIZE OUR' AD VER TISERS Lady," té be presented' tober 30,and 31. mentatioli. '1hese c lassesinterested are of particular value to those iii photography in the commercial, portrait and'pctrial fields. I