Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1936, p. 34

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mint te*&cheticdc or ky Tuesday noon te bc in tiua fer, the crrrent mmue. icaton, but for aur flu. Sucfl IDerUial strttches now missing are in \Vinnetka and Glencoe. and it is 'hoped that the Village boards of those commiunities will find, a way to completç identical nomenclature to wihere the highway merges into the original Green Bay road at Glenco's north limits. asA Saturday dispatch reports a Rome newspaper astating that 15,272 priests and nuns have been siain in Spain, and that 18,987 churches, convents and religious schools have been burned or sacked. Who: was it said that civilization is onlv skin deep?. hl A.Lo>s Angeles man who did the cookin -separation his wif e earned the living,- is seeking and alimony because she criticized his cooking. "Turu about is fair play," as we are often remin ded. A northý shore: civic organization, accustomed to discussing, everything from the Einstein theory to women's fashions, recently' devoted a session to, the dog question. Now, the, dog question on the north shoreis a mighty touchy subject, and is approached with caution by,he villagers whose paramount purpose is to avoid a riot, or at least a community feud. But the members of this particular organization, in regular. conclave assemnbled, asseverated boldly that the fate of the dog. which includes his future station in north shore society, must be settled, and settled forever. l'le discuission just naturallY gravitateri to three propositions, as follows: Shail dogs l)C permianently confined as under the proVisions of the quarantine now ini effect, and per- I WHATTYPE 0F MAN? The following'editorial, appeared in WTT.METTE. July 18, 1935 :ý The country isnow iii the throès of a presidential campaign, a fuilI year in advance 0f the time,,when candidates are usuall1y noîninated. This early activity was ins tigated1 largély by the "Igra'ss roots", conference at Springfield in, June, which marked, or gave evidenceofa rebirth of the Republicani partyv and the discovery that it is not as dead: as -the, obituary notices would indicate.. Everything now points to an aggressive and possibly acrimonious campaigni in 1936, with thé issue already handed to bis opponelits by the present President-the New Deal Vs. the Constituition, the Suprenie court and state's rights. The matter of candidates %villbe uppermost in the minds of voters.,f romn owv on. Not so mnuch as to whom.,they shall be as what theN, shall be. It is no certainty- that Mr. Roosevelt will be the nominee of the Democratic party, but it is highly probable. It therefore behooves the Republicans to exercise great care in the §election of their candidate, and to give inuch UVissueof. NOVEMBER 3,193 On next Tuesday, November 3, will be held -the Most important presidentia l ection within the memnory of any but thevery oldest of our citizens. Transccnding the question of who shaI occupy the White House during the next- four years is' .whether the fundamental principles of Ainericaî 1ment shall be continued or changed to goveru others diametrically opposed. The issue bas heen clearly drawn. One major party standsý for oie, another for, the. other. About that there, eau be no con trover sv. In these circuinstances the tespotisibility of the individual voter rests heavily upon bis shoulders. Anid welli i May, fo~r nwte~r fras soritical ýand farreaching a decision been put up to himi. It becomes his duty, then, to cast bis ballot in accordance with his firm convictions, determined by a thorough. uiiderstanding of the separate propositions, and wvhat the candidates stand for. .Failure to iotc will be inexcusable, unless due to serious illness. No considerations of business necessity or social engagements should be allowed to interfere with the sacred duty of joining with other Americans in~ deciding the future of the f which it bas been plunged. Upon. that selcetiop success at the poils xnay hinge.1. There bas been much villification of in-~* (lustrial corporations, their traducers losing sighit of the fact that America is itself the Iargest and most important corporation within its borders. apld the further fact that only business men cani successfully motivate and direct any indtustrial or commercial tundertaking. likec a Iittie.ballot,- at a village eectuun, IUUt it their names on the poil ist. jFaiIure of a like numiisn't. And it contains more dy'jainiteý A verbal be)r to go to the polis wouild seriouisly reduce the barrage broke the instant the honorable presiding vote of the township. concluded presentation of the propositions. -oflicer 'largeý written be to Noveniber 3, 1936, promnises were of ail shades and extent. Those ili Opinions part a hiave To in the future history of Amecrica. numbered more than o(:ne xvould droiving Iavoring patriotic. a but its decisions is îlot only a priv'ilege cxpect, led by a noted horticulturist who uttered impasione(I %vords in defense of local gardens. 'l'le dlog with a muzzle founid many friends, but the niiajority favored ait ordinance in accordance wi th THROWING the present quarantine provisions. \Vhat they liad against the Village dads thev did fiot disclose. IT'S GREEN BAY ROAD The Village board of Wilmette and the Cit-y council of Evanston cannot be too highly com,uended for their acts in providing, an identical for the through 'highway which parallels the na -an youngsters consier to De fun. Andi flns acconiplishment will b.e without inecnvellience to either parents or children. evecl city counicil placing Çhicago and ail contiguous territory under Fastern, Standard time. For a month RQW we have begun each day by cussing that crack-pot ordinance, and any wife will tell you that a day begun by cussing is already haîf spoiled. THic P«A>N-týoM RIWoîTEt.

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