ýWiII Be, Brie on, Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving day is to be the wedding day of' Miss Màrgaret Wegner of Wilmette and obert Norris Burchmore of evanston. The cvening o f Novemiber 26, at 8:30 O'clock,-in '-the Wilmette P-a r i s h- Me thodist Episcopal church, the crmoywill ,take place. A, reception- will follow at Shawnee Country club. ,Members oùf the-bridai party will beMrs. Eugene.Furry of Chicago,, mnatron of, honor; 'thé bridesmaids, Miss Ruth Burchmore, a sister of the. nand a student of C aeeton bridegrom college, Miss Janet Huguelet of Chicago, Miss Evelyn Whyte of Evanston and Miss Elizabeth' Baihatchet of Wilrnetf>e; the best man, h, ¶oligt 1o be the bridegroom's father, 'John S. Burchmore; and the ushérs, James Baker of Wilmette, Harold Wegner of LaGrange, brother of the bride, the Rev. Thomas Moehie of Medford Wis., and Robert Kennedy of Chicago. Both Miss Wegner, who is. the daugbter of Mrs. Edwin A. Weg-' For- ber' marriage to Hor.aceý Hinds-,'r. last Saturday, after-, noon, M iss Constance Addenl)rook'ewore a prinicess.dress of white satin with a finger-tip veiL. She carried tbe white' prayer book which, was given to, lier grea 1t grandmother on ber weddilng (Iay. Lilies 'of the valley, and white ribbon were carried with it. Green .moiré, fashioned aloïïg prîiicess uines 'was the gown of themnaid of hoilor,. the bride's sister, Gwendolvn,., and- the bridesmaid, Miss Louise Wagner of Winnetka, -*ore rust moiré ini the, same style. Both, carried armn sprays of chrysantheimsini autumn -hues. Jane Adden-. brooke, iiiece- of the bride, as flower girl, wore a long frock of pink silk and carried a basket of flowers. Mr. Hinds' father served as best man for bis son. Paul Baker and ner of 421 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette, and Mr. Burchmore, whose Aften the service, read by :the Rev. E. Ashley Gerhiard ini Christ churçh, *a reception was held at the Evanstoni Wonian's club. 'An' interesting note at the wedding was the. bnide's *John Tibbals of Winnetka ushered.: comling ber 2, at wbicb Mrs. Harold Wegner, sister-in-law' of the bride, will be' hostess, and the shower November'13,. to be given by Miss Eleanor Dodgson fliUJiU, te uic u;' IUaîI" and Nfiss Kay Ammermanl of Evanston. To M of the Ica( annual evo Hleni I-lacit'Wi . vAir. anu m rsf ., jLj u muotor' trip to the 'Smoky mouritains. will live ini Oak Park. The- bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry' Edward Adden'brooke' of Evanston, formerly' resi-ý dents 'of Wilmette and Winnetka., J. D. Toloff Photo The bridegroomn's parents reside iii G:ulfport*Miss. r, Jr., of Winnetka, once more will go one ond sec the Aolies, Lea.ue JuWior the " in by the lEvanston Junior leagueas a bene it vday. evening, Novrniber 5. to be repeated ta sainnp e i'k, ithe, auditorium' of the Mrs. Coté wore silver lamé anid a in-law, Mr. and Mrs Dwiglii corsage' of 'lavender orchids. 'The- inons, also. of Syracuse, and ti, bridegroom's parents could flot be and Iftrs. Philip Brownl of D present at the cerernony, but ainong Mr. Brown, who will officiate con which ler h mother, Mrs. JamesI small group of- intimate friernds, a re- Merrili Lounsbery, 427 Oneenleaf cep tion followîng. avenue, gave for lier on Saturday tails for her wedding, and setting After luncheon, Miss Bailey and licr dates for parties and>.entertaiiîîg to sixteen guests attended the New take place -before. November 25. Tnier-Deerfield football game. I Miss' Healy is now planning thé de- to celebrate bier. sixteentb birthday. the bride's aunt and uncle, Mr. and, Mis, Mn. Simmons. out-àf-town guests were the wedding, is an oid schiool frit ,