Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1936, p. 3

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WAR IN SPAIN WILL BE THEME:. AT SUNDAY CLUB maxwell S. Stewart,' Associate Editor of ý'Nation,'Spekeri school, was announcedthis we ek 'in a letter 10 parents by executive board Sunday, Novéember I memibers of the Parent-Teacher -Spain ilu Revolution,. l)v an Eye- Raising'of a voluntary fund in.lieu. Of, dues, to be ýused to aid underprivileged children at New Trier Hg for Needy Students *Ballot Day onNv. Hallowe'en,, Proclamatio Clean Election Campeign in Ne wTrier, Characteriized-by Excellent Leadership On their toes! A fitting descrip-I tion', that, of the opposing politicalI camps in, New Trier township, botb exhuding confidence, both trained to thie--ninüuteand "in the, pink' for the decisive battle of the baillots now only a few days away. Next. Tuesday, November &, at tbis minute giving promise of one of the great, days in America's history, will tell the tale. Capable, competent, intelligent and ietly fir leadership, has char-. acterized the campaign up to now. Henry A. .Gardner, Township cornmitteeman, heading the Republican forces, and Thomnas J. Lynch, Township committeeman, leading the Democratjc organization, bave conducted just such a campgign as their friends and neighbors expected of them, showing a fine appreciation of north shore sentiment against acrimony, personal calumnv and the. \Vitlless"l will be the topic discussed 1w,ý the second, NeNN, Trier Sunday L1ýveiiing club speakeûr Novemiber1 at 7 :4i o'clock at NeW Trier H.Igh sc .hool: Maxwell S. Stcwvart, assocdateeditor of The Nationl. N%,io spent thie summer iii Europe a nd.i visi ted ulw principal citic.s of Spain, m-111 lecture on the spahlisli revolution. He~ Î, substitutIng for MNarguerite Harro,,.author of "Thiere's Always T o nio r r ow and co-producer of "Grats,.," who had 10 cancel hier Chicagoý- engagements. T'he invocation wi11 be given by Dr. 1). H-. Cornell, pastor of the (lencoe Uni1on church. WV. Frank -McClure, founder and president of thc Sunday Evening club, \vIll preside. asSaturday, October 31, i Hallowe'en. Tt: is essefitially a young sociation of the school. people's festival, to be observed The. fund, ih wa*s added, is used byý parties and çntertainments primairily for such' special requireplanned for their enjoyment. Such observance is app ropri.ate. and ments as médical supplies, eye glasses, pr oper, and, should be encouraged. dental inaterials, hospital bi s, and In plast yiears citizens have been evien1 food and clothing for pupils subjected to much annoyance and .Who, arc vitalvly n need of such ýasfinancialloss through depredatibns sistance but where it is flot being l>y organizedgroups of boys who destroy property anid in some provided by other sources. cases do bodily harm to owners The sttident aid does rnot' duplicate wio attémpt 'to protect it.T This the work of the Tri-Ship club or of practice is in violation of Village the ( î'rls' chlb, it %vas explained. The ordinances and mill no longer be funid is 'bo be raised entirely by letrers tolerated.. to parenits. $1,20L) vas realized and the By virtue of the authority vestsanie goal lias b)eeni estab)lished this *ed in me hy law, 1, Harry C. year. Kinne, President of the Village of Executive b)oard rienibers ilicii. Wilmette, have instructed the poWilliam S. Warfiel, president; virs. lice department, through Chief of H1arry E. WVeese, vice-president; Dr. Police Cloyd C. 'McGuire, to emL.owel 1). Snorf, Mrs. George W,. ploy aIl regular and, reserve poFargo, Mrs. George N. Lanib, Seylice ôfficers to patrol the entire turmnoil, anid the Spanish lecture is the second scheduled. Mr. Stewart during the past summner visited France, Spain, and Geneva. He en,tered Spain at the end of.July after, the Facsist coup cd'état as, sofla s train, service twas.«restored, visiting Barcelona, Valencia, and Madrid. He iinterviewed the leaders on hoth sides of the revolution. This year Spain is the celter of the tateci countîryvvas th e second gi-ven. Resubniit Plans for Kenilworth's Sewer Resubmission of plans for a relief sewer for Kenilworth to the Works chiîdren to prevent them from nanN, uilawfut acts, eggn lowe'en. ouLjILLIv eLI1VwiIIIIiIg Ui votes-and AR BARY .K . NE IdNEnt _______________________ Progress administration officiais in order to con form to suggestions made by federal engine ers was annouliced this w%ýeek at the Kenilworth village hall.. The sewer. it is plaiiied. Nelson Attends Sessions of Sani Antonio Meeting ti will be Mr. and Mrs. David Nelson, 821 ~ 1' ~ in this endeavor the wornen's Ai-. vision of botb parties have had an important part, vieing witb the men's organization in carrying the effort to every corner .of the township. Deinocratic headquartera in Wlmette and Winnetka, the Republican headquarters in Wilmette and headquarters of the Winnetka Republican Woînan's club bave been the scene of. - centralized effort. In ala T St. Francis-Xavier . Parent-Teacher association will have its first meeting this Friday afternoon at two o'clock, with M4rs. Franik Thal.e, 710 Linden gvenueiIn chatga-ofj t'heprogram. Members of tlçboard wil.I be hostesses. to, IVIee riray iternoon it snoul~d e remembered that the garment need not be in perfect condition to be usable and appreciated. Marian Kremer, chairman is jrducttCJI Shop of Note: Ecoflomy Club Wilnite. the ýWoMan's by.% New Trier News........ 12 political Ne........ 2-29 'o...............0* RosiEstae.........s. RealEstae ............. Recratin.........*7 eyPae ... ....... 4- November 1, at Il o'clock. This is. mision school thatbas achieved an ing agency for boys.,ar will b1 hé guest speaker at the services in the J1 irst Presbyterian church of Wilmette Sund'ay morning, 1Aseville (N. C.) i<arni scflooi, enviable, record as a ýcharCebi-

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