Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1936, p. 63

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have a wlde selectlon of the best values onl the market. 1%e foilowlng buys are caiIed to Your speclal attention! 2221 GREENWOOD-NE W 6 RM., BRI< and steel bung. Walnut.libràry. -An -excellent buy at $ 10,500. Mr. Ford, Winn. 2700, Dri. 1855. 2212 BÊlýECHWOOD AVE.BRAND NEW 6 rn brk.. and trame Cape *Cod Colonial. Excellent value 11500. Miss Gray, Winn. 2700, Br! 1855. 1309 ýCHESTýNUT FRAME COLONIAL, in beatutiful location: 5 bedrils., 3bahsoh heat. Lib-. ertr. s.Mr-%. *McLaughlin, 'Wlnn. '2700, .ri. 1855. 1518 WASHINGlTON DUTCH COLONIAL brk.'ut 6 rnis. $11,750. Srnall down. paymexît 'bal. monthly. Mr. I)amianin, Gwe. 1855, Hol.18. IVY COVEREýD 1311K. CO(LONIAL 6, Ige.' roonis, 2 baths; lawvn 220 ft. deev. 5 .1r ld r ~~Johnson, (ire. 1855, Hol. Wilmette Chicago Avenue, Evanston Gre. 2700 Rog. Pic. 6636» Wil. 608 11603 >bore-'rowns .Realty Corporation SEARS REAL ESTATrE 421 Rlchxnond Rd. EAST KENILWORTH ENGLISH Kenilworth 528â 1571 Shermnan Ave. Evanston, Illinois Rog. Pic. 2616 Uni. 2600 Wil 2602. 111LTN25-1te hIc. BRICK RESIDENCE - GOOD LOCA1BRICK' COLONIAL :LO- 1 tion,. four )IN :bedroomq, tlled bath, 'two S. E. SECTION 0F cated on beautiful lot, 100x221 over- extra toilets. Old Urne bargaîn *Winnetka. anY special teaturesIn looking the laite. at nre letide sun rn., slping.poch d NXINE ROOMS-THREE BATTIS. place in mnaster bedrn., oul heat, Large Sun room cineratorand attaclied garage ani, innice-. Siate roof hot water heat witih Mi. Ail -ylandscaped groUnds 59XI46. hw Ételconstruction. Ove.r 40 Years of Dependable.Service .Two-car, garage by appointment only thtlrough. S«hw , PRICED AT 53Ô Davis'St., Evanston Greenfleat $26.500 EXCLUSIVE AET 1080 we cosder this the best buy one 1 l1LTN2S..lte 72 SPLENDID LOCATION EAT. Cali, Mr. France for appointmnet <landscaped ground.. Sunkcen Elr S.,Wlnetka innetka .3500 garden with tountain.: 6 large rooms, 2% 111LTN251-tc bathe, o11 heat, garage. $16,500., East Wlnnetica charming home. Gre. 270'Q SIX PROOMýs.AND BREAKFAST Rog. Pic. 6636 5 bed-, Wil. 608 NOOK,< rms.,. 2%~ baths, llbrairy, 2-car garage. sun rýoom s'leepfing pgnch, tule ll1LTN25-Ite bath $13'500. wih showVer. Hoj(t water heat with ou MRS. LANGE WINNETKÂ, 1194 Lt50xl156. IN KENILWORTH, MODEIRN BRICK 1i LTNq25.îtp rjesidence, wlth over one-haif acre 0fbeautifuîly Cal Miss Widemnan landscaped and wooded 351 LINDEN LOVELY COLONiIAL grounds. 15 rooms and 7 baths. 3-car AN EXCELLENT HOME FOR A PROgaraee with chauCoiur's quarters.'The fessor, 5 bedrns., 2 baths, Jdeally manhy special features large grounds. Attractive ternis. l.in this attractive ýcated tôo amipus and laice, lot 50xl75 Mr. Pietsch, W\Ninn. 2700, Bni. ýhomne lust be seen to appreclate ft. A real bargaîn at $12,500. Mr. Lott. 160-1 CÂ4icago Avenue, Evanstonl 1865. value. Owner ls movlng south and true Gn.2700 will Rog. Pk. 6636 SHOWN BY APPT. ANY. TIME WilI 0 8 sacrifice at leas than .% original icost. 650 GARLAND - LOVELY GROU-NDSý 111LTN25ýltc 529 Davis St., Evanston Cholce location. Greenleaf 1166 Modern 8 Wilmette 3740 room, 31/ bath English. UnEXCLUSIVE AGENTS IllLTN25-Ite usual value. Mnrs. Fleming, Evanston BRAND NEW CAPE COD HOME. AT- WiI. 2486. Uni. 0283 Àforced sale on Wlnn. 2700,. Dri. 1855. this solid brck 8 tractive and weIl planned. 5 rooms and 108,6 SPRUCI-E 1l1lLTN25..lte room home in W. Wiî. bas brough.t the DUTCH COLONIAL bath. 75-ft. lot. Couintry settlng price to $15,000. Sun porch and slpg. wç'est 6 rooma : canvas walls; o11 heat. Of Wilmette. A revelation in value porch. 2-car att. gar. at Just oftered. Bargaini. See it today. Mn. $6,700: WHITE ENG. COLONIAL % ACRE. Pietsch, Wlnn. 2700, Dri. 18557.. More than 50 beautiful trees. Only Winnetka 225f '8 rooni homie witil 3 baths. ail heat 140 Center Street 5 edro.oms, 2 Baths POPULAR NOR11H EVANSTON McGUIRE & ORR, iéc $14,0O .SAWYER SMITH BRICK COLONIAL *PRICE $135o' .Shotie-Towns.Realty Corporation. NEAR .. LAKE Winnetka Shore-Towns ReaI.ty. Block to, Un'iversity' OPPORTUNITY -SMART & GOLEE, Inc. GLENCoE STEAL THEIBILLS. REALTy, mc. .Highland Park R. B. Whitaker Company IIIN.Za-ltc bedroomse, 2 iandscaped1 Diener. BUY AS RENT NEAR LAKE, Attractiveï brick under Kirk, High. Pk. 1855. VISIT OrR PHO: N~E ONE 0F 'THE JN IAL. In E 640 GRE GORY AVE, A IÏEAUTIFUL HME IF YOU -HAVE seen it 3you probably envied the owne. Here is your chance to own It a pnice, which includes funnishings, at lowv you won't believe it possible. so roomis-4 baths-billiard room. 3-car!' gar. Beau. rock garden. Large lot. Exclusive Agents 407 LINDEN AVFý. 111LTN25-1tc XINNETICA FULLER & PICKARD WILMNETTE 437 JTIST COMPLETED White Colonial' home with 3 bedrooms, 21/ batha, space on third for room 140 Center Street Wins and bath wlth Plumbing connections. Screened porch. very well insulated, 2- THEREIS A WONDERFU]L car garage, Air condltioned o11 heat brick home for sale at 112 S( Large corner lot.. Street, Willmette for only $10, ONLY. $16,500.00 Pletely redecorated Inside am srean se hl A 4 bdirn., 2 bath hse., Col wlth H. W. O. on almost ý ground overlooklng Sicokie c.' R. B.. Whitaker Cc IIEINSEN REALTY CO. FRANKLIN 19 S. La Salle WANNER, REALTOR Sta. 5111 or Ken1. 511 Greenleaf 529 'anston Wllmette 3740I 19 630 Ds .828 Pa IOver

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