Koffe. Hag Pauksp4 irup Three Miute .... C'n 39c 12 oz.15 Old Manse.. Oaf FuIes Beila 01 ý........2 p 'l ISc Rico ... a ............ c ......... QuaikerRoua -~ I19 10 lb. v One.FuU Bs W..I of REAL VALUES .ar......n....... fiBas 9 MelonSaliPe ~mer~arn4.Cakek Plali or ie . ARGO Homay Soap 5 Breakfast 09 Champions ................ »........ perîoc Pkg STARCH PICS. F Tbe famiJY layontie at a Y i!want oevera1l pounds. NEW WI*OLI. NATIURAL yçrnr metbod of nmaking.1 EXOUISITE APIIICOTS mhe most delicious apricots YOU've taated. Real tree riPeugd1 flavor. very one perfect. THR MATU CHl Blue Jew.I coffée ------ .... L. , rà-a - --1 TALI. CAN 10 V IKnackel>rod 2 22 C From an oi dcountry recip e. - The genuinse.oz ýl,0 i É .51 S,1936