Prelude-Pastoral . Y Gulînant Shepherd" *Thé mùus3iufoi-'1next Sundayinorning Anjthem-"'The King of jLove Myv Shepherd , 1."...............Shélley wil hé as follows: Offertoire Quart.otte--"*Pralse the Lord, Organ'<10:45):- "Prçlude, Fugue, Vari0Mir O Soul".... !...-........... mSmaàrt ation"..... ............. . . Franck Postlude-.Allegro from Slxth,,Concerto, MreBriel ........ .Hanidel intrçoit: ?The Lord la in His Holy fmIs~ EnilIy Roberts, Orglnlst dfirector Temple'-................... Harririgton Anthém: 'Jralse. Walteth .for Thée, 0 Ljnder the direction of C. B. Blossorn, Lord" .. .*:Ponter Ofertory 4ot:,lg~hto, $te venson the Kappa Pi Phis wIIl conduct a Round Table on "«World Peae.*' Fellowàhip May A. Strong perlod wlil follow. Orgè.n Postînde: *'Heroic Pièce'..PFranck Your boyb and gil.s are always WelThe Churelh schoolînetets eacth Suni- corne 1n our Churchl achool whicbineets day morning at 9:-30 o'clock., Theré are departmentally at 9:30 Sunidayr,,'The classes for al ages, frorn the nursery to Kindergarten depa rtment meets dui-lng the adult1 department. New enrolînientsý thé moirning chîîrch service. , . are. made each week. The High School Epworth league wlIl mneet. Sunday. evening at 6 o'clock, for teilowahlp hour. The devotional dimcuàsson, beginhs at é6:30 o'ciock. George ftlggan is ln charge, of this group. above hIgh school age, meets o'cioek Sunday evenIng-s. É wo. Tela VUII!UU anse lut*i3 Rinaly Jy supplies alniaterials free of: charge. There should be a large attendancy of ail -our wonen te take- advantage of the kindneas of the Wotiaàn'q club te one of .our better known and wnrthwhlle charitdes. The Publicity ('ommittee for tus cvaipaign consists of Robert M. Peteriton. W. A. McKetghan and Howard G. Rtce. The newspap>crs wlll carry dates and places of the National Preaching MIsesion, November 19 to 22. Our own Wiimette Preachlng Missioni of- this cburci will b. conductéd from Novéinber 30 tp Docember 4. wlthý attractive speakérs and music. FirstPlmesbytertan, Ninth streét at Greenleaf avenue Jamnes T.Venekiaseni tiinister at 5 :30 The discumsion p'oup for marrled couples wlll. mfeet Sunday evéning at 8 r meets for rehéarsal i> t thé chui'ch. merved at noon by The Thiî'd div'ision prograin at 1:~30. Mrs. wilI spéak on "Muslt, On Tuesda'y, Novemiber 10, from 2 to 5. there -wlll bé a Slver Tea at thé home of. >e.Jh Nealé, .1016 Ashland aveAt the, morning worship, service at il nue. Sonie Interestlng pe rsonal, possessionisof the laté Rev. George B. Pratt. o'clock Surnda> niorning. theiiister miany years, ago assoclated with St., wlll preaçh on the the..e "Gnd Llghting the, Candies," whl<'h us thýe next sermlon Augustine's. will be on dlsplay. lwh the sries on Pt ay to God." W.-. Thé Boy' s choir wili holê a, special cordllleinite you to worshlp with us;. The music for the rnornling service willl practice ln thé Parlsh House froni 5 follows: l)relIde, ".1oletîn Prélude" to 5 :45 lnstpad of the evening practice. hé as* (Gloria Domini). Noble anthémn.. "Qod] ushtiteuker;, solo, 'Theý The Church Vestry Will meét FrlIday of Our," Unknown ,Soldier,", Scthubert-O'llar., A, Children's- World Friendship Hour evenlng at> 8 o'clock ln the chtirch offices. Edward Oti«.' soloist; Postlude. "'Trauer lat being eonducted lui the Primary rooln Ms in A roIler skating party Is belnig ar- Mari ch," Mendeisshn. during thé nlorning church serVice. for, thé Boy'9 choir.. Particulars. Rounds' Is director. Children frorn the.eleme.ltar.y grades aie ranged, wriII tif given out toMoirilo* afternoon. always weiconme, Junior e-hure.h %011 cal'e foér the littb' cblidren durlng the moring wiorshil> Te, ie ni f the -parislb-I1ee1,* od scrviüe sothirt the Iar(-nt.i nay hé-fr. next at the homne of thé Rev. and Mis. Wilmette and For-est Avenues to attend. .1. G. Hindley. 1035 Lake avenue, at 8 Rev. George - . Allison, pas;tort o'ciock. Ail thé nién of the church and Our Sunday sivhool )niets ai9 thé congregatioîî are cordially invited to 3 Tomiorrow (Friday> we have aniother o'(iock ln aIl dej>ar*tminets. this Open Forum at -the parsonage. Sunday School party, a haimv. éveninz The -. varlopus, departinents of our Church for the boys and girls of thls church. *Oui' Bible class nmeets for studly at 1%j selhool are planning a comfblned Thanks- There wilI be gamés and fun and ré- o'clock, and we are ,,tiidying"orri giving servive for Sunday, Novernbér 22. frèshînents. The time is -7 o'clock, so ofJéu. We Invite y1m te td(ýitl Agati we Nwîll share our giftta f thanks- that thé younger oneýs can corne too. Fathers,, and mothers, thé bes-t friendit of giving with others in need. the ptupils of this school, mill be here too, togethér with alt"Ùal] wr.d and Thé Cozy niéet wiIl circits superintendents. ici '-.a ' f'or' .'h e r.'h inîembeî'shi,îl '.t the home iel fi-. aahaîf h. iii' ptl 4:30 Of1(k Every womnati ut the churuh is Jnrvited to thé Missionary Safar'i at thé church next Thursday, Novemibér 12, àiLI1 :30> o'ciock. Mrs. Carl, Zipprich will lead us "*Into His Présence." Wlth Mrs. R. M. Camipbell as guide, wé will glirupse activities lu Alaska, conditions aînong our' emlgi'ants, thén on to our -Island Possions." We wlll meet Miss Colen at the "Cross Roads" and learn about the "Copper Crossés.' A4.clip 0 ' Ify(lo ý ' iti li IVHf llceeru8l gOH01), j OsD'tcj. -il o re renieu .11 s r. eorge D. W Allison. Mr. an1d' rs.o 17heàrle" V. Clark, .Mrs. J. C. Blay-lock, W.("' At the Sunday Ev'eîiing .ii, and probabiy seerl oie. Eaat Eid iî'le wili hold at Ruiumage Matthews, D,. LerrfgoN will speak mi "Chri.sti:,n Tr'ier', Howar'd Viîî<ent 0i'u'îiuli.i lst of thé Chicago iaI suein the basemlent of thé c'hurch, NItssioiîS in a Worid of Conflictý." News, iilsp-~< Thuî'sday aîid Friday iof this week. T'he Boy scout.,; -ill né F'uswill lie opt:iî at 7:30 KM.ýj eî.. On Sunday mnorning. the classes rof ihui nilng at the church. church sehool meet at 10 o'cIoc-k -harp. Cî'escent <irclu will nî.-et Tuesday, No- for their regular studie.s. At Il o'('loci<k Thre Womiiîi'>so(,it-ty will utu iîts V'enîbt-r 10, foi' an all day- meeting at the 11ail l march into the church auditoi,ii home of MNrs. WV.Franîk The szpeaker M-ill b,. Cur,219 foi' thé Armistice Sunday service. Dr. day st 2o"ok f 3't. Broadvay. Thu îienbers ar'e asked to hé Allison will continué the serie.s of Tsapnh the 11ev. Alexander Alljejj Coloinbia., who is In charge of.eagl at Mrs. McCluîe's by 10:3() foi' thé e ýw7 ,. --. ~ lstlc and educstional wor'k ln 1h. ' <'loinbia mission. Aftei' lie adâr*it.. pk No. 6 will serve tep. Ail th.. woh1i.-kîuai'. -Wilon jejjj, itt Wii~0hamiMis .Jnni Jhns it"IU Jonitn *11 as~is¶. ~ , -1SotTop--Tl>urstdayL; 1.ScutTropSt.A I)A-ll at 3:45A [Dr. ugutstine-s mia, - Scout Troop 4--Tuesdays a: '3:45 Pck1-Wdnýiaysat3:0 illjei'lt <:arlCtQn.récor .. ,t inot - Thé church sç'hool okr questéd tro visit cvery pupli* inieth(, attendanwe oftht and othér imembers of fanil at prest-it aetive, A gro -udnsdas >wne pgk >- cwut Troop 3-Thiur>dayu Skîdy,)el,~î ,. %vil[ be thetWtiy-té'oidSnday after Triiîity,ý. at 7 -30 ]'htreW'1e wlIhéILAl'COmInltnion at 8 A.M., Cburch itchoiol aîid Bible classeLs at .t :3 ers fi-'..»îthe .Womtati's o( qui,ýted te con'Itac!t non-attei beris ut' the congregation itE . C. Blayiock ind Everett. ig mem- ýgMission with our ýown cqhurch'b preagehg9 mission dutring the week 'of Nunhér 29 to -De!enibei' 6, Nwith %i_,itillg inisters as preaclhers. -Fûlier tn >UnceMent, wIll be ýmade latér. i t