at Smith CIub's Russian Fair -~A t'O Hear TaIk on Central Europe The regular mont *hiymeeting of the F-ort Dearborn chapter of* theý D. -A. R;' will. be held Monday,' Novermber '16, - af 2 o'clock at- thé Woman's- Club of Evanston. Due to the..inability of. Mrs. group 0f youlng w omen will be Flower girls, selling gay litie bouquets to those attending, the Russian Fair sponsored by the Evanston*- North Shore ,Smitbý College club Monday. evenitng, November 9, at Orchestra' hall. Vending flowers will be 1Miss Mary, Sanmuel J.,Campbell to -attend., Cushman, Miss Annie Mason andMrs. Charles Kimbaîl of ýWinietka, Miss Jane McW hinney, Miss Natalie Starr, Miss Eleanor, Griffenhagen, Mrs., Henry Brigham. ai d Misç Elizabetb Taylor. The Kedroif Vocal ýquartet, and Ruth Page and. Bentley Ston e, dancers 'will provide the program. The -dancing of Ruth. Page, and ler partner, premier danseusé of the Chicago Civic Opera ballet* and identified with Ravinia opera, is well .knowni to residents of the nlorth shore. The Kedrof Vocal quartet bas beeni proclaimed "A miracle of vocal art," by Clialiapini. "The Kedrof s are miraculous," a 1?arish paper bas commented. 1. K. Deniissoif, formerl3, of the Rtussiaii Imperia] opera iii Petrograd is first tenor;. the Fourth Division Regent" roundtable, scheduled for, th is date, las been postponed, Mrs.. Chartes P. ýReynolds,, regenit of Iconduct àa tnISIthe chapter, Wil « ness meeting. Mrs. Chartes W. Moody, programn chairman,, will introciduce- Clark Kueb1er, speaker, for the day,, whoý wiII Mr. lecture on "Central Europe," déLatin and Greek the Kuebler, of partm ent of Né4rtfrweSfern universitv. bas been in Europe seven times iin the last eiglit years. The past, sumimer lie studied extensively in ltalN,. and Gerinany, the counitries whiclî will be the principal suübjécts of discussion in this lecture. A musical programn will bc givenl byv John Nehier, baritone. Mr. Nehier, %viiier of a Tribune contest Iast. year, is inow singing over station WBBIIT-Te studied violin for eiglht The Madisonî Square Garden Horse show has drazvii a entrant fromn Wilinctte. Elaine Ruth Victor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Victor of 1046 Michigan avenue. Miss Elainc, althowgh only 12 years of age, is ait ac-11th array ôf show ribboizs she has coinplished horsezooînan., as evidcnced I? in the lwo national events at the rides She onjust this last iisummer. club's'schi fciary. rship funid is the bie- Selects Talent aay N wrr ,1 < 5ILUL ý4CIcOPInýiîying theliir accoîiîllIshed daugh fer arc IlMr. and Airs. Victor and Elaine's sisterr. Mrs. O0l. Clii ton. 'The party is occuipiiga box at this opcîiinpg evelît in Nezu' York's social .scason. Mr. Victor wvilI spend mu ch of hsis t1lme at business con feciccs, but asseris that lie vil nimissç no op/'ortinityt to appland his daiiyhtcrl's skill in tfle show ring. the six Rummage fer the program tea will be scrv ed by 'Mrs. Earl J. Cooper, socialchairman, and the members. of lier comîinittee. Mrs. Wilbur Helm and Mrs. .Warrcn F. Willianms viIllreside at the tea table. .A board meeting of the Fort DearI)orii chapter of the É). A. R. wvil be hield Nfonday, November 9, at 10:30 o'clock ini the penthouse of the Orrington. L-uncheon -wil.l be servcd ini the diiiiiig-rooin at 12 :30. For Junior Auxiliary and repeated, ndghts of this FriJs 3 , ân~ifSait The next Marthas will Mrs. Harry1 ton. avenue, 1 :30 o'clock. The Junior auxiliary of the North Shpre Catholic Woman's league will IICIU at te hoiUIV Q Oermott, 620 Washing- nor road, I<enilworth, entertained a meet at the Camp Fire room of Coniday, November '7, at group of friends for dinner at a munity House. November 3, at 8. Hallowe'en.,party* Saturday evening. Miss Patricia Jean Grover, daughter of Dr. Jerry G. Grover, 523. Cum-