YU'IlI know what we piean wheji you examine the tailoring. . . feel the materials .. anid see yoursell in one of the collegiate B4Is!fg. loose raglans beltless or wýrap-around> . .. plaid or plgin. Prep sizes . ~23I f25TO a3 LYTTONOHI 2.TROUSER SlUITS FPeux Louis Streed, wuhosc 16 yc'ar ad;iizîtraiio;t as Keniilworth's firsi village manager,'. which will end titis week., w<zs /raised"i» high tgerrns by nenib.rs of. t/w.ý Village couoi cil and bh g>îwnbcrs of boards of trusl'cs.11f'Is oing ( o Florida. *NI r. Strct»<ls r( > 1iiatil.pli. accepted 1wl( teVillage Coujî1cil thlis ,ýgeek.. WilI end ail association whiha, existed sincie Septelliber, 1920. A lra(IIatc ut tlwic. îiivcr-iv tY i 11t ure a a juluor iuivr n1 Grirls!1 You'll Love This. Cootwîth Ra'ccoon S29795 Mothers and, daughters agree it's the "find" of the season! Warmest fleece .. . huge raccoon collar ... heavy interlining. Sizes 12-16. f.'. - >tatc. W oridl%%;il-litwa%* i Iiiî,fuu.t Statce% NavaI acadin vil' i\nao, NMd.,. %Iheru lite wa, ai]suowd *vuigil ilthit, ua He Ucleft th lt iev o\%vevtr. aitetr tht. tIto. n »u t ilit 's. lic wa: latur ail ioii(r t:îgiticer in il,- munuicipal gov-)erurnieuiiiVtatcrbs. owa, anid bccainceas'au to Lf. .. 'oolhiser. villag~ uaaw i ilig iii I vilioîî Innt. isi> lculnubtut lu w l lii ~t k tt illage Iîasgrgi i1u.rroîui a popuilation of about 1.200. a>iv l)Y tlilt tt'eraI census of that vear. to ail 2,00 litople ait thu. '.illaelanglof 'v. .îun. S tei lwr If *'clothes make the lin le girl"1%, 1 (,ai ,dttg.' lit here are the mnakings! Royal blue coat, bat and leggings.*- red efvet collar add covered buttons red lining! Sizes 4-61/2. poierai.the dvlpuetou Wtçrn portion 'of the village acquisition of Maboney park. Plr(iiase o(f tllt' forincr wu ajttl ONviied Ivater %works,from rly tli.. Se<r% 0estatV, tilt- iniprt)veillel i ith.ou th lorce which luo*w'opt'rafrs aà tWL It'I<O%; Puttrlng ilitQo o)eratiouI arc: Hiv 1 uu rý W, U HIENRY C. LYTTON h A SON$ thit- BOYS, APPARL ... Orra gis. snd Chuch GIRLS' APPAREL.. -Shermunansd Chuacb