Boer~ &Wair 407 97LTN26-ltf' and laatoryon floor, extra, bedrooms three livinig room, first >arge l and two beautiful tule baths on'secodfloér. Maid's room and bath on thirci floor.. Owner waflts offer- this mionth. Liberal terms If desired, witli about $2,000 cash ýpayment. IN1MIS AVE.. WILMETTE 4à7 73LTNZ6(t USEzD ci*--BA^RGaIN8 TbiukCMS ARE EP<SE>IN 0F, COMFORT, DEPleNI)AI$Ï1LITY, ECONOMICAL -MINTENANCE- AND SAFETY, PLUS A GREAT-SAVINGS IN DEPnrECIATION. 19U4 Cadiliac erles 10. five pass. sedan, beautiful black finish. 6vw.heels, tender uOpholsterY. This car ,weils, *hipcord $19 cannot be told from new... erles'60 tourlng sèdan. 1936.Cadillac Bulît-in trunki ý steel wheels, dark grey finish, seat covers, broadcloth upholstery, potight. Very 10w mile....... $1495, age. A bargain at ...... Fine Used, Car'Val1ues prijvileges if desired., 3, blocks- o IM street statio)ns.ý Winnetfka 415. 82LTN26-ltPý PLEASANT ROO .SUITAB3LE FOR ONE OR TWO.' NEAR TRANSPORTATION. WILMETTE 623. à2LTN26-ltp A CT IVE TTR A EXCEPTIONALLY. room In private homeé, suitable for ,(,)e or two. Excluslve neighborhood, but nelar transportatilon. Winnetka 3139,. 82LTN26-IttP R foOMs-FOR SElEî(i-T FURNISHlED respectable colored north shore workers convetiltly arrange to who- ,cannot staY on place ,of einployMeflt. Wilxnette 4903.82LTN26-ltp PÈEASANT FRONT ROOMl.4PR WK. ALSO, ONE SMALLER ROOM. Convenient te Eim ÉSstatio6n. Winnetka. 82L26-ltp 2022. FURNISHED PLEASANT LARGE, room with private lavatory, suitable for i blocks te Elm St. stations. j pergppMs 1 2L26-Itp Tel. .Wlnnetka 4IÏ. AD BEDROOM 2-1 FOR, TO RENT ioomy front room wltli fireplace. Sharte kitchen. Near trans. Kenilworth 2206 or 9 2LTN26-ltp, Winnetka 81i Sm. brick bunlgalow nF. traris. .ý$45 6 rmn. framne, oh dîlt., gar.. . $65 7 room brick with ýsleep!njg pofrch,' 2-car 8 ........... attached garage 7 room (lnnetka) brick, and stucco, 2 baths. 2-car attached garagie.. ..$80 8 rm. shinpgie Colonial, 3'baths, "aer. $85 34f) Lindefin Ave. Modern Homes for Reit R. M. Johnston &.CO,., Wilmeýtte, 444 0.C Evanston, 111.1571 Sherman Ave. Wil. Z642 Uni. 2600Rog. Pk. 2616. NEAR SKOKIE VALLEY scéhool, Houme lias 3 bedrms., 1 bath, lav., H. W. lit.. Frig. -car gar.; iovely BUNGALOWlaridscaped lot 65x300, ft., large vege- ATTRACTIVE BRICK Two bedrooms, bath, breakfast nook, table garden. sun room. boôt wate.r ohl heat. and FTIR. OR, UNFUR. $75 A MO. vieilltnsulated. Flnanced by HOLC. $11500 Price ....................... Winnetka 12671 902- Spruce. St. HUIFJBARD.*WOODS.-SECTION -Brick Colonial. Four bedroins, two baths, extra- tollet and lavatory on first floor. Hot water heat. Garaze. ExUNUIZUAL VALUE IN MEDIUM-SIZED deep woddand landceptionoly 1IO11SE, 2BATHIfS PORCH. OIL HT.,. Convenient te transporlot. scaped Very reasonably Frigi., choice !oc. Is a real opportuflitv. This tation. priced. Rent or sale. Wlnnetka 269. .. $18500 Prîce...... ................ Home Attractive CountryLN N FrancesJ. Winscott wood D5eluxe 5 pasa. 1i green finish, white o, heater, 6 wlieels, p 85 bargain. onlyi..$5 3ARGAINS nv. COIpe ....... 15 P. ;edan ............ ;edan ....... 1 - . 4SE an ............ $745 615 R 495 Ot 38...' V wUzt iquidite 97LTN26-1tp RAVINIA VACANT to close an estate, a beautîful wooded RENTAL! RIPARIAN lot. 104x350, near schools and transated. SENSATIONAL Only........... $35 per f t. cha.rmlnghome ln exThis *portation. riglits! 6-tp cellent locat'on carnies attractive price. REALTY CO. 6. bedrrns.. 31bas.. Jdeal for 1,br-P fefl~ny. 795 l CUSACK Winnetka 715 St. Elm111LTN2-6-ltc. tchen î421 Richmiond Road Kenilworth 5288 97LTN26-ltc >e or IN EAST KFENILWORTH-WOODED) 1SEARS REAL ESTATE n ins. t'ATniLT I I',' 1IIfiOX'91 - MOTOR CAR COMPANY 1810 ]RIDGE AVE., EVANSTON Winnetca i1671 Wilmette 966 77A-LTN26-Itc [N OM S. oectalise 7 ROOM HOUSE sun porch and sleeping 'porch. H. W Chevrolet ini Evanston FOR 01TAL.T'rVOT(.'<tCARS 1;i Nia-tt, th 601 ____âco, Wihrnette. Phione Wilmette 1334 or 573. 97LTN26-2tp 1% RAT1*$. 1*5E., BDRM. ATTRAC. 4 from 2 c. g. H. W. oil. 1 block 2 prhes. blks.. trans. Immed poss. Sub3 lease reas. Winnetka 3867. _______97L267ltP brick,. steel Huppurtsa iwao Conand tileroof. weatherstipped ventent and very attractive Interor both ln arrangement and appointments. PRfICE $26,500 Caîl Mr. Franlce for apnointment eA Ofil -TnIU!4-T.ARTGlU 1603 CHICAGO AVENUE. EVANSTO Shore-Towns Realty. Corporation Rog. Pk. 6636 Gre. 2700 Wl. 6c lllLTN26-11 DELU1 XE SE 1wo!l 77A-LTN: ý14netk«ý Ave, ZEA14TY Wlnnetka 81 9,7LTN26-ltc I-6 Park t.Jobne 140 ConterStreet R. B9. Whi ýr Winntelca Company' 3250 111LTN2O-1tC,