is the question that the committee, appointed by varinus civic organizations to filvacancies in tbe convention, is asking the citizens of Minette, according toj...Worthen, its chairnan., Monday night, November 29,ý the comiittee, will bold its -second session, and itsr desire i obe in osition t e down to the actual business of compleing tbe roster of delegates and thus bring the 'convention to a point, wbére -it cati go ahead %vith> the selection of candidates to be voted on at the Village election next.April._ Went P R-.resent.$-*ve Gron', Under the plans as outlined, the fee wrould be used, to pay the necessary,,attendalnts. and to provide igbt. and beat, ini order that an ýextra burden of. expense would not be born by the scbool boar-d.' Ii bas also .been recommended, .to the board that Saturday; afternoon be set ,aside for the use of the grade scbool age, children lof the township. Edgar -B. Jackson, member of the boys' physical edücation department of tbe school and. head" coacb of swimming for, the :past 20 years, wbose classes in the old pool were popularwitb young swimmers everysummeér, bas- been put in charge of the new plant by the board, it was announced. It has been pro posed that the board of education purchase a numnber of .swimming suits and require these be used by the summers' as paýrt of the service covered by the admission fee. A similar requirement, it was pointed out, is mnade by the operators of practically every other large public pool. Jack8on la Charge. veiop an entireîy new teme. isinternationallyr in the tingýished field of--çhemical, research, Di Jones ii eminently. qualified 7to, present the interesting and important influence of research upon thé buiesof the world. Reserva-; tionsare to be made with the secretary promptly'as a large attendýanice is anticipated. ui' SI&ine nori snorewAIeIIme1 LL5LF The diCreative comnmittee," said Mr. Worthen, bas but one obiject and one desire,, and that is to secure a convention memibership that wilI truly represent. a cross-section of the citizensbip of the village, and to do its job expeditiouslv' and well. Tc aid in skis job he .dded, the commnittee calîs upon every citizen, of the village to suggest in writing the naines of those whom tbey believe will serve ably in the task of cboosing outstanding candidates for the various Village offices. These namies should be sent in writing to the sècretary of the coinmittee, Mrs. Esther R. Stone, 619 Greenleaf avenue. Mr. Worthen pointed out that the con- ,«"G.Man-" to Speak atCivic Leaguers' Eveniig Meeting school sponsored- by the Woming an's Club of W'lm ete holds its clasies on' Novem ber 1P.. 11, and 12, n the, club, bouse auditorium.~ The ',school, conducted by, Miss Mildred Batz of -the National Live Stock and- Meat board, will consist of. 'tbree .nieet*ngs, each,'to .start j 9:30 - a.m. and close at il :30. The sessions will, be held Tuesday., Wednesdav and Thurqday mornings. Advance ticket sales indicate a large audience for the classes, eacb of wbich i*ll be complété in .During the scbool, Miss Batz wlf "The G-Men's War on Crimhe" is iexlainand demonstrate the preparof many of bier new. original* the1 theme upon which D. M. Ladd, at«on and practical recipes. Miss Batz will bureaul special agent of the federal jactually prepare d:sbes in1 an allof investigation will baehi. address élecfflc' *tchéû in snch a manner to members and Iguests of the Wil- that .everyone in the audience wifl mette Civic league on Friday évening, clearly understand the method. In planning ber echools, Miss Batz November 20. The occasion will be wbo is nationally known for artual an open dinner meeting of the league, demonstrations. takes into consideraat the Shawnee Country club, the tion the conditions to be met in the bour being 7 o'clock. ~iverage home and kitchen and builds Through its president, Paul C. ber recipes accordingly. Tbey are not lengtby or expensive, yet Lang, tue league is. eaxtending a cor- involved, that tcrnch which anMs they have a.ali nvitat.on to alilviagers to at- tiiat the H-arniony convention iclea lias Ridge avenue and Grove street, Evnow demonstrated' its value, and the anston, according to an announceimportant thing is to make it increasing-, men~t made last week by tbe Rev. ly beneficial as opportunity affords. Harold L. Bowen, rector of the Coammittee Per-ionnel parish. The "Creative committee," ap.pointed 'Illse Rev. Mr. Carruthers is a gradby civic organizations but acting only uate of Seabury-Western Theological in their capacity as citizens, is composed seminary, Evanston, and was or,of the following: dained last June. Since bis ordinaChairman-J. E. Worthen, 314 Green- tion he bas been on the staff of the leat avenue. Churcb of the Holy Coinforter in Serear-~r. tbr .Stne i9 Kenilworth. . vme 8 the committee in charg e of the Mr eoeo hershihscmltdalarne 'dhsapae 'r. Lacl4 baappelcaed bfoe thisw e s oo, a ke ted. al arrne-o bnrtsft ire auwesn 'bunt th.iswln tmst to makethe eaooineutif be bsr cs addres atfe. andevethelôst nereti and intuctiv oethe ocais hersba strilacondsro everynTe o andlte pleno 1eîihtedbishearrs y lu accunt roo fo everironeadth saig o the opMera too and xpeienes h can sec and hear the denionstration. teGln owo sasge b This will be a real cooking school, duty of breaking up triminal gangs devoted entirely to cooking and throughout the nation. menu planning, hints and suggestions. Free of advertisinoe. it will deal t 1 %»W .ep M ........... * Mtusicand 4..........3 New Trier News........ 32 R.5! Éstate ............ N5 avenut a Hal bhome Recreation ......... n. costume party at hi 16 evening of last week. Society Pages......... 38-51 AD. geles, and 'I eru MetÇ route,