I I "It's. a lan.b not play bridge. a nd resident 0:Of Each. year the twetty aluninae, Wini.netka. Hi 's Nancy éCIo.d, US Park avenues chapters of the- fifty-year.-old college iyfé #0 end topic bas, the same unlite their efforts "to give two a fiefca iven' by one of\ titie as, bis col scholarships in honor of the co-, Mrs. Walter 0. Hem., Pi PaLrk, Hilda Steel', op.irators durlnq Umn. fiA Il-I'hinqs avenue, Vlifiette. founders of the college, Miss' Elizaern-o r~l"Mr. Reger Davis, Standar-d Servbeth Harrison. a nd Mrs. John N. the. wéek of Novembir 2 lé:7.,J O'Brien,'¶-coûtice, flua St., end Se3 d Crouse. The awards -are made anments ýon. news nually, to two members of the Junior r.ad, wilun.tte. and Ws Dhilosoclass "for* excellence in scholarship, puy of life have character and.teaching ability," and jendelarèd .h;m to Baumfy M4r. and Mrs.,A C. Hanmond of are- considered the two highest scholthnusands of re'iders. fHe is*the 500 Greýgory avenue depaited" on astic ho6nors which the college be'aufhor of sevenal Tues-,day forNew.. York,. They plan to stows on students. br'oks. of wbich be gone about a.week. Helping MrÉ., Melichar with arDob Loving Photo the Iates.t i.s rangents à.for the "benefit bridge" taud&y and Sunday: H.VF0'BMSt d idn g'Beare Miss Dorotby Weller of ýEvanî"W. aire, Shako Famtouscnà fir MiIk Qulart Drici of Ice Cream, '; ton, past president of the Alumnae 'The Rev. Jo)hn G. Hindley, pastor of: association, and Miss Margaret Chad- the First Cono'regational church of wick of Chicago, vice-president Miss Wilmette, wilI give the invocation. Âmuaouaac ÔtÀcers scnool at th( Officers for the season have been cation, is ini announced as follows: W. Franik Mcet sales. Clure, Wilmette, president: Dr. H. A. Orvis, Winn.-tka. first vice-president; .Walter C. Hugrhes. Glencne, spcond ,ouis Shermans Visit [JUST WEST OF 13ANK WILMETTE 5353 F. J.. Sc-midt. KenilTwo Children in East vice-nresident: worth, secretarv; G. T. Hellmuth, Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Sherman Winnetlca, treasurer. 1Evanston, formerly of Winnetka, Comnr inel for the vilave just returned from the east, mes~ in nwn,;hin is as fol- SHOP) (THE YomZELDA cornein ha've ducted by They are:- this news-niagazine. Ç Shop 35c1 P9 4. Tieisi only.one of the many highly-styled new mode!. with a touch of fur. by, Joanne, in Yonkers, going fromn ere ta 1Richmiond, Va., to see Stan- KenilworthMrs. Contyer Reynrd Sherman and his wife, the for- olds. chairman: Mr. and Mrs. F. J r Alice James of Wilnette. Mr.. Schmidt, Mns. Frankç P. Whtmore. d Mrs. Sherman also stopped off Winnetka-Dr. Orv;s, chairman; Washington and in Pennsyrlvania, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Affl-ck, Abe Pell, fore coming home. Orval Simoson, Stnnl-y Simrison. Mrs. E. V. L. Brnýwn, William S. Nordbuir. Miss McMahon at Worthen's as id I be enwit pacnt Mrand sIzoô Thomas M. Mints, 50 Crescent place. Iand r-w',