WHIITE GIRL FOR1 general housework. -No> waehhxg. 701 Linden Ave. Wilmette 406fi 7 ILTN2 7-Itp - IL)nld& 1855 Johnis 50' Others at Savings From $50 to $75 Below Market 611, Green ,Bay Rd. WHITE MAID *F OR GÉNERA HOUSEWORR. REFRENESREQUIRED. T2-P LENCOE95 GR]ý Xilrette Chevroiet Depot Opposite 77A-LTN27-ltC $485 '135'LaFayette club sed. Guar.. for part '34 LaPayette: coach, gold,,bonded..39.5 Phone KenhIworth 4226.* Chev. conùvertible cpe. excellent 295 7lLTiî27-ltp .3à 2. '32 Chev. sed. Splendidcar ...... W. w.....195 6 epe. spt. Buick '31 .20-45, ÂGÉ. WRfl-ITE GIRL, EXPER ..... 85 *ln '29' Packard sed. dlean... for general houïework ln new home VLt GREAT A CAR EVERY southWest Glencoe. No laundrYe. 2 -aduits, 7L27-tp Glenoe -1225. 1, cild. WAN1TIJELP WHITE 1245 Chicagoý Avenue.at Dempster St. COMPETEFNT 77A-ýLTN27-1'tc Inýperson. ed wlth good ref. Apply SERVICE , ALL EflIPLOYMENT DEPA-CKAnD PASSENGER 7. 1929 Glencoe 261 luxe sedan. 6 good tires. Motor, up663 Vernon Ave. 71LTN14-tiC holstery,' and top tin good cond. $100. 77A-L27-ltPi TOu Wlnnetka PERSON . 3.88,3. WILL PAY RELIABLE forth. SEDAN. take semali child dally back andSchool DELUXE FORD 1915 f rom Church Rd<. tolHorace Matn Radio equipped. With 9 by automobile. Ph. Wlnn. 3316. monthe insurance. $400. 71L2771tp 147 Prairie Ave. Wilmette 2952 SeamtstresS> Expericncedtime work. WORTH WHILE! R. M., Johnstonl & Co. 5 8 7 8 offer the follOi-wlng good homes for rent nbrick bungalo0w.......4 room ........ room brick bouse rm. brick and stucco, 2 baths .... rmn. Colonial, 3 bat-ls .......... who have a number o clients deslrlng furnlshed or unfurnlshed homessEon the North Shore. Visit or phonie one of these 3convenlent local offices3 2 Davis ft. EVANSTON-52 Ilollycourt 185.5 Greenleaf 1855 WINNETKA-790 EIm St. Briargate 1855 Wl.nnetka 2700 HIGHLAND PARK-& S. St. Johns Olghland Park 185 5 99LTN27-Itc $4; IST YOL'iRNO()jRTrH S1;H.0E $75 $75 prôperty,-,vith Sears for» quick sales <r $8 -rentais. 4211 Richrnond Rd. EVANSTON. NASH'CO. 6 room frame, near lake, and ", $85, weil f urnîshed................ Phiole us today. Wilm-ette 444 97LTN27-t COZY AS AN APT... IN WINTER, glorlous ln summer,. Near, botlî Higil aünd Grade schQoos and two stationsand in E-AST I<ENILWQRTH. « réoorn bouse moder.nized with new tile bath, oilhea and electric ice box. Owneir say $65.' 0 ier. ~We wants an 523 Winnetka Ave. 1-',SATE SEr.ARS* REAL4 T-Zt-nilii othi 5288. FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES WTHAT! FOR $65? STOREAT BACK PART F HEATE'D 407 Lindeni Ave. Sixe l4xli ft. withwindow and door. Very Iighýt. For use of builder, architect or, kindred. busit niess. (ail, wilrnette -137. 14T2 FOR SALE-HOUSES NASH[-'32 SEDAN. 6 IVIRE WTHEELS. NORTH SHORE Finish and car like new. In storage MORNINGS. erences. Call Winnetka 1730. 71b27-ltp 1%Çyears. See to appreciate. $335. 1245 ve., Evanston. 77ALTN27-te Chicago GENFOR WHITE GIRL WANTED FOR ,RENT-ROOMU eral housework. 2 childrefl. No lautiROOM FOR dry. $8. Call Wlnnetka 423. 7lL27-ltp SINCGLE OR DOUBLE. NEAR TRANSPORTATION. GLENCOE 651. HELP WANTrEO.MALE Rawleigh's MAN WANTED to supply Household Products to consumers. We porch, ets,1 ,,nrd 12 WHI!TE MAI1, 7 TO REF- NORTH SHORE REALTY \Winnetka 81 NEARLY NEW MODERN NEARLY NEW ENGILISIL brick bouse. 6 roomas, 2 baths, $110. EXCLUSIVE AGENT'S Compffete list furnishied, unfurniished o01 Over 43 Years of DependahieSric N. Shore. 1 special bargain, owne(r il' 530 Davis St., Evans. G1re. 10q0, Wi 1. 2-2', California. 1111 T N27-t FIRST TINTE OFFERED. B I C 1residence, four farnily bedroomns, two. tiled baths, also ma.id's rooin tand bathi. Good schooIs and transportation. Priced .at mortgage forecloslire cost for quick sale. NORTH EVANSTON McGUIRE & ORR, Inc. Mrs. Fuller & Wrn. Pickard J~ODIII72LTN27-ltc FOR WINN., WANTED-ROUTE MANwinter.. R~oute .wilm--., and Glen. titis No bustier. a you're if perml. be will Mr. capital or experlelice recauired. Linenfelser, 101 Liberty St., Freeport, 111. 72LTN26-4tp MAN WITH CAR, 26 TO 47, GOOD * W'lrinetka 254 111 LTN27-lte ('enter St. 'b1. lake ........ ............ sp 8 2LTN27-ltp- S. E. Winn. Brk. C'oli, 4 bdrmq., WINNETNA MNL,;OR' pcb., 2 bas., oil. Fur. or unfur. Mk ng. briek, 3 bldrins., 2 \1r)(. 6 rm. COMFORTABLE SINGLE ROOM IN offer. lent or sale, nook, gar., Il. \\.lit.,. 'n brkfst. bitth.9. location, sie W'INNETKA 269 home. Desirable east NANCY LPVINSON lot in newvly deIaiidscapeci beautifully Reasonable. Phione 97LTN27-1tp O-wn<*r will, hionws. fine of sec. v'eloped WILME TTE 965-R sa..crifice at $10.750. 82LTN27-ltp Phi, (lten..Mr. E7. J. Enchelmayi-r TO RENT FOR 2-1 BEDROOM AND) MNODERN 9-R1OM, 3-B3ATH RESuroomy front room wth fireplace. Share dence. 2-car garage; beautiful privSMALL BRICK COLONIAL kitcben. Near trans.. Kenilworth_2206 or ate beach. Very unusual rentai. Modern. 3 bedrms., 1 bath., H. W. beat, gar. East Winn. Very re.isomiblfr. Mr'. Thatcher. $8,500. 1080 Greeleaf Evanston 5.10 Davis St.. HOME ON THE LAKÉ, McGUJRE & ORR. Inc.. VOGED ING CHEVROLET SALES 1111. Chie. ago Ave., Evafstofl Gre. 8000 77A-LTNZ7-1tC- Plymouttis uality O. KA'l Cars F *îtp 'ter lay. Ar FLATy. ST, tree-t. MWîil -3t ~.92L'1 609 ltp 7 sun porch Ea heat. 1-ca 1.1,4 or 57", _____ -in. VERY COMFORTABLE ; RM. HOI'SIclosýe-mn location, W'innetka. Good corner lot. _ONLJY W. ette R. E'. ThatchIer -2tp. Phone Winnetkat 3500 lllTN27-ItC %5,500