enuelastSatrday uni ni The home is 100 per cent insulatedl This structure is another ui.i n etdwt zsfrd i a group of new type demonstration adi etdwthagsfrd i bouss panne fo theChiago reaconditioning unit. Plumbing is of cast houss plnne fortheChicgo ron,witbhht and cold water service by co-operating builders in a nation- rnw wideproram sponore bythepipes of copper. ýwi4 prgra spnsoed y ,the Furniahed. la Georg"anStyle J~~~ohsmaniIncmpn. uconformity witb the arcbitectur,rmPlans by L. Morgan Yost. Wilmette architect, the bouse is of.a c1e tebueba encm inte eoga Ceorgian Colonial design, in the stylepeeyfunse of ideate Vigiiaas xemlifedstyle. It will remain on. display daily of ideatr Vrgiia àsexe lfor a 'eriodoffou r weeks. in~~~~~~~ theetrtino*ilimbr. Sitè of'the demonstration resiclence Witbout. sacrificing spaciousnless, ,art- fronts~ fifty feet on Chestniut avenue f ul planning bas produced 4n 8- 1 room bore. the perfect smaîll are"' witb a deptb of 174 feet. Tbe hbouse hos.a i ee I sfnihdi ccuples an area. 35x28 feet, 'witb thebric onwoo frme tudingandgaragze,ý also of, brick construction, bric. ",oodfrae o sudfingandloc ated at, the rear of the lot. Witb shetbig. nd vasbujt b Jaesthe, land. it' was bulit to- 'sell for Crabb. Wilmette builder of fine resi- $70 dence 186. sine p-ôperaiing concerns ýparticipating. IntetorRevlatoa i the, equipment of this home iurnte In interior layout and room charmi,culefrisis-oy Dl .the bouse is a revelation.A beautiful o an;dcatg-eai entrance unit leads into a cetaUlmore: wallpaper a nd' Venetian hall with an orien staircase. To the blinds-Alfred Peats company; heatrear is the spacious livinz roorn, The J. Bôs1org1iycibn kitchen and library. valls of which is-taîîdy are of knotty pine. "are at the front equipment-Public Service Company of the housqe. overlooking the street. of Northeru Illinois; plumbing A handy clothes closet and lavatory, WVilliam Lucke: plumbirîg fixturesplaced just off the main' stair hall.1 Crane company: ail J-M materialscoômpletes the first floor plan. Mercer Lumber companv. On the second floor are four' con-________ ,$1 Dr... SbaMPoo ... .79: H.ating Pad E. C. Cj Good health is the one thing. for.-whlch we should be most, thankful. .And heres Just a word of suggestion ta some of us w'ho wouid like to be ln better health. Go ta Your doctor todlay -have him Gmrned$2,98 AlainClocks. gua9Oct 75c Nomxmea Cuecu. -49c ex-. will Ife really thnat tth.' - thankful for go THANICSGIVING SPECIAL Butter Pecam Ice .... .. Cream Cake ..... 33C veniently arranged bedrooms with Mfr. and Mrs. W. W. Rogers of twvo tle Ibath s. The basement plan, 622 Central avenue are expecting in additiôn to the conventional beat- Miss Jean Hawley of Douglas. Ariz., er, storage and lauindry, coutains an to arrive for T'banksgiving and spend .me soets Seo *hOeu TISSUES 1000 sheets « Structurally Apprôved' "structurally Built under the .approved' specifications. the bouse not only contains the basic elements of lastinz construction, but introduces the use and application of many new type building miaterials. WValls arc of plaster on a steel reinforcing niaterial: kitchen walls are of an h'et la*8vo* . are.luly gKJUUCU 45 si. SmalI . 38C Medillu Large 48C Medium -4le Extra Large .* 54C Phone WiIniette 2325 for Prompt Delivery Sliokie BIl d. and Hlbbard, Wllmette . BA»Y NERD3S Pyrex Botties...... 21C 1J& JTalc........ 19C Anticolic Nipples .-.-.-. Fwuesk_uttg.Tmtpd HAMMOND GARDENS NUTS Mdis, lb.. . uni, lb. .. Sc For c.m!Plte JWfwation, coeuwkp.cket iase carisI sw aLil, or auy Tiket Agent CH ICAGr NRe STRN Y EstablisIsed1908