The 1Rev. David R. Icabele, pastor *The Chorus Choir will rehearse F'riSTNDAT lSERICESI day evening. m. a. 9:45 school............. Church a. m. il1 Morning worship .............. the, sufiday befi Memberships in Elrie Neighborhood Next Sunday . .... 3 p. n. Junior Luther league be Holy Commnun may b. bad during the month wi There Auxiliary Advent. 4 p. nm. at 8 A.M., Chu h school and Bi arl Ci. Low, Public Thank-Oftering service 6:30 from Mrs. November of m. p. Senior Luther league Morning, Prayer w avenue. Forest 1706 in 9:45, at classes worship of The munie for the service 11IL A 1ZI .* w"-next Sunday morning Io as fo)ws Spoke No.' 12 of the Woman's societYPreiude-"«Adagio," Sonata 1 The monthiy Parish dinner wil beT will hold, a bake goods sale this SaturMendessohn sgerved ... ....... tonight, ln the Parigh 11ouse, Giory day. November'21, at the A & Pstr Anthem-Awake .Up. My, . ... Protheroe (Thursday.) at 6'and 7. This ln simply a on Central avenue, al-mday. ......... social dinner f-or the people of the conThe Seniorý Choir gregation and their friends , served 4y, Thie church wil JoAn with hundreds of ........ Anthem-Biesming And Honor ti'. Rachmaninoff the membée of the West cirele of, and . ............... churches in the Chicago area and In the w be no, progrftn. Ou-AId. There miil TeJunior Choir country at large n' holding a Preaching the as soon Bach people te evea Postlude-Toecata in D Minor Mission. The Mision in oûr local church ov.r. ls dinner Victoria MeLpod-I[fiitry of Munie will be.held n the wieekc of November 29 ln, to December î. The,,followlng Chicago TheG Union Thanksgiving servie. order The Woman's, society will hold Utn No- which the mininters will participate In. thewith Augustine'.,;Joins St. vetaber sewIng meeting this afternoofl other churches of the village., w1ll b. mentioned. beginninïg Monday evening.' November ý30: The Rev. H1.Ray Ander(Thursday) ât 2 ocloclc at, the home of this yeai lun-the Methodist ?churchi son, D.P., the Rev. Frank M. Silsley, Mrs. R. F. jaehne.: 2340 Prospect avenue,1 held A.X, t.10:30 na Thanksgiving on D.D., be. D.D., the Rev. James E9.Congdon, Alvin Evanston. wIii preacher, The hour. one lastlng Rev. Ruby,'the William'O. Rev. the the of pastor Ailison. D. the, Rer. George of the Senior choir rehearsal Thursday eve-1 Wiliette Baptist ehurch. St. Augustine's R.' Hickman, D.D. The pastor An four. other preach w111 church local ning ai 7,:30 o'cdoék.. Communfion Holy will have' its regular churches durIng this Mission, ina proservice at 8 A.M. gramrfof exehange. We cordially Invite Church council meeting Thursday eveour friends to spend this week of spiritillE at 8 'clock. the. 'of circle The Women of the South ual refreshment with us. The services toGuild are giving a luncheon*brid,-e will b. 1held n heichapel. at. 8 ocioek On Friday evening' of this week the ,nulwrow (Fiday> wttheb. home i)~.'Mrs. 1peo~ple of cmir e4,eh wiated yôüntg Christersolt. 523 Laurel tvenu e. each evenlùîg.ý the Youth nmass meeting wt the Chicago J. B. temnple, which iWW-part of the program of the National Preaching Mission In Chicagoland. The young neople wil meet The Rev. John G. Hindley, minister Ninth street at Greenleaf avenue. at the church at 6 o'clock and journey to miniter Venekiasen, T. James together. temple the Chicago Next Sunday at our il o'clock church. be service we celebrate a Festival of wilI niornSaturday rehearsal Junior choir ThanksgivingY' by the minister Thanksgiving. The entime service will of the of sermon theme the Prayer lng wt. .10 o'clock. at il be new and beautiful for theocain the morning worship service n at "A this The Rev. Mr. Hindiey will î»'eaeh n " Invite. vÔu to share e.W'. 'oe Suneach convenes The Church echool Decalogue of Praise." are There day mornlng at 9:45 o'clock. The music for the service wiil be as thon. ail classes for ail ages. We Invite follfws. to school who do not -attend a Church . . and .Mrs. ý as,.,;Ist. .Mrs. E* Lang wlli J. TfBREGUILAR ANNOTYNCEMENTS Ttiesday--7:30 P.M. Boy Scout Troop No. 1.: Wednesday-3 :30 P.M. Brownien.7:30 P.M. Boy Scout TrooDpNo. 2. ThursàdaY-3 :30 P.M. .,Girls choir'rehea ruai. 4 P.M. Boys, choir rehearsal. 4 P.M. Camrp Pire Girls. 7:15 P.Mw Senior choir rehea rsal.> ,,In Cub Packý No. 63 nieets Weekly dens. Inquireo! Howard 4,. Hind ley. - Wilmette and Forent Rev. George D. Allison, -pastor This; church is ýoooperating enithusiastically with the. National. Preaching Missiop .of the Pederal Council of Churches of Christ hri America. The great group of Christian ~~r woare sweeping macli Chicago this acrosthe Week. Today (Thursday) there are nmorninfg and afternoon conferencen at the Chicago Temple and Central Y.M.C.A. and a Womens luncheon at the Sherman hotel. Tomorrow includes the Men's luncheon at the Hotel La Salle. Evening meetings are held iAn manyV local cernmiunities on the North, South, and West sides of the city. On Sunday afternoofl a great North Shore gathering will be lheid in First Methodist church. Evanston. at 3 o'clock. Many niembers of, this church plan to attend. -country - Wilmette Ba>tist avenues First Presbyterian First Congregational The Sunday school holda Its general s;ession at 9 :30 o'ciock., The Adult Bible clans will study this The. Women's bMissionary Society o! week the "Portrait of Jesus,-The Mirthe. church will iold its public Thankacle Work1,er." W. nvitp you to study offering service on Sunday afternoofl at with us. The class meets at 10 o'clock. 4 o'clock. The prograni wil include motion pictures o! our mission work n The Pastor's clans for those who wish ill Japail, which .will b. prenented by. the te prepare for diurch mernbershin mis- ineet at 9 :30 'clock. Rev. Arthur Knudten, one o! our sionarien to .Iapafl. Everyone is Invited n thé inspirationl of this to share service. o'clock. -Miss Henrietta present the. topic. HraYson w1l' Our Church Night Thursday Nvill takei on a. festive Harvest Homne character., The Neighborhood crdle will serve the1 turkey dinner at 6:30 and registrations. are necessary. It s Guest Nighit and.1 you' may invite your neighbors, pros-1 pective mnembers of our fellowship, with1 the compliments of the church. W. Franik McClure wAll stpeak on, "Gun,Q.nulus publicity comrmittée W. A. tm. Peterson, oward G. RAce. Listing s J. C. Blaylock, 1 tý, E. W. Roberts and. on. môrn-inLr Lome Ren- .i and llesi.m" i'.rsonal remninis- 10 the U. T Èrl :hM,o'elock. Postlude - Thanj<sgivin'g at Harvest .. ......... Cowen Time Tue................... The Sunday Sehool wili meet at 9:45. Ail the departments of the school wll' take part n a Thanksgiving service n the church. Each memnber cf the school s asked te bring some offeriflg-of food or rmoney to this service. The Womens Guiid will meet on Mon-. ,b. ____ B the RO e T. B.y x, ehcagor , itel.ise UUL¶.1tIal 5Ludents esei*v'u'escooi ecause Ithere fellowshii> . Corneehicago, in thik. share are and tis è oniebring e svlce OnT., midw no Tnanksgiviiig wAIeihavesthRy will be the a fWedOn preacher. as of Racine !rend. ad week.* .of AAinviuea . ' . .Frizelle t nesday, Edward Catios, Boinilan leader Czech singers. On are with a group 'o! All pont hlgh school young ptUole The' Early Trhanksgiving ser-vice will. urged mnTontgc e. h to meet in the church parlor at Tusa be held on Thursday morning wt 7 o'(flock 7:30 Sunday Torgoaf messao in the evening to further plansWîmete wli in the chapel. Rodger Venekiasen wviil ii. meselse, and the wllbn oniday, group. fellowsliip and discussion lead the meeting. A light breakfast wil foi- a ist A ls llChîlsimath.evanrlstonin eiicnEuaio Thoorn served. coneý o! Christ, will backThe Cail Mun-l charge., pmoaiisand ~fr9în diverse The Union Thanksgivi ng service of hoîd ts regular monthîy nmeeting *