9 :15 a. n.-First servIce. 9.30 a. m.-Su.nday mchc classes. il a. m.-Second serv-ice. and Bible1 est college wvill Celebrate its eigh* Today the Ladies' Aid is having its. teenth annual Homecoming program aniiuai Christmnas sale and dinner. The in which the most important event sale. begins at 11). ni.; tea, 2 to 4:30; the wiIl be the football game against Aldinner from 5 :30 to 7 :30. bion college of Albion, Mich. "*blesSed are they that lsa r the word of, God, and keep it." A -,...i-'1 fi 4 4 MEETINGS -Aduit catechumen classa,.today, 8 p. ni.. The National Preaching Mission lm now in the paàstor'a study. ln session. Somne of the sessions and Senior Walther league, Friday, 8 -p. mn. speakers are as foliows: Chlld ren's Christian education classes, Thorsday evening, November 119-Dr. SaturdJayr.9:30 ia. m;Wednesday,, 4 p. hi.1 B. Stanley Jonesand Dr. Merton Rice at the Fourth Presabyteria.n "Comfort When Help Is Delayed" will1 are speaking Chicago. Dr.. George W. Truett, be the AubJçût of Sonday's'sermnon, based church, is preachingý at the North Shore Baptiiat on the ýGospel for the 24th Sunday after rhurch,1311 Berwyn a.venue. Trinity, M4atthew 9 :18-26. It takeÉ up, F'riday evening,' November 20Dr. the old problem of, Christian'cross8-bea ring, :of prayers nftl mmedlately :an- Mferton Rice 15 speaking at thre Edgechurcir. Bishop swered, of David's éry: "How long.wilt water Piresbyterian Trhou hÏide Trhy face f rom nie?"' Perhaps Jlames E. Freema n la the, speaker at .the this miessage has no kpecial Iinterest-lor Rogers .Park Baptist churcir. you today, but tomnorrow you miay need Sunday afternoon, November 22Bishop Jameq E. Freeman Imthe mpeaker its, pteclous, comfort. at the First Methodlst church lànEvanson Sunday our "mother church," Beth- ton. leheni of- evanstàn,lA celebrating the 50th anniversary .of the dedication of its The Don Cossaek chorus wilI aimear church edifice. The Rev. A. Ullrich of ncncert tomorrow, evening (Friday) La Grange wIll preach at 10 :30 and 2 :30., at 8 :15 At Evanston High school, undetr and our pastor at 7 :30 p. ni. the auspices o e 'hoitbe l elPapoes Orphanage. Our Thanksgiving Day service wilI be, held next Thursday at 10 a. m. Also this year every memnber is requested to bring a gift of fruit or canned goods to the service, which will then be taken to oui- chiidrens home and orphanage in November 21. Lake ForAddison. *The Girl Scout Leaders' association, will meet Tuesday evenlng, November 24. a t 7 :30 o'clock ln thre Girl Scout room. 11 H AIM YOU cuT WITN A FORVI Celebrate Homecoming at Lake Forest Nov. 21 Saturday, 0 one-inch Tender Made Ham Steak is readv in A delicious, juicy, The minister will be in the pulpit next ities and sororities from Iil until 1 Sunday morning. o'cdock. Th'e The lelorning worship service begins 1*oows: Registration il, Lois D.urand *VC;tIOUSyIVIlIJnuer with the organ prelude at 10:45 é'clock.i hall at 10 o'ëlock in the moning folThe Ilitroit la suiig just before il ocloc:k. lowed bv open house at thie fratern- ana isty a whole ham, haif ham, or even neoo ia ei u aib cn mcledctcnb -until you've tried this sen. tender when gamne between Lake a service Sunday, jNovember 22, is as fol- 2:30. The music for the il o'clock worship Forest andi Albion is scheduled for ALSO Secied iTins! is boned,, and cooked lOrgn 1:4) An after-the-gamne "smoker" will Sationai torgale 10 Andate): be heici at North hall, the freshman g (Sonata> ... .Rheinberger men's dormitory, and a tea for visit'*Comne,.Ye Thankful PeoPle, ing women at Lois Durand hall, the Come" .. Arraniged by Eivey ' r. unbelievablv *. new Secret Process Ham.1 Because its'already so ;t 0 Now 1 Tender Made ue enu. VL-. EI tor, Mrs.un.R. ose3si. w., Mitchell, Mrs. L.W Jones, and Mrs. Cochrane. 4"here will be a musical program arranged by Mrs. Mtchell. Thre tiret of a sertes -of threeo rgan recitals *111l b. giv»n by Miss ,Marie ... when the College chartt ."ed a special car to take the- girls into Chicago ,t h etr pri for a day of Sopn and vsiting.shpigtearpea was here on Wednesday of Iast week Made in Chicago