FLANNEL Cold wintry days cali for one of these coat ,~s consisting of coat, leggings and ba ti' Grand variety of fabrics and colors to choose from. Values to $12.98. Make Beautiful Christmas Gifs ROS-ES '.. 1 1, 1ý 14% ý . 1 TOTS GLO-DOWN $6 SHOW SOITS Made of warmn woolly fabrics that keep the cold out 1 With helmets o match. Solid colors or gay'plaid ~ combinations$. Sizes to 3. or* For, lazy nýights at home.. the ideal Christmas gif t, you caen choose nothing smarter than one of these beautiful ail wool flannel robes!. 6 different styles in many glorious colors! Reguslar $6 Value, Ar upllft lace brasiere Styled for theavr Sizes age figure type. 34 to 34.À 1/ Made of fine brocade with pèrfeot fitting Belted fleece ski pants and double breasted Jacket wlth mnuf pockets, many wtth wa.rm Kasica or laakln llnlige. Mune, navy, red .ad browIi. MisSimnplicity i$3,88 I .jengo isolda w k -=--mJ w shade in small, medium large sizes. WILMETTE LIPB