Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Nov 1936, p. 56

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Has and Art TaIk "Stained glass is.the only trule Christian art, the real ýexpresSion of Çhristianity,>' 1Henry Schnuidt told memlbers ôof the Woman's Catholic Club of Wil.mette Friday afternoon of laet week whe à the fine- arts départment gavea, studio tea at thée Schidtl home ýat 710 Waàhinlgton avenue. The, afternoon wasl. one of the mOst interesting the group, has present 1ed. To, us, at least, as well as to some of the others, present, it opened up new fields of inforiniationan age-old, art. Brcnwn oaklclai'es fret» a nearhy' tree glimpsed through one large window, light streaming tbrough brilliant-colored stained glass paniels in the others. made anl unusual background for the studio toppin-- the Schmidt home. Tt houses a collection of fascinating art objects froni carlier centuries collccted over a' period of years bv Mr. Schmidt, himself anl artist. .Many hours could be spent browsing in absorption over the histories and Installation of 0. 1E S.Officers Wilmnette cha pter, No., -753, Order of, the E~astern Star, held a >beautiful installation- ceremnony for. officers, Monday evening, Novemiber 9, at the Wîl.miete'Masonic temIple. Mrs. Bertha M. Eagfle, grand mat ron of the Order o! f__the Eastern Star'of Illinois, wasthe inst alling. officer, assisted _by Mrs. Orville D. Jonies, paàst matron of Wilimette chapter. Mrs. Jon'eswas the installing chaplain, Mis%. Dorothy L. Kuelzow, past matron of .Vilniette chapter, was the instalIintg inàrshal, and Harry J. Scroggins. paý;t parnof Alice chaàpter,,wasý the instligorganist. Hlerbert T. Gielow, past worthy -ranid patron~ of Illinils, 'andi Mr,;. Herbert T. Gielow, a member of the crcdentials cominittee of thé Grand chapter, %verethe soloists. l'he pscorts wcre joseph O. Converse, Charles L. J-osken, and August J. Kuelzow, al past patrons of Wilmette chapter, and Orville D. Jones, jr., past patron, served as ushers.' XViliamn E. Sheliman was color bearer. Mrs. joseph (O. Conv~erse, (frand lectiirer, gave fthe Ofde to the religions, but flot until Chrletianity ap-pearéd was there any finding of stained glass. The tliret real art of this kind disco-vered was about 100C0 A. D., but. in about 300 or 400, ilaid fracery of :# stained gla.ssý was found ln architecture. The finest stained glass was made in the mniddie ages. To it. notbing cati, *Compare, according to the speaker. The Chrietians, at a, tiMle before priniting and Bibles and books, turned to the art: of picture making in stained glass as-;a means of telling the story of their faith Atiwist cd band of seed ,"arls anid oriqc blossamns held in place the' veil thal kill ogx'r the ivorv, sati n wcddinii qown Of. Miss Rosalie Roach of rVinnetka at lier inarriaqc Noveinber 7, toPaul F. l'oillnberg. The' dress ori.qipially w~orii b. the bride's inoiher, Mrs. Leouard Hlarris Roach, 7kas Mîade u~ith a yokc of duchesse lace. 2I1r. oigbr and his bride are nou, is a son of Mr. amidIlrs.' Eliiott V. Y'oitnqqi homne in Ottiiinîci, lo.lie berg of IVilinette. nmatron, NIrs. joseph M. jogi, and Mrs. Charles Kunzelman, memibers of XVilmiette chapter, l'he following. were inducted inito office: Mrs. Albert G. Ackermann, inatron ; Arthur G. Bloonm, patron; Mrs. Roy E. McIlrath, associatLmatron; Roy E. M,\cIlrath, associate patron; Mrs. Grace M. Skeltoni, secretary; Mrs. Earl E. Orner, treasurer; MIrs. Hlarry E. Smoot, conductress; XMrs. H. William Oakwood, associate. weet light changed. the colore mow used QueMt turmed. te babout the collection, Christ, whlch richened ln color as thé ser'ved the guesta tea and cot Métal oxides are her attraetively appointed tea for the ýglass.Týhom»as.P. Gibbons, préside ask1ng, .questions Woman'e Catholie club, and, whlch Inçludeu: llami Otter, poured. be given by Mrs. Kurt Stoehr, who. around will present a travel talk, "Neyer a le., Mrs. DuU Moment in, Europe," ilustrated of the 's. WiI- witl< pictures which she took while, she was. abroad last summer:, Schmidt sented with bis jewel by Charles . Hosken, past patron. The oficers and past matrons and patrons of Wilmette chapter formed a double arch of flowers for the matron and, patron to Pass throtugh- as, tbey assumed. their. staions.

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