Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Nov 1936, p. 60

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Athietie Director W. L. Childsý Mis% Mabelle A. Payton, 383 Park The awards will be made for the avenue, Glencoe, of the. English* de- football season which-closed, Iast partment, will instruct a groupý of week against Evanston: Hagb schoolý TOUKS-AN"TRUISES EVERYWHERE, ous advisor rooms on :the- subject. ât, Pbelps field. Numerals. will be Fer ldfmâIton antid escrive ChesterMaen 946,:Spanàish court, given to, menibers of the freshman-. students Who are to spek before the, .sophornore team and numerals and various advisor rooms on the subject. letters to the n'imbers of the varsity. SHOREMLNE TOURS. No Man's Land, debate coach, is to- Certificates will be giveri to those Who introduce the problern before. the won the same, award last.yéar. 748 Il. Sf. Winoka 3030 Gavel 'cltub, student forsenic.org anîza- .The "Tiger" football team f, caption. tained by Elmer Smnith, Won, the. nitra-David Johnson, 1221 cleveland mural tournament, it was announced street, Minmette, ýhead of, the com- tbis week- by De Forest Showley, diWhy Nof Duy=merce department, and Dr. Laura rector of the boys' iantramural proUllrick, 2637, Stewart avenue, Eva4ns- gram. ton, hcad of the social studies departThe lEst foillors: TO BE AT CAME. enphasize taxation ,.in menlt, .will Junior Manage r's Numerals HawxR. Ralph Mrs. and Mr. G1en Samuelson.,]Robert LevlIngs. classes. W. L. Brown, 1019 Tbirteenitb wifm ypur . Senfir Manager's. Numerals hurst, Mr. and Mrs.. GeorgeM._ street, Wilmette, business manager of Samnueson. John Prankel. Coale, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert'O. the school, will assemble matérial for. Phil Freu;bman-Sophomore Football, Law, Ir., of Kenilworth, and Mr. andi study, it was added. Bob LandÔn, Gordon Laughead, La wreeeM4iler. D4ek Ader4on, cart at Mrs. Chrles A. LiddU. of Wflnuî.tka., ter, Ed Befleon, John Blumn. W. WiU Pay<CASH' for Your Dis- plan to attend the Northwesternto Loses Trier Bill Brown, AI Bruschini, Tom Carney, New on Satgarne football Dame Notre carded W.tches, Out of Style King Dowse, Dick Durr, Norman Evans. urday at Notre Dame. Bob Gockel, Jai Hanley, Ted Harris. Evanston High, 206 Bob JeweIry and Silv.r, or fake th.m n Helnrtchs, Dave Jennlngs. With the second string teani mak- Melvin Kahn, Hurd Macqueene, Don e1xchang. for new merchandise. Mrs. H. F. Riley of 730 Lake. ave- in$< New Trier'% lone touchdown on Meier. Joe Royal, Robert Scheibel;, Terzakes, Don Thackery. nue spent three days last week in a long march ini the final quarter, George Freshman-Sophounore CertIflcatés Union City visiting ber sister, Mrs.1 the Trevians lost their final ganie Bob Devinney, Rigo Marchini, John Carl Miller. Miss Frances. Riley, and( of the year to their historic rival, Powell, Dlck Sauer. Bud Vounglove. JEWELERS SINCE 1837 Varslty Football Numerals ber four brothers, TJhomas, Bill,1 Evanston, at Phelps field, Itndian Art Bohnett, Art Curttenden, Tom Frank,~ and Ted. plan to attend the1 Hill, last Saturday, 20 to 6. The Wild- Getman, Bill Craffs. Bill H'pp, Charles STATE AND MONROE kit freshman-sophoniore teani won, Jacobs. 8BDAYS$W16ÔDAYSS5 may >be honest dirnerence of opinion on questions of governmental policy, we intend"to cooperate 100 per cent with our duly eliected executives. "«Somietimes, in *the midst of, the, pre-election batties, we feel tbat the, future of the -nation, hangs oni the outcomne of the balloting. But When the turmoil of ýtbe campaigu is, over, we realize that this nation will, continue, to progress under' either Po litical party. We are confident :in our future. We are Optîinists.," OLD GOLD C. D. PUACOCK Evan Maellraith, Ed Mable, Ned New 'Trier, the single score mrade b)v Versino,,. playing bis MOTOR, OILý,riginal ia Mc was ish. BillrKruinsick, j.en acftinnfon. Phil Mali.en, Jim MeFadzean, Roger first Oyen, Webb Powell, Dick Reynolds. Lyame since tbe Canton encounter. Charles Rothermel, Roy Seheibel, Dav. The touchdown was muade after a Skillin, Dick Wagner, John Weese. JmVarslty Certîclates 61) yard drive by the second string. Lineberger, Bill JmLamb Following the subsequent kickoff, Stebbinis, Jimi Clarence Versino. New Trier nuarched again from their. own 30 to the Evanston 9 yard line. A scoring chance was lost here when tlie home team fumbled. Evanston's final score was madie 'shortIv Three New Trier Grads Are Honored at College Three former students of New Trier fter. gd by ý91 Ui Aeu, Winn.t QOIL Go.ý W.gnntks 5 6 With their son, Cloyd, they wili spend Thanksgiving in Danville with Mrs. Hinrich's father> and- mother, Mr.. and Mrs.. F. 'N. Cloyd. mr. ana mrs. vuwaru ijearasiey. nome, sue went tw Montclair, N. J., for a week's visit with ber sister, Mi-s. Edward T. Statier, who visited' Mr. and Mrs. Snow here, Iast iummer. i I

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