Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Nov 1936, p. 63

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Building Record A ga ii of 36, per cent ini Chicago SuI)urb>a n buildinig in the nmonth of O)ctoberý as compared %vith the sanie inotb of last year is shown in this sur.vey of fiftýv-se'ven,conimunities, the figures. beingz $2.301.638 for Octobeûr 1936, and $1,695.002 for October 1935.! mrade by -Straus Securities corporation. TuMe, percentage of gain for the imonth over the corresponding mionth a vear ago. 31 per cenit,, fails short of the percentage of-, gain, for the ten. months of 11wthe er tînîs far. which was,78 per cent., The first ten months of 1930 îotalled $21'9)7.825 w~hile the saine months of '1935 produced Ile,%% bu),iildling atmonting b ,$12.314.411. Satîsfactory PRecord The amionut of October building %%,as practicalk flc saine as :tlat iii ' Ibove Is> un archziled's renderilq aofaone of lte liojses hîctudcd in the 'Septeýinher with $2.425.641. A, a scaJIrst unlit of Jlive residences under construction in the Colonial Hotne.teads son1al falliini off in new bulilding todicî'elopnze)l nî 0the1wsmit/ side of Glenvieu rad, ai Wagner road and the ward thec end of bbc vecar usuallv ocelidronce ta fleiclnviezo Golf club. çurs, Octoher iii kccningq on ani anOf brick ven ' cez and sidigl combîiatian. the hanse comp~rises 7 rooms, 21 J)rxiIab lvel~vîhScpternber. nales baths, anda z wo-car bul"It-in garage. It zwiIl have air condilioned heat. Ernst a satikfactorv record. The returiu of fhome Ibuildling ou011a . Berir, 746 Ehîi tsircet, Wl» neika is the architect. lare sca-le accotmnîs fo-r more than I.eollard H. Roacli, of Winnetka, witbi hialf of ai! thelinw bidigin Octo-ifedJackson, of Glencoe, are deini ber. New hrinis to btche ib i)!-of r total vveloping Colonial 1-onîesteads, which e -iè 1 TransesofR 158 alnd cnstiniLr the at iw of $1.294.(Q65 are reported lwXthe "' oniûrIse 16 building units. ioule of in p for ist Winnetka was' wcll-'out in front in total, valuation of 'building perulits issued in. the four villages of* tbe township during October, -with a total. of $133,6M0._Six of the Winnetka permits were for newresidences totaling an esti mated cost: of $121 ,OO. Wilmette was second for the same period witb a total of- $96,275. Tbe perniits, issued in the four villages during. the. month follow: Wilmette Building Commissioner William A. Wolff reports thefollowing Wilmette. permits. issued by his office during the past month: Oc.tober 1-.F Braun, 2139 Beechwood avenue, brick veneer single tam- Reports Activity n ir at ily- residence and 2-car garage. Architect, C. W. Lampe. Builder,.Frderi Atkinson. $10,000. October 17-S. Moulding, 730 Elmwood avenue. residence alteration. $500. October 19-R. T. 'McClelland, 221 Lawndale avenue, garage. Mason, C. 0. Llmbert. $400. OeItober 22-Martha Cray, 1225 Gregory avenue, residence alterations. Builder, Stanley Construction eompany. $800. October 23-Oliver Morton, 1050 Forest avenue, private garage, $650. October 28--George Appleyard, 1018. 15th street, residence alteration, $250. October 28-N. J. Mergenthaler, 210 Catalpa place, resideiiee alteration. $150. That:'home manager. strtictioli of. 8.$O.9f9 b>ildiîîg. lias piot l)cefl spasmilodic but, liasmIainta]ineda stca1v volume e\i,., It)v f4wbfwn îati,,îReports .- of vacant proper.ty. Sears Real Estate Men ft Il Nunier of 11omres Villue $124si O(-tohIr 6 ?S Big Sale * eàt-n* Alngust Ma'1 175 1841 9D58 $ 0S51hc ',as. l'rcRal Fstate anniounices: 1:212,447 N"Mis:s Betty Ketchamn of our office 165.290 lias sold the Lorenzo C. Dilks home 11572743M0 at 227 Sheridan road. Kenilworth, to 1:434~27 'Jams Cleary, vice-president of Willins and Cunningham, _____iRoche. Mr. Dilks is presidenit In refurence to the above tabillation of the "c-., ,,Thîe xvas purchased by r. an residence d Mrs. E. A. Perkins, who boughit the propertv at 227 'Mary street, Glencoe. The sellers were flot disclosed. The prop.ertv hias heen held ini trust by the Chicazo Titie and Trus;t company. Ira W. Hurley Of Winnetka was the attorney repre-» sent ing Mr. Perkins. Lots 5 and 8 in the Skokie lanle subdivision south of Woodlawn ave- wood avenuesisngle famiy resicience, brick veneer on frame. Arehiteet, Ralph E. Stoetzei. Builder, Erie F. Peterson. $20,000. October 30-Dr. Robert Gordon, 1538 Elinwood avenue, residence alteration. fluilder, Nels Wagsted. $1,200. October 30-Dr. F_ J. Ewtterer, 338 Washington'avenue, garage. $250.-1 November 4-L,. W. Denmtan, 1253 of the firm, fornierly associated Wltfl bis father's law firm ini Chicalgo. .Mr. Rogan resides in Evarîston, and is thoroughly>familiar.with north shore',C real estate. values. ned its years leaci iy a slim margin. Kenilworth 'Was in third place with encoe fourth. The tabulation follows: ilage1 Jan.-Sept., October Total Imette..... ................ $ 873,506 $ 96,275$ 969?781 rilworth................... _... 341,050 65,425 406,475 rineka ................. ..... ..... 784,920 133,61091,3 ncoe ............................... 67,5 35,600 711,150 Totals............ ............... $2,675,026$130,910, A permit was lssued to the estate of ., Van Deusen, calllng for a one and one-half story brick veneer, with attaedoecrare.t61Mirs avenue, costing $8,000. L. Morgan YoB3t, *,0596(Cniue onPg6) land C. A. Hemphill and Associatea, of EVanston. the contractors.

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