Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Nov 1936, p. 68

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ilealty Co., 2445 Devon avenue, Chicago, builders. Permits for remodeling Jobg were. lssued to A. W. Wigglesworth , 125, Woodstock avenue, $1,700; Leslie Dodds, 428 Cuminor road, $5,000; Howard: Schaeffer, 212 Raleigh road,' $1,000- J. Barcus, 306 Woodstock avenue, $225; -W-Kt cham, 40 Devonshire lane, $4,000. The garage, with chauffeurs (j, uarters above, le beingbuilt by John W.- Ladd,. at 257 Woodstock avenue. The estlmfated cost 1l3 $3,600. Orn.November One permit was issued in Kenilworth during the firet 17 ýdays of -November. t Was for. a ne* two-etory, 7-roomn brick veneer resldence, with attached one car garage, which George R. Dodgele building ai 377 Ridge road. The cost Is $15.000. H' Ring Clauson and associates, 180 North Michigan. avenue, Chicago. are architecte and Joe Mageàkey, 2026 Noyes street, ýEvanistoni, the, bulider. Joe Braun, Tiis residencre for Lewis C. Munritugh is located ai t he Corner of deWindt road. and Sissct' àiane, Wipmetka. Illinois road, Wllmette; has the masonry contract; Commonwealth Plumbing corntwo Private uvà.vs twhich, lt'ith White Oak lune coprise. over.a mile of highly 'restricted'corintrylike prl7vate laites. pany, 5612 Northwestern avenue, ChiAlongq these lunes, are located me af the fixiesthomneso»ithe, north shore. Osn&,,Urbaint, architects. cago. le dolng the plumbing. and Maurice B3ond, 896 Linden avenue, Hlubbard 'W6ôds a 1htutôiïtract for théeéetl'iéat Joseph Carp. 1 791 Howard etreet, Chii- $2,500; Adelor J. Peti t Jr., 571 1-1111 ter.- two-car garage. P erklns, Wheeler & work. vago, the builder. race, $250. Will, 333 North Michigan avenue, ChiMr. and lirs. Clarence B. Randail are John M. Mitchell took out a permit cago, are architects; Bjorglund & Peterbuilding a two-stor.v solid brick resi- for a brick and franie commercial build- son. Chicago, carpenters, and Paul Jan.dence of eleven roome and built-in two- ing at 901-05 Linden avenue, costing .en, Chicago, are doing the magonr> garage at 700 Blackthorn road. cost- $5,000. Perklns. Wheeler & WilI, 3331 work. Twelve building permits for im- car lng $35,000. Raiph E. Stoetzel, 612 Ngirth North Michigan avenue, Chicago, are Permits for reniodellng jobs were IsprÔvements totaling $133,610 were Michigan avenue. Chicago, is the ar- architecte and Oscar Johnson is die sued to Hugo Layer, 4.36 Iinden street. chitect and Edward A. Anderson & Co., issued in Winnetka. during the month builder. $700; J. E. Freeman, 185 Chestnt 545 Lincoln avenue, Wlnnetka, builders. Max Epstein ls building a privatte, street, $500;. Mrs. D). B, fEarhart, 992 of October. Six of the permits were Noble T.. laeFai-lane is building at, greenbouse at 915 Sheridan road, r-osi- Pine street, $1.100;, Dr. H.'rald A. Ranifor new residences costing $121,000; 681 sýer, 9,72 Hawthorn lane, $2.500; Edwin Walden road.. It is a. two-tory. ing $4,200. three for remodeling jobs, $.1,950; fraine building with attavhed two-car The permnit for a lirivaté garage. cost- T. May.týnar*d. 969 Hill road, $1,200. Thje permit for the on<e-car -araýgt-. ing $360, was issued tb Chai-les F. T)evine, one for a commercial building, $5.000; costing $300, was lssued to A.Frn. one for a private greenhouse, $4,20). Winnetka terts.land John Anderson and Sous,.Co., 5216 North Damen-avenue. Chicago, have the masonry contract,. Harry T. Kransz took out a permit for two andi one-half story solid brick, concrète and f ramie residence of nine roonie and bUilt-in two-car garage at 345 White Oak lane, cesting $30,000. Olsen and Urbain, 228, North' LaSalle street, Chicago, are the architects, and j. Blilds $11,Z00 Home W. Lindsay Buter le building a twstory brick veneer and shingle side res.1dence with attached two-car gara.ge, ait 338 Lecust road, costing $11,500. Mý 1r. Suter is the architect and buiîder. Permitîs for remnodeling work were issued te Josephine FlyNnn, 921 Ash street, $300 ;. W. S. EIiiott, 650 Blaukthorn road, tOne boickhe new ', slencesbuàt y A *tr bnrcktuenewr eing eflceat A Franco, at 1066 .Oak street. The estliated cost' Is $9,000. Chester A. Walcott, 75 East Wacker drive, Chicago, le the architect ,fRobert Mitchell, (-arpenter' and Harold Dahl, mason. Mr. and M.%rs. Anthony L. MNie-hel -took. out a permit for a residence, 1170 oakley avenue. It ik two stories, of scoud br-ie*k construction and will have a- built-in and' one for a private garage. werc' issued in Glencoe ini October. TIîw total value of the imiprovernents was $35.610. C. C. Bennet is b)uilding one the new residences at 930 Skokle Ridre of drive. It is two stories, (of framne and brick, and the estiniated c!ost le $1ý,000. .1. Hl. Melstromi, of Chicago, k the architeet and Erland Peterson. also of C'hicago, is the general contracter.. The other new. residenre îpermit w.us adward M. Bullard's new home oit deWindi road i» Dataj designed. by Anderson <md rickiior, architecis. It is a lovely Pr acres, of mn eariv Americon home. y Aces,.Wineta, as jus us!bee copleed, ben coplèed, -t at the bend in deWindt road, Daughaday y AcesWinntka ha $15,400. J. H. Meistroin, 3136 Cambi avenue, »Chicago, le the architect. land. Peterson, 6133. School street, cago, le the mason contractor.. residence at 144 Green Bay road, co i I

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