Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Nov 1936, p. 5

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This action was taken by the Winnetka council last week on recommendat ion of Trustee George W. Gordon, chairman of the couiicil public safety, committele. Negotiations vention, approximate1y looking toward- the, agreetnent have 1here areand 52 members of the oneconhaîf are to be appointed this year. been underway between the two villages for severalI months. On 'a basis of 10 fire calîs to KenilWorth, -in a. year, it was explained, Make Distribution of the formercharge resulted in a total Economy Shop Rleceipto annual payment to Wininetka'of only *Mrs. Dwight.C. Orcutt ofGletncoe* $750. On. the new, The basis Ecoroioy shop, conducted by of charge, is chairman' of mnusic for the Sunday, thelannual payment to Winnetka for the Woman's Club of Wilmette, for Eve ning club,, and. Dr., Davies. Lazear alike numtber of fires will be $2,050. the ' benefit' of charity, anniounces of Winnetka is leader -of lthe comThe total1 cost of maintaining the through its chairman, Mrs. Charles 1 munity singing. *F..D. Frisbie of the Winneëtka fire department is approxi- F. Kremer of 723 Laurel avenue, that high school faculty is head, of the niately $40,00 a .year,,it mas pointedý it. has js maçieits first distribution corps of ushers, all: students at New out, and the purpose of the new4 of funds for -this season. In round Trier and inembers of-the 'rri-shiii>, agreement is. to more equitably nuimbers, it has givenabout $400 to apporBoys' club, tion this cost between the two vil- be divjded b etween Arden Shore, the * Studenits Are'Ushere lages. Wilmette Health 1board,,a.NeW Trier S en i 0 r s - Don Stiilîman, LowelI The înatter is to1. corne hefore the Studeiit Relief fund, Pairký Ridge Snorf, Bill Spinney, John Weese, Kenilworth board of trustees at the School for Girls, and the Sarah HackCharles Ballenger, Jock Byrn, Jiin flecemnber metng ett Stevenson-, memorial. Neilson, 'Ten Bfuenger, Ashton TaYý lor, B ilI1 Mcju nkin, Art Cruttenden, Jack Randaîl, Jack Fyfe, Irving Jackson, John Dixon, John Frankel, Roger Lynch,' Ned Smith, Jim Gough, Warren Meyers, Tom Harrington, Warren Corning, Arthur Littlefield, Clar-! ence Linebeger; juniors-Bill Hagewiil be maileçi, recipients being renah, Gordon Kiddo, Jim Hurd, Richard Fight Against Tuberculosis to quested to remit the price or return Be Depicted Here Friday KîxMiller, Bill Hayt, Bill McNitt, Ithe sealà to the board. The cmain Fred Ijenachel, Kenneth Kingery. Don Mitchell is head of the crirt. "Visit Asia With Me" is the title of MVrs. Theodore Roosevelt, jr.'s, second lecture before the New Trier Sunçlay Evening club. She will speak Sunday evening, November 22, at 7:45 p. mi. in the New Trier Higli Échool auditorium, and is, expected toplicate the popularity she attained on the north shore last season with ber lecture on the Philippies Her lecture is illustraàted witl moving I So rapidly is drifting sand at the present time fillig up the shallow Wilrnette harbor that the United States coast guard station crew is experiencing, difficulties in, getting small béats out into the lake,, it was learned this.week. During one of the drills, recently a coast in a small boat found a feet off the, pierhead, at regular boat guard crew sand bar 20Q a. spôt.where only.recently there 'has been plenty of water. North-east wind and wave, it as' explained, have helped to fill up the harbor umouth faster than usual, but the problem.of maintaining a channel has been, acute for several seasons., Christmas Seal Committee Will Present Movie Program at Hall The harbor. at the present. time is. owned by the* Sanitary District of Chicago andis ixtended only as an intake for the North Sh~ore channel which connects Lake Michigan at Wilm.ette with the north branch of the Chicago river near Kedzie and Foster avenues, Chicago. Ih bas'been used by small craft for several, years. re.iected several months aiz A proposaI that the 'federal government take over, widen, and deepen the harbor in order to accommodate ail private sail and power yachts whose owners desire nioorings was d'L.hà was -formerly governor. of -the .Phili p- retOè tieaitn '..enter. Ti.ns meeting pines. She had special opportunities is open to, all citizens, without adhe itrdutinstomaemission charge. through einrdcin omk - The pièture reveals, in sequence, ver.unsua poogrphs paticlary.the different scientific steps employed in Afghanistan, a land rarely visited bv tuberculosis experts in detecting by foreginers. In Nepal she became the presence of this dreaçi malady in an experienced tiger hunter. children, and the treatments used in Mrs. Roosevelt is a great-niece of checkîng it. it will be explained by Mrs. Henry Saunders, Who 40 year$ Dr. Julius Novak of the Chicago ago founded the League for Political Tuberculosis institute, in charge of Education, New York. During the the tuberculosis clinic at Wilmette ýWorld wàr shewas'the first Ameri-.T~IA plague. are n(1 again. TOWNSENDITES MEET FRIDAY Townsend Club No. 1 of Wihîett will nleet iin the court roomn of the Movies of Japon WiIfý-Vilage hall at 8 o'clock, Friday evenBe Shown This Sunday ing, Noveniber 20. The meeting is The Wilmette English Lutheran open to ail citizens and strangers. Information and literature can be church, Seventb street at Greenleaf obtained at 1125 Central avenue and avenue, the Rev. David R. KabeIe. .440 Prairie, avenue. ________________ Ifriel on Suniday atternoon, November 29, at 4:30 o'clock in the Wilmette Parish Methodist churcli. This program will be in keeping with the beginning of the Advent se ason. The public, is cordially invited to attend. The Wilmette Health Center board, of which Mrs. J. D. Kinnear, 2241 Chestnlut avenue, is chairman, anounces tIhat solicitation in the Seal campaign will, be restricted to the, masý. Letters, with seals enclosed, 0 Sce the Classified section, for these listings. and internai chest injury. ,He wgs arrested on a charge of reckless

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