Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Nov 1936, p. 72

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coôme tax. C ,ieiprUEIt 4 'wServiedPane. 6LTN28-Ite TROPICAL PISN COME IN, ANDSE THE NEW 14BON .Tetra., Just imported. Aise complete collection -of other varieties. A-quariums $1 Up. MACDONALD'8 FETLAND Tropical Fiah H1eadiquarters 1504 Sherman, Ave.. Greenleat 8832 SB-LTN428-ltp jack Frost haw decorated and cleaned up dihe country saidei.UWat have you done? Look around you--do you, it? Why on this, our Home type o e Seice Pdagyte. ofHereyo you ay need to make your home more cheery and livable' through the long winter montlho. FAItM PODUCE Melvin Skolnik WiI. 3413 42LTN28-ltp Painting and Decorating INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR EXPERT WORKMANSHIP Best Materal-Lowest Prices Estimnates and samples furnished. G; H. MADISON &-.CO. Wlilmetti 6126, Rogers Park 6100 42LTN25-4tp PAINTING AND DECORATING. 1ST clans work*.Rleasonable prices. Fres estimates. Wite A-183,Box6,Wmette, Ili., or éali Austin 0461. -ÎlAN0 TUNI tNe CANARIES! CANADIES! CANAIU]ES! Hundreds to choome from. ChoppeVo, Rollera. Warblers. Al guar. beau tintera. $3.95i up. Free bird clinic. Mac-ý SEASONED 1 YEAR. BIRCH, $11 PER douàl4'$, 1604 Sherman. Gre. 8832. $8 per-,ton, dellvored. hardwood, ton, We aise bulld drivewaY.s. Truclng 'and moving. E. Hagilund, 849 Elm, Winmetka 2108. 16LTN27-4tp FI REPLACE WOOD, tilt A» 0il Locust Farm Stores, PIANO TUNING AND) REPAIRING Ail work guaranteed Thomas Lockei-bie , Wlimette 822 TUNER, WILMETTE, PUB. SCHOOLS EXPERT PIANO TUNING, $3. REPAIR work guaranteed. 2.9 years' Factor>. experience. ILM. CThmaO&oaaiA Ave., Park Ridge 1477i 45LTN27-ltp aEwiNo MACHINE RÉPAIRINR ~Bcycese and Veloeipedes Compete stock of fanious LASALLE, LIBERTY and COLUMiBIA BICYCLES. Liberal trade-in allowslice. Reconditioned and second-hand bikes $10 up. Expert repalring. Free pick-up and delivery. Open evenings.- Glencoe Bicycle Shop 708 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 67 14B-LTN27-tfc SPECIAL .Al aummer 1936 rentai bicycles for sale very reasonably. WILMETTE B~IC YCLE & SPORT SHOP Wilmette 1404 *607 Main St. Free pick-up & deliveryVERSINO BROTHERS 14B-LIN28-ltjp SWULOINci AND REPAIR CARL BENGSTON CARPENTER AND BUILDEIa Repairing and Remodeling Cal WINNETKA 2480 atter 6 p. m. 15&-LTN.27-4tp FOR ALL IINDS OP SI rONE BRICK, CEItENT WORK & TUCI Wil Hi.,HARTWELL MASON CONTF.ZACTOR BUNDAY AND HOLIDAY HOURS 1226 Wilmette Ave. Phono Wii. 5458 a. m. to 10 p. m. EL BC TR I C WEINq,, BOII*U. 1*fige 9 Ave~. ilmenut wolding, automob>fIeniachine shiop and' 9 to 12.30 a,.im., 4 te 7 p. ni. parts jobbers. 900 Linden Ave. lubbard Woods 0 tb 12 a. m. 676 Vernon Ave.Geno PHONE KENILWORTH 280-820 9 te 12 a. mi. 16LTN5-2$tgb 24LTN28-lt HARDWOOD Seasoned for fireplaces, $9 por, ton delivered. Black soil. Rotted cow nianure. Live, killed, and dressed at our farm ln GUST ANDERSON 435 Ridge Uoad Wiimette 452 Lyons, 111.to Your order 16LTN26-4tp IT'S t3EST TO ORDER EARLY CHINA RBCPAiRINê ANTIQUES,' MMWLU, GLASSWARE repairing, Jamp. mounting-new j&loçes 11531/2 Wilniette Ave. Ph. Wtt. 6300 furnislied to matc~h Yoir dinner.st 24LýTN28Itp Jean Boéttor. Steven i3idg., 16 N. Wabashi Ave. Central 1583. 16A-LTN26-4tp NEW LAID EGGS dellvered weekly 24-HOUR EGGS, slightiy higher. MOTION PICTIUE EUIPMENT Write Paul Beem, Mion, 111. BEFORE BUYING OR SELLING YOUR or phone Wlinette 3407 personal moving picture equipment 24LTËN28-ltp consult a motion picture specialist and consultant. Sec that. you get. the best FLOWERS______ and the mnt for your meney by conèuiting H. A. Spanuth, 229-6ffi St., Wi- DISPoSING ALL NURSERY STOCk. 16B-LTN28-4tp. mette. Evergreens. Trees ail variettes. Shrubs 20e to 35c. Delivered. For your co)nvenience, ph. Wtt. 943-J. 25LTrN28-Itîp CLOCK REPAIRING PAVLIK BROS. Thanksgiving Turkeys GUAR. SALES AND SERVICE Sew. machs., ail makes. Radios, vacuumi cleaners, ail Iinehld. appliances. Free est. BLISS ELECTRIC SERVICE 604 Dompster St. University 6680 53 LTN25-4tp EXPERT SERVICE, REPAIRING, ADjusting ail makes, foot or electric, guaranteed work. $1 up. Milien Hardware. Phone Wilmette 3060. 53LTNL,27-4tip WASftINq NMACHUINIE 'UUPAIRit4*. NORLTH SHRtE *EA.Y" SHQP. Mut'hor*aed Easy and Eureka Salen. Service ail mlien washing machines and vacuums. 909 Linden Ave. Winnetka 909 53A-LTN27-4tp TREUUROERY The Little Farm Sto-re EXPERT TREE SERVICE - PRTTNIng, spraying, foeding, and bracing. Undesirable trees removed. Skiiied serv-, ice only. Thornhill Bros. Uni. 7819. 55A-LTN26-Stp DRAPERIES AND SLIP COVEUS CLOCI<S EXPERT, CHIME HALL antique clock repairing. Learnod trade [n Europe. (Formetly witli Tiffany and Fields.) Will eaU. Free estfrnnte. David Johanssoii, phone Graceland 3846., 20LTNIS-1,2tp OUR FACIIITIES§- COJ44 E'T 833 Elin Street, 'SOEURS inta11 DESINERS AND, MAICER . - IRESSMAKING DRESSESMADENNDREMODeLNO, Your home or mine. Furismachine1. 22LTN28-ltp * 15D-L28-ltp r~ aUltINcEsEERVICE OA. 6.5.pe tndeivre. Cord. -Giencoe 858. ~easneur iepiae 13.50 a ING, .16LTN2S-4tp 1 I0. iogs PLAIN SUW-ING AND DRESSMAK- MA~TW'~ has an ope r REASONABLE. .WINNEtiKA or convalenc<, 22L28-lItpý care. Wlimet Mues. 2 stables. AND REST HOME Glenview Rd. bot. Hanms & Waukegan. igfor an-elderly person 11, County Line Rd. nr.'Skokle Blvd.. who wlnhes.'flrst clans Glenvlew 190 Deerlield' 40 5099. 41LTN26-4tp 0-T24t

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