Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Nov 1936, p. 75

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Cannot duplicate at today's higher prîces. B. Smit.h. SParkling new. white 1Colonial. 6 rooma. Air conditioned. 5%3~% loan. Kenilworth 5288 111LTN28-ltc -3nore--.-owns BRIEIt STREET 6room brick bungalow ln 'gcod REDCED $16eO00 district. Cash plus $4.0month.-1603 CHICAGO AVENUE.- EVANSTON REDCED ýFOR Q U IC K., SALE. Mr. McLau hlin. Ore. 2700 Rtog. , ki 6636 wWl 608 Çholce 'east aide locationi. Brick colCMNOR, ROAD 11ÏLT1428-ltc onial with tile roof. 4 bedrooma, 2%, 6 bedrooms, 3 batha, panelled batha, 011 i eat, 2-car garage., library, solarium., Good' east side location. Offer under $20,00. Mr. REAL VALUE IN COLONIAL HOME Pietsch. on quiet atreet. Beautiful gardens, 3 920 PINE STREET, WINNETKA. THIS EARLSTON ROAD pleasant sunaiy ho.use han two heated bedroome, 2 batha, hot water heat, new Attractive Eniglish brick: 7 roome, 2 batha. Reatricted district cf new sun porches (one uaed as a bedroom), o11 burner. $15i500. one> very large bedroom wlth private homes. Owner moving awayanxlous to Bell notvý.,Missg Cronk.. bath and two emnailer bedroorns and. 663 Vernon Ave. Gleracoe, 305 bath. Attached garage. Arched openintgs,! Lots of possib Ilities!1 O1 heat with ýîB & G" 'vaves-and only $12,500. Ask for appointment to inspect. ARH STREET THIS 15 A PEACHI. BEAUT. LIV.,RM. Recornditioned Ç» rocm àhingle Coland- sun rm. 4 bedrms. on 2ndfi., onial. Large lot; fine new district. 2more on 3rd. 2 baths with a room Small, do#ný payment-baiance like 746 Eim Street ' Winnetka for Zrd. Large 75 f t. lot near laite. Do rent. Miss Gray. Winnietka 3603 not fail to see It. Muatbe soid at once, GARLAND, AVE. Price reduoed and» owner wants offer. Engiish %, timber,' 8 room,_ 3, bath home. Lovely large lot. Price meExclusive Agents cently reýduiced.,.Mrs. Fleming. IN KENILWORTH, MODERN BRICK HA'MPTONDALE 407 LinnAvçêy.. . ruio. cewith % a Countr'y lwme on woodced knoll. -of Wiimtte 437 f wtfullIY over % acre. Less than 8 minutes wooded and landscaped grounds. 15 111LTN28-ltc walk to Ilubbard Woods station. 9 rooms and 7 batha. 8-car garage with roomrs, 3 bath. Bargain;,B. Smuith. chauffeurs quartera. The, many special features ln t4is attractive home muet OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, LINDEN AVE. Truc red brick Colonial ina perfect be seen to appreciate the true value. new brick. 4 bedrooma, 1% baths, condition: 6 bedrooms, 3 baths. 75- Owner moving South and wlll sacrifice shower, large wardrobe closets. Condiat crie-haIt the original coat. foot lot. Easy terms. Mr. Ford. tioned air heat. Gas burner, basement OAK STREET playroom, rear screened porcb, attached Attractive 7 room home. Nice lot. 1 car heated garage. Lot 50x130. Price Good location. A real bargain at Uni. 0283 Evanston $7,500. Mr. Clover. Wil. 2486 $13,500. 111LTN28-1te' Il SPRUCE STREET Shingle Dutchi Colonial 6 rooms. 441 Ridge Rd. Wilmette 4241 Ail canvassed walls. Down payment NR. HUBBARD WOODS SCHOOL IN plus $61.17 per mo, Mr. Pietsch. elegant blück. Modern, brick house, 9 rooms, 3 baths, oi1 heat and a lot 100x 140 with perfectly beautifultrees. Ownet bas over435,040 in the bouse but wants offer.' KENILWORTPH ixeaity Corporation 421 Richmond Rd. SEARS REAL ESTATE In ovur v.late4s pno u Our Newest Offering:é SHOREýicz-TowNS REALTY CORPORATION 1603 lna Wifi-ietka today.ý Mr. Harper ANN MORELAND. 612 -LAKE AVE. CHICAGO AVE., EVANSTON Gre. ,2700 , Rog. Pk., 6636 W,11. 608 In eveninga caîl Uni.:667 111LTN428-lte WINNETIKA BETTER BUY NOW! WILMEFTTE..:BARGAINSý $10,500-00 OR'OFFEgR. SOLID BRICK 6 rms., ha. H. ýW. bt. g yrs., old. An estate sale. $13,600.00 BRKC. COL. PRAC. NEW, 3 bdrmu., 2 tile ba. ex. lav. où1 ht. 16 yr. mtge at $73.00 a mo. AIso under, market. $1,00.0.USINES WTI'U&IER g. manda sale of excellent modernized east side home, 5 bedams., 3 ba.. (2 tiled) Canvas walls, nigny extras. Do not miss tixis bargain. Mrs. Fuller & Wm. Pickard NEAR LAKE Fuller & Pickard 2035 GREENWOOD AVE. THEB1ILLS REALTY, Inc. 529 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON Greenleaf ll66-Wlmette 3740 111LTN28-ltc SMART & GOLEE, Ine. C. R. NORMAN & CO., A L<TTIE HOUSE For a Lýitt1.e Fam ily ~er n( EASTWOOD ROAD English. brick-slate roof. On large corner lot. 8 rooms, 3 baths. Per-' fect condtion. WiII consider trade for. Evanston, Kenilworth. B. Smith. FAIRVIEW AVE. Weil built 8 room, 3 bath home lna lovely location. Out-of-town owncr arixieus. Small cash payment. Nr. Newhall. MARY STREET Red, brick on hiollow tile. 7 rms., 2 haths. B&axutiful deep lot. Owner anxious to seli or trade for smaller. Mrs, Fuller & Wm. Pickard 1 746 Elm Street, Winnetka Winnetka 3603 111LTN28-ltc ExciMsfvely Offereu1 by PrMZeU s0 low upon Inspection. uiat you w1ll Duy 1322 Chicago Avenue HEIL & HEII< $9--,750 one-thlri mortkag~e1 CHARMING COLONIAL, 7 LARGE rms., .4 sleeping rms., two tile baths, htd. sun & slpg. porches, brkfst. rms., 6 ROOM BRICK HOME IN WEST WILmette. Ail large rooms. Perfect condilav. on lat fBoom. H. W. ohl, 2-car gar. Price $13,500. Furthcr Inform. at our tion. Beautiful lot 50x200. Terms. office. EXCLUSIVE OFFERING Davis 1819 111LTN28-ltc QUINLAN & TYSON,Ilnc. i.d1 Sherman Avenue Rog. 2 616 Univ. 2600 Evanston Wil. 2602 111LTN28-lte &GOLEE. Il Bâter Buy Now,! Opportunity Knocks CUSACK RFALTY CO. 795 Elm Street * a725 i -î 08. Winnetka 71 SPLENDID OPPORTUJNITY TO RE- ln model 6 rmn. trame. Nice lot, 75' frontb age, deep. 2 c. gar. Near trains, rIgi achools, and stories.. $6,950. Winnetka R 11 LTN2-ltc 89. gar., good lot. Priced hoes.4 bdrms., 1] -car R 15 yro. . Monthly1 W i )ayments I**,t Winnetka 3500 140 Center ,Street. l11LTN28-ltc ker (omipany~ like rent. pointment today. HILL & STONE Wtêa Winnetka 8250 404 Linden Ave. 1644

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