lo tipi Aff*r grullng holiday preparafionS, your pmrhe s lo sufroshon, Facis..... .... IÎVELYN Sý. Seauty Salo."n Me.tlaay scores GROW -~ movie comedienne, who will certainly give many laughs. Bert, the chauffeur, wÎi spring a third act surprise 'on tbe. audience. That part. is ably played' byx Robert Gock el. Miss, Blanche Schoonover portrays the sucéessful movie star, Doreen Downing. * Tom Garrity,. played by, Robert Carlen, is the press- agent for Alan Tremayne who hasmovie aàspirations. GereCramer is'the.would-be,'mo-vie, celebrity. Miss Lillian Denzin,ý cas t as- Princess. Dolores, will Win: your affection at, the outset of her appear-ý ances on the stage. Trheý Hollywood reporter is Louise MeLean. Herman Meyer cleverly plays the partà of the messenger. He'll make you Iaugh loud and long. The mistress of the bouse is Margaret Gockel. This cast, undTer the direction of Rex Ashdown, is preparing to give one of the best shows ever put on by this organizatoin,_ and those of-. you who have seen past performances realize that in the past the productions have been successful. Tickets can be had at the door, or from several niembers of St. John's church.. staff Photo RePresenttatives 01 a ,wnber of. high school student councils net to discuiss-comnmon problems'at New Trier, last Sàtùrday., Among them were those in. the group show» above,. In the front row, left to right, are Miss Peg, Stein, who represented New Trier in -a panel discussion; Miss Ruth Single ton of Clinton,- president of the Illinois State association of hiqh school studentcouncils;-Miss Ann» Burnham,-secretary of the New. Trier student council; Mfiss A deline Smith of, Bloom Townýship High school of Chicago Fleights, president ofthe national association of student council sponsors; àMiss Alice Halison, member of the NewlTrier committee on arrangem'ents, and John Praniket, aiso of New Trier, who likewise took part. in arranging the affair. In the second ,ow, are Tom Callahani of the J. Sterlin9g Morton High L school of Cicero; Mult SIuzI»ro, chaiman of oiie of the panel discussion1 groups; Jack Byrum, presideent of the New Trier student council; and Gordon Seabroolee, of Proviso .Towntship High school, Mayruood. VISITING RELATIVES CENTRA L-LAURELI P. T. A. Mr. and Mrs. Clem 'Boiing of 419 Prairie avenue and tlieir three sons, Gordlon, Lawrence, and Robert, are spending Thanksgiving wîth Mrs. Boling's mother, Mrs. F. Christman, I Seo Toua DO<TOR FIrs#! 100 $1.50 IPlain ................. 100 Halibut IÀver 011 Capsules wlth Viosterol ...... $3.25, Halibut Liver 011 Capsules, Isabella street. On Saturday, Mr., and Mrs. Schaub will motor back to Uanover with their son, and continue south to Mount .Airy', N. C., to visit Mr. Schaub's father, James B. Schaub. They plan to be gone about a otih.Libertyville 50 Halibut Liver 011 Capsules .wlth Viosterol ...... .. W A~~flAflin versity of Ilinmois and took post grauate work at Northwestern university. For the past five years she has been teaching home economics and managing the cafeteria at the Rockford High school and also at the High school. A few alterations are being made aecompleted~ M.adMr.Br . emno 2r.LindnavenuerJ einmaNwof ir21ghiandsn veearstoseinNtns TaklhadMs',tspn r a ndwi her sivng and d se llDaygter,M and Mudit W an and Juitho W Winchell Dayton,h November 9. ________________ the lunch rooni and when these_______________ the accommodations .. $1.75 Sh.10 s Rebulit ebHt TheWiy TeySholdBe Th '.?8).u4BOBdult W1 A IS A 7 will amply serve the number. of. chulunch usirig the of dren of Cen-'11 board facilities. the room The nwmbers DIRECTOR Ile Bible and Woiks of Mary Bakter1 Scictioe. Lltcrture 108 b. read, borrow vas PuiLic N oR1ILt;1 [other authorized Christian ised at the Reading Room. AITEV Tac cauicu a mvcu A» 1 *and Mrs. Lincoln C. Torrey of Elmwood aývenue and five of children are ini Cleveland to 1 the Thanksgiving holiday with Torrey's brother, J. A. Gates., u'nier ueacn wmil bou rruusopen5 fo the public on a fee basis every Monday and Wednetday ge»eng. i