Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Nov 1936, p. 11

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Wilmette,. and the advisory_ committee which cooperated the past t*o years and inéluded Mrs Nicholas. Brady,, chairman of thenationial Girl Scout 'board, NeW-Yrk-ity;Mrs. A. W. Page, member of the, national board New York iY; Dr. Elizabeth Kemper Adams, former professor of education at Smnith college; LeRoy C. Bowman,, director of leadership training of'the United Parents' aSsociation, New-.York Cityr; Mrs.. Benjamnin Btttenwieséri lawYer, New York; Dr. -Mary Hl. Si Hayes; di rector, vocational service. for juniors, New York; 'Eduard C., Lindeman, professor of, social philosophy, New York scbool of social work; the Rev. Edward Roberts *Moore., director of social actoCtolic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York. The National board of directors of the Girl Scouts bas now authorized the national, staff to experinient with thé recommiendations w'itb a view to and the scnoole frorn an era ln testing their value for the organiza- of culture wa-s ai tion. and are énterini B. Conernlàg thie communnty (1) That thie commninty precedes the girl in pont of lime, and niolds ber to a greatýextent ln accordance with a generally established pattera for thie particular soclety. (2) That the:rnoldlng process occurs !ngroupsý assoclated wlth Institutions like the famiily, school, and churéh, through -whlch the demands of- the eComffunlty on the girl are expressed. (3) That these groups and institutions, have lost some, of thelr former efflclency in providing for the developmient of, the girl, and new Institutions havre.,1core Intobei'ng to supplement'their activtles. (4) That 1-1irl Scouting is one of these nwInstitutioivs erployfng the group approach, lntimately allied with -the farnily, school, and church, through which thie comfmunity achieves its purpose with referene' to the girl. C. The Role of Girl: Seoutlng (1) That Girl Scouting, along' with) other. agencies bas as objectives thie devýelopjment of the gSirl along physical. emotional, mental, moral. and social E RIF We .carry 'a fuli Une of, the lati. est. Wi perfurnes, as created by LentheriÇ, Caron, Guerain, and. Le Log. Tey are ideal, for the ýgift for HER. Fasiai Tissus r I Sfltoboz.......27e rer A% Lime Rick.aeyt Cubarkitedwatët B12. Boo 2 btule.91 The purpose of thie survey was to the transmission of culture is by demomeans. determine whether the full value of crlatic p nsciptusI' (3) That Girl the program with its pos sibilities for ýin ac-cord w.lth t scountinp-ig educating girls in good. health,. good citizenship, and general goed living, .was being used iatrýoon work. ïa iiew etain IIwhici Adex Tablets, 100 ... 79c AIBD Capsules, 100, $3.79 Squibb's Vitavose ... P' Fort Orn ge 43c Squibb's Navitol 15.hi . 1-. TOILET tail into threecctagories, th e Brownies, aged se ven to ten; the Girl Scout, aged ten to fourteen, and the older Girl Scout of fourteen to eighitecn. The experts discovered that the end groups were being neglected and recommended more flexibility i il adapting the activities to the varying needs of Urne different groups, thnie w e.,.sentjajjy «emocratic, secondly hecauseIt as esstraditionÏ to combat thoan the qchooi, and thirdiy beeause it .shnuid be possible for it to have a more it-nierison.,l and objecti-e aittitude to the <-hild than the family. rolis CHANGE 0F OFFICE MisMarcell this past week-end fias moved bier office to 914 Central avenue, with the. sanie telepbone iiumber as before, Wilm.ette 3100, antnounces the local council who is TELEPHIONE TOUR ORDEU Butter - * FRESH DAILYNUTS toaste IUIA b lqiliqu LIU Ill. "Uýsophomore at Grinneli col lege, have frBoys Ilitc, at Woodstock, ' forth Thanksgiving holiday. The E. J., joined their tuother and brother for Clampitt's are having Tbanksgiving a few-.days ini Elmwood. Last weekdinner with Mrs. M. A. Clamnpitt of end Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hastings 823 Greenleaf avenue wbo is having of Muncie Were house guests of Mrs. a family party. Carroll. Lyman.R.nnëckar Imette end Ceutuol PHARMACY P&.m. Wliime

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