Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Nov 1936, p. 18

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aieru'nes CHRUSTMAS from youi GIFTS OLD 'GOLýD W. 1wiI Pay CASH for Your Discarded Watches, Oiaf-of-SyIe .tem ln JeoweIry adSliro Exchàg. for New Merchandis.. . D. PEACOCK JEWELERS SINCE 1837 STATE anid MQNROE Mwith a motor attachment and he wasable, to quite skillfuly. maneuver about and arise and land aàt will.: It will. be interestitig to-note that this, be, climeëd great inventorf can thrnimh relation ship to a Wilmette resideM2. Although many3 experimetits were made with the heavier than air -de-, vices, nothinig proved successful untiI the Wr.ight,,bràthers, with their eworld-renowned achievement in this direction at Kitty Hawk..This marked the first real step forward and the strides since have been rapid. Many people could not giveflying a thought,,because t he c ost of a plane was prohibitive, -but it, is not neces sary to own a plane to fly one. You' cati learn to fly in your instructor's -plane ad after you have pasýed the. examinations, and received a pilot's licen se, the plane can be rented by the half-hottr, hôur or longer for a modest sunj. Learm Theory The important part. of the student airman's training takes place on the ground where the theory of flying is learned and the strident gains an understanding of the construction of his If you possess a natural aptitude for fling you will, with proper in-.truction and practice,- deveiop a' judginent of speed thàt> will. enable know' without moving the, vou to stick or rudder yhen you are in full conitrol. Loss-of speed beyond a. certain point will give you, a sense of ýinsécurity that will promptyou to acYýou' must not only be able to feel slips, skids,' staîls and posÉess sUfficent judgment of altitude, -soeed' and distance but your cerebration must he such that you react speedily and correctly to what you1 see and feel. in addition, you ,must be able to relax at ýaIl times and,,must not be nervous. nor apprehensive. Tt must bei remembered that after sufficient dual practice, you must work things «utt for yourself:and not become too dependent upon your instructor, although not afraid to ask questions. Use your own imagination and initiative and experiment for yourself at times, considering the ins tructor flot as a judge, but as a mnere safety precaution and handy source of information. Thi- Nvill be followed byv a series of articles written for the purpose of those interested in flving, but who LJi. inau. Dental association, wîil speak to a group of public health nu rses, physical edù'cation teachers and social welfare workers on "~Dental Health Education of School ChildrenY" During, the two-day meeting about thirty commercial exhibitors»will conduâct cliics and displayr their products,, illcludingz various new methods of making. the ierformance of denltistry less painful. The lecturers for. the clinic are: Dr.. A. P.* Craig, Dr. Paul 'Edmnand,* Dr. Rudolph Kronfeld, Dr. joseph E. Schaefer, and1 Dr. R. 0'. Schlosser.. Thje table clinicians are: Dr. Kennethý Bigneli,, Dr. Kester Bryant. Dr. Mefford, Coucli, Dr. Alfred Drew,, Dr.- James Clark, Dr. Robert Curtis, Dr. Eugene Bodmer, Dr.' Arne- F. Romnes, D,1r. ,Heniry Droba, Dr. A. Goldstein, Dr. J. H-. Hospers, _Dr. J.' F. Plants , Dr. ,W.,R., Redlich, Dr. JS. Svoboda, Miss A. A. janson. Mis-, -Katlierine Hatsings, Miss Betty Reid, Miss Evelyù Gates. Miss Marguerite Petrie, Miss Jane Rosecrans and the Evanston junior league. There will be a banquet Wedncsday evening in honor of emninent members of the dental profession after which,.the principal speaker will be Dr. E: C. Rosenow of the Mavo Founc-ation who will talk on "The Importance of Focal. Infection ini Re- xou wi îLearn tu fly by flying with an instructor coachicg you first f rotn another cockpit in. the airplane, using a speaking tube and afterwards sending you aloft for solo flights and criticizing your maneuvers when you have landed. Flying cannot be taughit by a, correspondence course ,in ten easy lessons. but the following, may gjve leit the grounu. 7,000 planes. T his in itselt proves, its popularity and that America is airminded. r îorîda unbeam W 111 Begin Runs December 10 Predicting an even greater Florida, season this winter than the recordGROUND SCHOOL breaking rush last year, executives The aviation ground school con- of the passenger traffic departments ducted. by Frank Hlavacuk, 2331 of the New York Central system, Hartzel"street. Evanston. will not be. Southern Railway system and Seawhich ate the ýioils ON SALIE WRESZ VI THE PYROIL is felt in the stick, be felt by a very not at all when the it touch and deiphia. is tense and remnain until, Sunday.. She arrived iesday. ta icago rtoiM rn is Conil The, air-

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