Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Nov 1936, p. 46

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On W.il Locted Improved Real Etta. Ne Commission' FRANKLIN 2561 * Lia. Corrspondonf-Thb Minneuota Mutuol LUf. Interance Co. &Pain. O'.Brien 11 ',W. Washington St., Chîiçago LANDSCAPI NG FRAN KEN B105., UNC. Winnetka. 144 Deerfield 241 ings and boan associations are engaged Baird & Warner report the followin a. complex business requirinIg as much eof nvi i north' shore transactions in respecialized training as banking or any ing other type of business activity. Educa- cent weeks: Mediumý tion and training, it asserts, are essential,. WILXETTE for In a recent bulletin sent out by the and points out that thisý is. the time. Mr&. Aice T.: Decker solfi Lots 3 and United States Building and Loan league, personnel of boan associations to, broaden 4f I Block.8, First Addition to Kenil.and methods prese.nt, of knowledge the membership of which is made up of their worth In Wilmette" to Harold Ludwlg. Baird and Warnie, represented bY Byron building a.nd' banassociations through-, modern trends in home financing. Smith of the Wininetka offIce, w*ere 'the, out the country, some interesting figIn connection wtih the . above, it is B. onlyr brokers. ures are, given as to the influence of intéresting to note the record at. the o f' W. W. Hawkersolfi the East these bôan agencies on-the real estate, First Federal1 Savings andLôanAsocia- Lot 51lu Kenlworth Gardens 'to J. P. mortgge business, especially 'as applied, tion of Wilmette for the same annual and J. W. O'Connor conipany.. Baird to homes. period,. October, 1935, to Septemiber,« andi Warner, represented by Byron- B. Smith of the Winnetka office were the Attention is directed to the fact that 1936, both inclusive. This north shore brokers co-operating with James Brooks, during the, period October, 1935, ta institution, affiliated.,witb. the Federal Legal details were ade bduf 100 N. LaSalle- street,'acting on September, 1936,' both inclusive, savings Home Loan, Bank, of Chicago, madei Burke, of the>purchasers. behaif reached1 of whicb total. volume the loan.s and, lan associations granted mortgage Piazza solfi the 6CaroneL. Mrs. is amount This $152,400. of sum -the of $1,148,596,000, boans to the amount lghland avenue to, at 1620 room house and For the nine months of 1936 ending with iexclusive. of loans made, previous J. S. James. -Baird and Warner, repre-, September, the estimated lending volume ýsubsequet t:o the, period. Tbe record is sented by A. K Smith of theý Evajiston were the brokere. Legal details totals $971,773,000, indicating that. 1936 >an enviable onîe when the fact is con- office. by Thomas J. Linane, 135 handled were association the will easily pass the billion dollar mark. sidered that the affairs of LaSalle street, ating on behaif of S. Fo~r -six consecuîtiv~e mwtbts 1ans Ihave. are conducçd in the most conservative Potter andi Bentley, 2Ô9 South been in excess of $100,000,000 per month. manner, only the highe'st class of risks Cassels, LaSalle street, acting on behaif of the The purposes for wbich loans were being assumed. seller. made show that the associations are * Jacob G. Severson solfi the West M Pay 4 Per Cent on Shares covering practically every angle of the of Lot 75 Kenflworth Gardens to J., P. The association, formed in April, 1934, and J. W. O'Connor company. Baird horne-financing field, including new conconsistently paid 4 per cent on its and Warner, representefi by Byron B. bas struction, purchase, refinancing and which is very attractive to in- Smith of the Winnetka office, were the shares, its to .down Broken modernization. individual phases, the loan record is as vestors and home builders considering LBrown sold part of Lot 3 the security of' its character. It is eids to Mns. Bertha Taýylor JohnB. 'r andi Warner, represented Imanaoeed bv local people., Harry For Auguist, 1930 .Smith of the Winnetka cf$ ruction .-ting wth bavld Malin, were 'hase . . . . D. Fine Recent Sales 41/% INTEREST R.esetial properties, restrict.d are». . Evanston and Nvi epairs and modernization eflnancing......... ..... omne purcnase ............ ,14à,000 U' . ný.Ulîînon jr., is xctisetaULVVy , PJ3 rI.an.U MjonnenscIneWVjnf, 77 W TV. n 26,716,000 and the offices of the association are at igton street -acting on behaif of. the 8,534,000 12 eta vne imte elr Shore. 5eor 10 year terni. S.esf-anuuali nterest paymeots. 11240,010E. ....... )the purose Total .......... ..... .... $115,495,000 1935, te For One Tear, Oetober 1930 Sep tember, Toe e Resden ce heeew ePr1de Thre 0office, .. $28 04,00 onsructon je* 8fe PermitsAr Conrctio.........08,717,000 J. Horejs sold the 6-room residence at 1242 Isabella street to Edward W. threr, Evanst ete, Jr ..Baithan f thWar nerere ithanf B A.Jr. sndby were the only brokers. Thomas King purchased the property ... 326,256,000 ... einancing .* ;epairs. modernization....83,892,000 ther. purposes ...... ....... 141,527,000 $1,148,596,000 at 2034 Chestnut street. Baird and WarThree building, permits, two of ner, represented by Byron B. Smith of which were for new residences, were thoerWneksofcwreteol Willis D. Nance solfi Lots 5, 6, 7, 8 In issUu n i Wnnetka during the ps 140 CUNTER STREET WINNETICA 3250 qualified' to be of va E.* E. Stuits, president of the 'E. sw taken ont by Robert #E. Everly who is building a -one car frame garage E. Stults Realty company, 460 Win - service to. the north shore p at '350 jackson avenue, costing $150. netka avenue, Indian Hill, announced IMr. Stults. declared.

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