and and Tou DuT delivered to your home.. vonW W Umqr w-a--. Phone BEN ERICKSON Wl tt 092 __________________________mercial Based on. the Broadway stage hit byý Lieut. Commander Frank Wead, the. play is crammed with thrills, -lagherand love. It concerns the of three war daredevlepot buddies who have joined the coifiying forces, to carry mail PI and passengers in the face of.,death. Not that they considered their work particùlarly hazardous,, but these -piloits, frequently firted with life and death against the orders, of their superiors. For -the first time iii air.,pictures, the kee7-wee, or also gets an inning ýin the romance. of the aviation field, and the extreme precautions to guard the. safety of. the. planes bywatching the weather maps and warning the flyers constanitly by BETTER FILMSI GUIDE Key: A-Adits; Y-Yoisth, 13 to 18 of age; C-Children, 8 to 12 Patronixe O a.r A dv.ertisers years years of age; F-Entire Famnily. Withthe introduction of the young and beautif ul screen star from France, Simone Simon, as one of its attractions, "Girls' Dorniitory" will be the feature -film at the Wilmette entertainmellt in its story. Ui air conquest. The picture is highly rec- theater this Thursday and Friday. ommended byr the. Chicago. Better The love of a young school girl for Clipper"e folFilms counicil. "hn her principal and the reaction of the lows l"Little .Migss.Nobody," aàstory. narrow minded, members of the facstarring little jane Withiers, which ulyresuilts in an unusual sociological wi1ll be at the Valencia theater this s tudy. There aremany photographic, Thursday: and Friday. scenes of great interest, too,, and "The Great Ziegfeld'," a spectacular, amongý them are: the garden, the three-hour production, will be secen fencing lesson, and the storm. at the Valen cia theater on, Sunday, 1Directed _by 'Irvinig,'Cummings'. Monday, aid Tuesday. members of the cast include, in addiIt portrays the adventurous life oôf tion. to Miss Simion, Hlerbert Marthe late master showman,. Florenz shal, Ruth Chatterton,:and Constance Ziegfeld as he goes, about glorifying-the Collier. American girl after 'his exploitationBit of History of the mighty, Sandow at the Columand stimuîating bit of vigor7ous A bian. exposition, of 1893 in Chicago, historY is depicted in. the film wbich to the end of his dramatic career. will havé one of its first showings in, Outataiading Actres theaters this Saturday Extravagant settings and ballets neighborhood theater will offer Wilmette wheii'the and belovedt songs and outstiining "DEaniel lieadliner, R-K-O-Radio the actors specially suited to their parts, Boone." furnish one of the most outstandîng Based on the life of the great films ever produced. it tells of the struggles frontiersman, 1Directed by Robert Z. Leonard, the pioneers and their in-, early the of cast includes William Powell, Luise of "Kain-Tu-Kee." land the of vasion Ranieri Myrna Loy, Fannie Brice, The hardships of the Indian wars, Virginia Bruce, Reginald Owen, and instigated by the villanous John CarFrank Morgan. fait to daunt these courageThe love of a young school girl radine, The titie roll is played people. ous for lier--principal is the theme of and other memO'Brien, George by ,'Girls' Dormitory," tobe seen at the bers of the cast include Ralph Forbes LUTeatro LY I ýOyi [G 3ye stuay. It is also iritere stig i-n théater. it introduces Simone Simon, the the Wilmette Rated as one of the best pictures from actress senlsational and young delLg in recent *months, "Sevený Sinners" Novewbler 26 and 27--Tlie Big Fraice. wiIl be seen at the Wilmette theater Game," for F. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, on the at Chani Novemnber 28-"Charlie NO ROMANCE of nlext week. Race Track," for F. Unltil his latest production, "John Novemnber 29 and 30-"Swilig Time," Meade's Womani," Edward Arnold for F. and Build' ts for Sea' December 1 and 2-"Swing Tinie," spent thirty years on the stage roa having once without screen Gary Cooper Drami for F. mnantic scene containing the line, "I itechnicians today L-ove You,» The saloon is the niost complicated set of al. It rests on a rocker, or platform, of struictural steel, which may be rocked by hydraulic plungers, to give the illusion of a tossing ship at sea. I