Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Nov 1936, p. 52

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19351 $951 6 rm., 13 gunmetal fInish. I4 oada of equipt., Inclùdlng radio, dual horme,etci ...... Chryrsler "light" 1934 Air wheels, low miileage, radio, heater- and safety glass. A beauty at . 195Ford deluxe sedan. 1%~ bath Rpg; brick home. Recreation room, oh heýat............ $90 EVANSTON Beaut. & Lovely Lincolniwood corner, brick home. 7 rms., tueà bath, auto. heat.....$2 6 sedan. e OPPOSITE VILLAGE HALL IN 'THE Riparlan -iight.home. 5 bedrms., 4 baths, very heart of business center, especirm., ýwIth seirvaxnts' quarters, recreation ally suitable for cleaning and dyeing, etc...........$350 or offer ladies' app3arel, chain store, etc. 530 Davis S., Evanhs., Gre. 1080; Wil. 228 Modern.71rm. -house. Studioiliv. Èm., 104LTN2-ltc ohl heat...................... $140. Store and Apartment 1150 Central Ave., Wilmnette McGUIRE & O-RR, Inc. Foie BALE-HOUSt» Evanston, 111. 1571. Sherman Ave. Rog. Pk. 2216 Uni. 2600 W 11 2602 111LTN'29-ltc Inc. A WOODED LOT close to the lake in" East KenilWorth. Over a haif acre of land With 100 foot tronitage. Engllsh. Brick Hm of fourý family 'bedroonis. two tue baths; also servant's, roomi and bath. Sun room, breakfast, room.' Two-cagr garage. A trxily substanitiai homneoffered at -a reai sacrifice - $26,500. Mr.rance 194Chevrolet 1 master deluxe, &OC WILMrETTE, 4-dr. sedan. Bide mnounts. no-draft ventilation, trunk rack, knee action. eaut mardon finish. Excel ties Attractive amall home. 3 bedr ms", ou heat, wood-burnlng fireplace, mugie nook.......................$605, REAL CLJARM This distinctive white brick residence of Mediterranean type with dark shutters has many CharmIng features. The fourý bedrooms are large>-two attractive baths -extra lavatory and toilet, on first floor. 2-car garage, attached. Basement sultable for recreation room. ,Wlde, wooded lot. Price $16,000. Can be bought on "RENT-INVSTM1FNT PLAN." 1à9 sovier $i,600 months, ish-a-m Location602 Dundee 611 Green Bay Wil. 4414: W. G. RUGGLES &CO. GRE. 4410 517 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON 1033 Davis UNI. 6886 77A-LTN29-ltc HOL. 6886 .WTL. 1660 ý4-door master eéluxe sedan.6-he equipiment -Trunk rack.94 Special at. F ULL PUICE $295 Beautiful home, ln e:Kclus1Ve section. 10 rms, 5% baths,' large sleeping porch, oheat...........$5 Chyirmod. C-1,6cy. 1932 4-dors e dla n. 6-wvheel equipt. *Trunk rlack and ~8 nîany ext's. PULL PRICE $'5 Eng. brick home. 5 bedrms., 3 baths.Near lake anid transp. Artistlc lireiO9Ford deluxe 4-cyl. sedan. 1932 Lowmtege, nceel. trs$8 and cond. FULL P1UCE'>-' Brick Colonial 5 bedrms., 3 battis, 2-car garage. A bargain at ..... $105 50 others to choose from-includIng 10 l'specials"' at $35 each. For further Information caîl Miss Thomas, Mrs. Packard, Mr. Kappes or Mr. Klarr. (Authorized new car dealers for 13 years) Chevolet 9 3 WINNETKA ;GLENCOE 1603CHIAGOAVE.. EVANSTýoN Gre. 27Q0 Rog. Pk. 6636 WU.. 608 <111LTN'29-lte, SHORE-TOWNSI REALTY CORP. Will give you the key to this 6 room, modern brick homne, situated in a wooded section of trans., parochial and publie sehîs. The location Is 1606 Colfax St. Price, $11,000. Cail our office for BRUCE EGAN, JNC. appolntment. hIc. Rog. Pk. 2616 1571 Sherman Ave. W. G. RUGGLES & CO.Evanston, 111. 517 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON Uni. 2600 WIl. 2602 111LTN29-ltc ]EAST KENIL1TT WORT14' UNI. 6886 BOL. 6886 WIL. 1660 PRICE WINNETKA Lot5OX17 in finest section of new .homes. OUT OF TOWN OWNEBR 0F THIS Seven rooms, sun room, porch, very bea.utiful home wil.1 seli it at hot water heat, 2--car garage. %original cost. There Is more than a Mr. Lohsand 200 ft. frontage with a charming rock garden. 4 master bedrms. with vlew of lipke, 4 baths plus giaest house and servants' quarters, al ln perfect condition and ready for immediate occupancy. 1603 CHICAGO AVE., EVANSTON Ideally located for lake, trans., grade Gre. 2700 Rog, Pk. 6636 Wil. 608 and high sehools. NEWLY DECORATED. LARGE, LIGHT 1ROOM. CLOSE 'TO TRANSPORTATION. CALL GLENCOE 1509. 82L29-Itp MPORTABLE ROOMS IN PRIVATE hA...A..*êltAb 855 H-lkhland Park l, SHORE-TOWNS REALTY CORP. *fr. ' o 2 nerffen Bai &Wi 421 Richmond Rd. SEARS REAL ESTATE 111LTN29-ltc *Kenilworth 5288 111LTN29-ltc 99LTN29-ltcj 250 lte j11T2-t 460 Winnetka Ave. E. E. Stults Realty Co. Winnetka 1800,

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