Followin4g its usual customn, the Woman's Club of, Wilimette, will conductý the'. annual philanithropy, food .showeér on Wedniegday Decemnber. ý10. Every ine mbe r is ujrged to brinpg canned or pa ckag&i'food, .or cash do,,nations, which will be divided equalIly, between theý Wilmette charities andilihe xservice inen s. comrinittee. This shower is inchairge. of Mrs. G. Mrs. A. V. Grubri in charge of the program. The subject for December is, "Inspiration. Along the . Road," "MWarion worship through music. Jenninig* Slaughter, talented Evanstonl pianist, -and, teacher" bas been entSgaged to give one of bier "always 1R beautiful and interesting programs," the society'announces. Members are. reminded to bring their Christmas giftsý forý Mrs. Sarah Dittman- who. lives in the rooml furnisbed. by tbis jchurch at. the Baptist Old People's borneý. Luncheon, with Link E a hostess, will be served at 1 o'clock. Sisferbood Members Anticipate Annual Event Monday, December 21 Members of the, North Shore Con gregation Israel Sisterhood and their..guýests a re eagerly awaiting December 21, the date' which has been set:for 'the aýnnual Pantr' Day sale. Xorkers wNho have given so generously of_ their tinie during the .pàst eesin lpréparationl for the 1936 sale are confident that reSuits* %iI justify thieir efforts, to ma-e. this, vear's, event outstandingin the Sisterhood annals. *The Pantry sale, inaddit ion to prov- E. Walk, philanthropy for the ýclub. An interestiniz aIl-day- program has been plannied by the music, art. and fiteraturt e4partmêents. A tea ,ji honor of the members new to the club this fal bas been arrangecl by t h e membership chairman, Mrs. Maurice Booth. Pouring at the reý ception will be Mrs. Winslow Goodwin, Mrs. Rudolph Horky, Mrs. Alvahi Perry,. and Mrs. Max W. Zabel. :1,-j Edita Means, whose Prograrnellçagenents at wponsan's clubs have bec» niume'rou, anid ucho is well knôwn to north shore audiences, uill. glive a progran i dranatic readings and sketches at the reyilar mpeetiply of the Northridgc Womai's club Monidai, aflernoon at the home of Mrs. MXattheze LiiIig, 2220 Thorn- Defers Meeéting Opening the morning session at 10:;45, Mrs. Earl E. Grahanm, literaof GIIYe rharman, will present onie ing a most enjoyable social affair, bas always been an appreciable-sourc'e of income for the. Sisterhioodl, from whose~ treasurv money is senrt toi*&ny dilTerent charities., During these past depression 3'ears, an 'Untclo nurrnher beld theý third Tbursday of each of worthy causes bave beén niaterimonth. Members will not meet again ally helped hy Sisterbood funds, careuntil the -first Thur.sday ini January, fully apportioned to the best advanwben a devotional and business meet-" tage. As in former years, bootbs Nvil bc ing will be beld at the churcli. filled with attractive mercliandise, donated by well-wisbiers of the Pantry sale.-~These generous contrihuTo Aid Red Cross tors invariably outdo thernislves in The Woffan's society of the English Lutheran chnrch will omit its ~regtuar iiDecember' socialad work meeting because of the Christmas This meeting is usually holiday. . 14ortfriagoINots will briefly present some, lacts WnIlctI wilI be of interest. The noon hour will be given over to the art department, Mrs. Ralpyh C. Jennings, chairman, who has ar-, ranged for a talk on "Etchings" by Miss Virginia Hope Duncan of, the O'Brien Art galleries. An exhibit of etchings. from the galleries wilt be The regular meeting of the Northridge Womnan's club of Wilmette wilI be held Monday 'afternoon, December 14, -at the borne of Mrs. M. Lillig, 2220 Thornwood avenue. The prograrn consists of dramatic readings and sketches by Miss Edna Means. Miss Means is well known to rnost auxilnary ~ uUVI LVIrs. riesuiai compeutîit subas worked. ber committee pervision Vilmnette. of the Womans Cl4ub3oft The group -wiil meet ever ry other untiringly, collecting donations of inarticles wbicb wiIl make a Monday from 1:30 to 4:30 cA'lock iii teresting display of gift suggesalluring niost afternoon. the Pions Luncho _______bootb tions. Women who are seeking very spécial gifts for the more fastidious friends on their holiday shopping list will be wise to Wait until Pantry Sale day, flecember 21,. for the Novelty will be overflowing witb the un~ usual tbings one so often finds it dif- or rthe Schubert .AuU! , L<4Ues Miss Patsy Boylston, daughter of of Kenosha, the La Salle A and Mrs. Arthur W. Boylston, Mr. and Bend, South of la choir Ai CIiestnut given at the Woman's Club Monday at 1 o'clock. The event is in charge of Mrs. W. H. Hildebrand, social chairman of the ce»tér. avenue,. entertained riglewood Maie Chorus of Chi- 220 Broadway friends for, tea on Suntday. twelve ýcago. ber 8. The members' played bunico and bridge and! later 'the drawing of gifts from tbe Christmas bag furnished, much enjoyment., Christmas party on Tuesday, Decem-- avenue, for their annual