Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Dec 1936, p. 36

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hai, N.c., for the holidays. RETURNING FOR: HOLIDAYS Miss Hope Carroill of. 504 Idifth Street, Îs8 expected- home Christmas eve.from. St. Louis where.she is teachingindrgrten ' the St. Louis sehools to, spend about ten days with her family. Hler sister, Julia,, a sophomnre at »Grinneli college, returned 1oIle ti, l%, night for the holidays. One was for a two-story frame residence, costiniz $16,.000, wbich Ben d. Djuvali is- eýrecting at> 925 Skokie 1006 Ridge d4rive., Howard .Irwin, 'Main ýstreet, .vanston, is the archi-. tect and C. E.. Blomngren, 1618 Or-, rington avenue, EÎývanston, general contractor. A permit for residence. remodeling and alterations .. was taken ont by Mrs.. T. B;. Pope,. of 139 Hlazel avenue. The ýestimated cost of the im-: provemnent.is $4.000. - Nor»20i R. Wiliams, North Shopre Agent. State Farým mitua Auto mis. Co. tel, you bow this contiàuons policy plan cula- insuranee ot about 40%. Legal ,ýRmeé rve litetd A-Plus by CIs Coast.to.Co,,sî service . Audaorized rcPregentatbon and service. Tel. Glencoe 246-Highland. Paek J478-Dec«fiçld 250.ý Have, nie Announce. Plans for 7 New -Résidences Building Comimissionler Williamn A. Wolff of Wilmnette. reports the following building permnitsissued by bis office during the past two w-eeks. Practjcally all of the re.ýideîwes .arc. brick veneer ou framne conistructioni. December 8-C. C. Blackwell, 251.1 Kenilworth avenuie. sitngle familv resiArcllitect, R. V. Niurisait. denice. Builder, ]Elif Petersoil. Pluniber, A. Y. Job tisonl. $10,000. December 8-S. E. t.eemiain 1004 Lake avenue, residenice a1teratioiu, 9-Grass NX .115-4 lie nc lIbnng, Snew REAL. ESTATE LOANS 4% COOMLEY Iseo SHERMAN AVE. v mTO DAVIS 2833 CENTRAI,.1812 CHICAGO 1,1$0. LASALLE ST. Repayment of $12,172,951, representing a third of its total disbursements to savings. building and loan associations ini Illinois aîd Wisconsin week ending December 21.. The iiew. resi dence is being hult by since start 'of busines.s in 1933. is reDavid, Adler, at .855 Ailes road. It is ported by the Federal Home La two stories, of brick veneer construc- Bank of Chicago as of' Deceiiiber 1. tio n . w i t h- çinder-cotcrete ý block backing. There are 1l rooms and ai,& The. funids have been -returned to attach ed, two-car garage. Williamn B. circulation in the formn of new 'adBetts, -1444 Dean avenue,. HigZhlanid varices 'since the batik is designed Park, is tIhe architect and the Hanisenl as a perma nent reserve ageficy rather Werhane conmpany. Làak e Forest. thaîx .as an emnergency government builders. operation' The pemit ,for ýthe, remodeling A.,R Gardner. *piresidenit, sees i work was taken out by J. H. Jame- thisq -record some Indication of the soni, 328 Linden avenue. inîp rovement wh,,Iich lhas taken place amonig local mortszae ending iinstMany of the carlier advanics Permit'for NewHmeIs tutions. b1v tlhe batik ini 1933 and 13.wme Issued in Kenil1wort h have figured in the repavment. were. Raviiond F. Honiflihlai. Chicago, is for thxe purposec of meetin g slîarcthe architect and C. A.. Henphill anld holder demands for withdrawals andAssociates. Evanistn. lxilders of the also for the purpose of refilnancinx, for which. a permk former t>rrowings o.f theclocal.iflst1wvas issued to George A. Stevens. iii tutions fromn other sources.InpoKenilworth, during the week ending ment in business cond(itionshlsla> SSaffiles, December 21. The building, located at mnade these wloes 375 Sterling road. will bc two stories. important (luring the past two vears ovf stone veneer construction, and when the bank's major p)ortion oi tlîc estimated cost is $19.000. local advances have be.se.ythe institutions. (irectlv for niaking new 21sf. street, residenice. 4ArIChitcct, loans to homne owners. R.. Hl. Johnson. $11,000.. Mr. Gardner reports tîtat the perDeceruber l'6-Ray C. Nfes se n(or f, centage of. repavinents f0 total loans 2200 Tlxornwood avenute. single faux- inade silice thc bankVs activif les begait :t. W. I f. lias hovered ainouind one-third ever he 1nd112v fl9ii l m... -resideiice ___ 41/% INTEREST R.uldentWlproperties, vestrict.d' arma. Evanstum and Norwth Shore.. 5 or 10 y.mr terni. Senp-amud i nterst payments. Deceniber 14-E. H-. Marhoefer. 2740 Blackhawk road, single .family residence. Architect, T. E.'Samnuelson. This is a ternporary permit. no aluation given. ecemnber 15-Paul Sweaza. l24(i iliv 'resideiice, 3,2v. Dccemiber 17-E-. Kraft, 2124 Chestiut avenue, residence and 2-car attachied garage. Architect. F. Clark Hlitkley. Plumber, Joseph Matthauser. lectric work. Bond & company. $12,(«. of which have provisions for quarterlv repayvient of tle principalý tag tends also to stabilize therc of repaymnents which heCII swell tle. bank's lending capacity, as weIl as place .it on *a sou d bankiîig basis. îtw ngpercentage. o'i tvu r.()a.> i HOME FOR HOLIDAYSM David Haas, son of .Nf and lrs. ýaterO0. Haas of 621 Park avenue, ilmette, bas arrived home fronx the Joseph Smith, 86e Po Smith, 86 years J ~oseph Away After Long1 Legion Commander Will Broadcast to Veterans National Commander Contmery will broadcast Harry' W. a personal' WIE M AXESF.1 Our telephont nul u.*-J )w n..go Lu .J,coiaii(i, rJ i a', Ilaiîîc. Germiaiy and Belgitnni. 1101- and t..aifiina.. Ihey were'accomnpali- *e7100- No Ph... Charge t. You IRVIN 10 8.uth La J8 &COMPANY JACOBS, Soie owner ChiCago jerrine Frommn, dauglhwr-oi àW. alid MNrs. Edwiin Fromnl. 1330 Mfaple avenue, is at. homne for the Christmxas'!1 Miss Heleni Braido.f the Wililetfcl oiays. Miss Frommx is, a freshmai LIbrr tff wl pn e aa at' Beloit college. Iton at lier home inlWiscons.in. - ied .1w their son, Robert A. Harper. instruc(tor iii înathematiks at Newx Trier High School. w J

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